[[!meta title="Finding out Cytobands/Idiograms for assemblies"]] In many organisms it is common to use [idiograms](https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Cytogenetics#Advent_of_banding_techniques) or cytobands which provide information on approximately where something is located on a chromosome in reference to the chromosome's larger structure, or when exact locations are not required. Until recently, I didn't know where [NCBI](http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) kept their idiogram annotations, which made my [[mirror of dbsnp|genetics/dbsnp_mirror/]] (which I use to annotate my whole genome analyses) slightly less useful than it could have been. But, after a bit of searching of NCBI's ftp site, I was able to locate the file in the new [movie directory](ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/MapView/Homo_sapiens/objects/current/initial_release): `ideogram_9606_GCF_000001305.13_850_V1`. Then, a quick bit of work with SQL, I have the following schema: CREATE TABLE idiogram ( chr TEXT NOT NULL, pq TEXT NOT NULL, idiogram TEXT NOT NULL, -- I think these are related to recombination rates, but I'm not sure rstart INT NOT NULL, rstop INT NOT NULL, start INT NOT NULL, stop INT NOT NULL, -- I believe this indicates whether the band is black or white posneg TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON idiogram(chr,pq,ideogram); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON idiogram(chr,start); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON idiogram(chr,stop); and an additional bit of SQL in my SNP annotation perl script: SELECT CONCAT(chr,pq,idiogram) AS idiogram FROM idiogram WHERE idiogram.chr = ? AND idiogram.start <= ? AND idiogram.stop < ? LIMIT 1; and some code: sub find_idiogram { my %param = @_; my %info; my $rv = $param{sth}->execute($param{chr},$param{pos},$param{pos}) // die "Unable to execute statement properly: ".$param{dbh}->errstr; my ($idiogram) = map {ref $_ ?@{$_}:()} map {ref $_ ?@{$_}:()} $param{sth}->fetchall_arrayref([0]); if ($param{sth}->err) { print STDERR $param{sth}->errstr; $param{sth}->finish; return 'NA'; } $param{sth}->finish; return $idiogram // 'NA'; } and viola: | id | chr | pos | ideogram | ref | alt | orig_id | gene | [...] | |------------|-----|----------|----------|-----|-----|------------|--------|-------| | rs10000010 | 4 | 21618674 | 4p16.3 | T | C | rs10000010 | KCNIP4 | [...] | idiograms for every SNP. [[!tag genetics snp biology tech]]