Here are outlined some of the future directions for the debbugs codebase and things that should be done. PACKAGE CLEANUP * Stop doing the .in -> foo translation * Use ExtUtils::Makemaker instead of a custom makefile * More testing of modules so it's not so easy to break things GENERAL ORGANIZATIONAL CLEANUP * Modularization * use of strict and warnings everywhere * Split out errorlib and; stop requiring stuff * Use CGI::Simple, URI, and Params::Validate instead of our own versions * Configuration Module * Allow for multiple debbugs configurations; easy overriding of values * Possibly implemented using Config::General (maybe Config::Simple?) with hack to allow for backwards compatibility - The backwards compatibility hack is now fully implemented, a decision on a configuration system just needs to be made. * Separation of Output forms from the code * Use Text::Template to do this; it's simple, we don't lose flexibility if we need it * Bring back all of the helper scripts into the bzr repository and document the setup of Debian's bts FEATURES * Full text searching -- using Hyper Estraier (in progress on merkel) * See Debbugs::Estraier * CGI Options enable/disable forms * Better display of bugs in bug lists - Display subsidiary bugs: merged bugs, block bugs, etc. * Archiving [display of applicable bugs even if they are archived] BUG FIXING * ...