[[!meta title="Headless Horseman Hat Tournament"]] The Ultimate Frisbee Club at UCR and Inland Empire Strikes Back are hosting the 1st Annual Headless Horseman Halloween Hat Tournament!! We were all disappointed that there were no Halloween tournaments in the area, so we decided to host one ourselves. The tournament will be held on October 27th 2012 at the pick-up fields on the [corner of Blaine and Canyon Crest in Riverside, CA](https://maps.google.com/maps?q=33.982109,+-117.331941&t=h&z=17). The games will start at 9:30 am sharp and continue until we are all too tuckered out to play any more. The cost will be only $5! We will be using this money to provide bagels and bananas in the morning and get us started at the Getaway Cafe afterwards. Costumes are highly encouraged, and Costume D's are allowed! Expect prizes for the most awesome costumes and be ready for required pumpkin points in each game! Full details will be announced before games start. [Register for the tournament!](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dG9MU3k3ek41RVdOUlNVbkVkcXlZTEE6MQ) [[!tag iesb tournaments hat]]