class apache::mod::php ( $package_name = undef, $package_ensure = 'present', $path = undef, $extensions = ['.php'], $content = undef, $template = 'apache/mod/php5.conf.erb', $source = undef, $root_group = $::apache::params::root_group, ) inherits apache::params { if defined(Class['::apache::mod::prefork']) { Class['::apache::mod::prefork']->File['php5.conf'] } elsif defined(Class['::apache::mod::itk']) { Class['::apache::mod::itk']->File['php5.conf'] } else { fail('apache::mod::php requires apache::mod::prefork or apache::mod::itk; please enable mpm_module => \'prefork\' or mpm_module => \'itk\' on Class[\'apache\']') } validate_array($extensions) if $source and ($content or $template != 'apache/mod/php5.conf.erb') { warning('source and content or template parameters are provided. source parameter will be used') } elsif $content and $template != 'apache/mod/php5.conf.erb' { warning('content and template parameters are provided. content parameter will be used') } $manage_content = $source ? { undef => $content ? { undef => template($template), default => $content, }, default => undef, } ::apache::mod { 'php5': package => $package_name, package_ensure => $package_ensure, path => $path, } include ::apache::mod::mime include ::apache::mod::dir Class['::apache::mod::mime'] -> Class['::apache::mod::dir'] -> Class['::apache::mod::php'] # Template uses $extensions file { 'php5.conf': ensure => file, path => "${::apache::mod_dir}/php5.conf", owner => 'root', group => $root_group, mode => '0644', content => $manage_content, source => $source, require => [ Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"], ], before => File[$::apache::mod_dir], notify => Class['apache::service'], } }