Reported by: <: raw(package_links(submitter=>$status.originator )) :>

Date: <: $status.date_text :>

: if defined($status.owner) && $status.owner.length() {

Owned by: <: raw(package_links("owner",$status.owner)) :>

: }

Severity: <: if $status.severity { :><: } :><: $status.severity :> <: if $status.severity { :><: } :>

<: if $status.tags_array { :>Tags: <: $status.tags_array.join(' ') :>

<: } :> : if $status.mergedwith_array.count > 0 {

Merged with <: bug_links(bug=>$status.mergedwith_array).join(",\n") :>

: } : if $status.found_versions.count {

Found in version<:- if $status.found_versions.count > 1 { -:>s<: } -:> <: $status.found_versions.join(', ') :>

: } : if $status.fixed_versions.count {

Fixed in version<:- if $status.fixed_versions.count > 1 { -:>s<: } -:> <: $status.fixed_versions.join(', ') :>

: } <: if $status.done.length() { :>

Done: <: $status.done :>

<: } :> <: if $status.blockedby_array.count { :>

Fix blocked by : for $status.blockedby_array -> $bug { <: bug_links("bug",$bug.bug_num) :>: <: $bug.subject :><: if !$~bug.is_last { :>, <: } else { :>.<: } :> : }

<: } :> : if $status.blocks_array.count {

Blocking fix for : for $status.blocks_array -> $bug { <: bug_links("bug",$bug.bug_num) :>: <: $bug.subject :><:if ! $~bug.is_last { :>, <: } else { :>.<: } :> : }

: } : if $status.archived {

Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.

: } : if defined $status.forwarded and $status.forwarded.length() {

Forwarded to <: split($status.forwarded,',\s+').map(maybelink).join(', ') :>

: } : if defined $status.summary and $status.summary.length() {

Summary: <: $status.summary :>

: } : if defined $status.outlook and $status.outlook.length() {

Summary: <: $status.outlook :>

: }