# # Installs keystone from source. This is not yet fully implemented # # == Parameters # # [*source_dir*] # (optional) The source dire for dev installation # Defaults to '/usr/local/keystone' # # == Dependencies # == Examples # == Authors # # Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com # # == Copyright # # Copyright 2012 Puppetlabs Inc, unless otherwise noted. # class keystone::dev::install( $source_dir = '/usr/local/keystone' ) { # make sure that I have python 2.7 installed Class['openstack::dev'] -> Class['keystone::dev::install'] # there are likely conficts with other packages # introduced by these resources package { [ 'python-dev', 'libxml2-dev', 'libxslt1-dev', 'libsasl2-dev', 'libsqlite3-dev', 'libssl-dev', 'libldap2-dev', 'sqlite3' ]: ensure => latest, } vcsrepo { $source_dir: ensure => present, provider => git, source => 'git://github.com/openstack/keystone.git', } Exec { cwd => $source_dir, path => '/usr/bin', refreshonly => true, subscribe => Vcsrepo[$source_dir], logoutput => true, # I have disabled timeout since this seems to take forever # this may be a bad idea :) timeout => 0, } # TODO - really, I need a way to take this file and # convert it into package resources exec { 'install_dev_deps': command => 'pip install -r tools/pip-requires', } exec { 'install_keystone_source': command => 'python setup.py develop', require => Exec['install_dev_deps'], } }