#!/usr/bin/perl -wT package debbugs; use strict; #require '/usr/lib/debbugs/errorlib'; require './common.pl'; require '/etc/debbugs/config'; require '/etc/debbugs/text'; use vars qw($gPackagePages $gWebDomain); if (defined $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} and $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'HEAD') { print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; exit 0; } my $path = $ENV{PATH_INFO}; my %param = readparse(); if ($path =~ m,^/(\d+)(/(\d)+(/.*)?)?$,) { my $bug = $1; my $msg = $3; my $rest = $4; my @args = ("bug=$bug"); push @args, "msg=$msg" if (defined $msg); if ($rest eq "") { 1; } elsif ($rest eq "/mbox") { push @args, "mbox=yes"; } elsif ($rest =~ m,^/att/(\d+)(/[^/]+)?$,) { push @args, "att=$1"; push @args, "filename=$2" if (defined $2); } else { bad_url(); } { $ENV{"PATH"}="/bin"; exec "./bugreport.cgi", "leeturls=yes", @args; } print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; print "

Couldn't execute bugreport.cgi!!"; exit(0); } else { my $suite; my $arch; if ($path =~ m,^/suite/([^/]*)(/.*)$,) { $suite = $1; $path = $2; } elsif ($path =~ m,^/arch/([^/]*)(/.*)$,) { $arch = $1; $path = $2; } elsif ($path =~ m,^/suite-arch/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(/.*)$,) { $suite = $1; $arch = $2; $path = $3; } my $type; my $what; my $selection; if ($path =~ m,^/(package|source|maint|submitter|severity|tag|user-tag)/([^/]+)(/(.*))?$,) { $type = $1; $what = $2; $selection = $4 || ""; if ($selection ne "") { unless ($type =~ m,^(package|source|user-tag)$,) { bad_url(); } } my @what = split /,/, $what; my @selection = split /,/, $selection; my $typearg = $type; $typearg = "pkg" if ($type eq "package"); $typearg = "src" if ($type eq "source"); my @args = (); push @args, $typearg . "=" . join(",", @what); push @args, "version=" . join(",", @selection) if ($type eq "package" and $#selection >= 0); push @args, "utag=" . join(",", @selection) if ($type eq "user-tag" and $#selection >= 0); push @args, "arch=" . $arch if (defined $arch); push @args, "suite=" . $suite if (defined $suite); { $ENV{"PATH"}="/bin"; exec "./pkgreport.cgi", "leeturls=yes", @args } print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; print "

Couldn't execute pkgreport.cgi!!"; exit(0); } else { bad_url(); } } sub bad_url { print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; print "

Bad URL :(\n"; exit(0); }