INSTALLATION Prerequisites Function2Gene requires the following modules and programs to work properly: * perl * wget * HTML::TreeBuilder * HTML::ElementTable * XML::Parser The operating system-specific instructions below will help you to install these modules. Unix instructions If you're running a reasonably modern Linux (or other UNIX variant, like MacOS X) you already have perl and wget. If so, you can install the remaining modules by doing the following: cpan install HTML::TreeBuilder cpan install HTML::Element::Extended cpan install XML::Parser If you are running Debian, you can just run the following: aptitude install wget perl libhtml-element-extended-perl libxml-parser-perl Windows If you are using a windows-based machine, first consider switching to (or dual-booting) Debian or Ubuntu or a similar Free Software distribution. If switching isn't for you, you will need to install cygwin (a linux-like environment for windows), which (by default) will install perl and wget. You can then use the cpan commands listed above to install the required modules: cpan install HTML::TreeBuilder cpan install HTML::Element::Extended cpan install XML::Parser Other Operating Systems If you are using another operating system (minux, MacOS 9, UNIVAX, Plan9, OS/2, etc.) you're on your own. USAGE All of the programs are located within a bin directory. For a demonstration, you can simply do the following: cd bin; echo 'transferrin' > keywords.txt function2gene --keywords keywords.txt --results keyword_results;