#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; # Sanitize environent for taint BEGIN{ delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; } use POSIX qw(strftime); use MIME::Parser; use MIME::Decoder; use IO::Scalar; use IO::File; use Debbugs::Config qw(:globals :text :config); # for read_log_records use Debbugs::Log qw(:read); use Debbugs::Log::Spam; use Debbugs::CGI qw(:url :html :util :cache :usertags); use Debbugs::CGI::Bugreport qw(:all); use Debbugs::Common qw(buglog getmaintainers make_list bug_status); use Debbugs::Packages qw(getpkgsrc); use Debbugs::Status qw(splitpackages split_status_fields get_bug_status isstrongseverity); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use Debbugs::Text qw(:templates); use List::AllUtils qw(max); use CGI::Simple; my $q = new CGI::Simple; # STDOUT should be using the utf8 io layer binmode(STDOUT,':raw:encoding(UTF-8)'); my %param = cgi_parameters(query => $q, single => [qw(bug msg att boring terse), qw(reverse mbox mime trim), qw(mboxstat mboxmaint archive), qw(repeatmerged avatars), ], default => {# msg => '', boring => 'no', terse => 'no', reverse => 'no', mbox => 'no', mime => 'no', mboxstat => 'no', mboxmaint => 'no', archive => 'no', repeatmerged => 'yes', avatars => 'yes', }, ); # This is craptacular. my $ref = $param{bug} or quitcgi("No bug number", '400 Bad Request'); $ref =~ /(\d+)/ or quitcgi("Invalid bug number", '400 Bad Request'); $ref = $1; my $short = "#$ref"; my ($msg) = $param{msg} =~ /^(\d+)$/ if exists $param{msg}; my ($att) = $param{att} =~ /^(\d+)$/ if exists $param{att}; my $boring = $param{'boring'} eq 'yes'; my $terse = $param{'terse'} eq 'yes'; my $reverse = $param{'reverse'} eq 'yes'; my $mbox = $param{'mbox'} eq 'yes'; my $mime = $param{'mime'} eq 'yes'; my $avatars = $param{avatars} eq 'yes'; my $trim_headers = ($param{trim} || ((defined $msg and $msg)?'no':'yes')) eq 'yes'; my $mbox_status_message = $param{mboxstat} eq 'yes'; my $mbox_maint = $param{mboxmaint} eq 'yes'; $mbox = 1 if $mbox_status_message or $mbox_maint; # Not used by this script directly, but fetch these so that pkgurl() and # friends can propagate them correctly. my $archive = $param{'archive'} eq 'yes'; my $repeatmerged = $param{'repeatmerged'} eq 'yes'; my %bugusertags; my %ut; my %seen_users; my $buglog = buglog($ref); my $bug_status = bug_status($ref); if (not defined $buglog or not defined $bug_status) { no_such_bug($q,$ref); } sub no_such_bug { my ($q,$ref) = @_; print $q->header(-status => 404, -content_type => "text/html", -charset => 'utf-8', -cache_control => 'public, max-age=600', ); print fill_in_template(template=>'cgi/no_such_bug', variables => {modify_time => strftime('%a, %e %b %Y %T UTC', gmtime), bug_num => $ref, }, ); exit 0; } ## calculate etag for this bugreport.cgi call my $etag; ## identify the files that we need to look at; if someone just wants the mbox, ## they don't need to see anything but the buglog; otherwise, track what is ## necessary for the usertags and things to calculate status. my @dependent_files = ($buglog); my $need_status = 0; if (not (($mbox and not $mbox_status_message) or (defined $att and defined $msg))) { $need_status = 1; push @dependent_files, $bug_status, defined $config{version_index} ? $config{version_index}:(), defined $config{binary_source_map} ? $config{binary_source_map}:(); } ## Identify the users required for my $user (map {split /[\s*,\s*]+/} make_list($param{users}||[])) { next unless length($user); push @dependent_files,Debbugs::User::usertag_file_from_email($user); } if (defined $param{usertag}) { for my $usertag (make_list($param{usertag})) { my ($user, $tag) = split /:/, $usertag, 2; push @dependent_files,Debbugs::User::usertag_file_from_email($user); } } $etag = etag_does_not_match(cgi => $q, additional_data => [grep {defined $_ ? $_ :()} values %param ], files => [@dependent_files, ], ); if (not $etag) { print $q->header(-status => 304, -cache_control => 'public, max-age=600', -etag => $etag, -charset => 'utf-8', -content_type => 'text/html', ); print "304: Not modified\n"; exit 0; } ## if they're just asking for the head, stop here. if ($q->request_method() eq 'HEAD' and not defined($att) and not $mbox) { print $q->header(-status => 200, -cache_control => 'public, max-age=600', -etag => $etag, -charset => 'utf-8', -content_type => 'text/html', ); exit 0; } for my $user (map {split /[\s*,\s*]+/} make_list($param{users}||[])) { next unless length($user); add_user($user,\%ut,\%bugusertags,\%seen_users); } if (defined $param{usertag}) { for my $usertag (make_list($param{usertag})) { my %select_ut = (); my ($u, $t) = split /:/, $usertag, 2; Debbugs::User::read_usertags(\%select_ut, $u); unless (defined $t && $t ne "") { $t = join(",", keys(%select_ut)); } add_user($u,\%ut,\%bugusertags,\%seen_users); push @{$param{tag}}, split /,/, $t; } } my %status; if ($need_status) { %status = %{split_status_fields(get_bug_status(bug=>$ref, bugusertags => \%bugusertags, ))} } my @records; my $spam; eval{ @records = read_log_records(bug_num => $ref,inner_file => 1); $spam = Debbugs::Log::Spam->new(bug_num => $ref); }; if ($@) { quitcgi("Bad bug log for $gBug $ref. Unable to read records: $@"); } my $log=''; my $msg_num = 0; my $skip_next = 0; if (defined($msg) and ($msg-1) <= $#records) { @records = ($records[$msg-1]); $msg_num = $msg - 1; } my @log; if ( $mbox ) { binmode(STDOUT,":raw"); my $date = strftime "%a %b %d %T %Y", localtime; if (@records > 1) { print $q->header(-type => "application/mbox", -cache_control => 'public, max-age=600', -etag => $etag, content_disposition => qq(attachment; filename="bug_${ref}.mbox"), ); } else { $msg_num++; print $q->header(-type => "message/rfc822", -cache_control => 'public, max-age=86400', -etag => $etag, content_disposition => qq(attachment; filename="bug_${ref}_message_${msg_num}.mbox"), ); } if ($mbox_status_message and @records > 1) { my $status_message=''; my @status_fields = (retitle => 'subject', package => 'package', submitter => 'originator', severity => 'severity', tag => 'tags', owner => 'owner', blocks => 'blocks', forward => 'forward', ); my ($key,$value); while (($key,$value) = splice(@status_fields,0,2)) { if (defined $status{$value} and length $status{$value}) { $status_message .= qq($key $ref $status{$value}\n); } } print STDOUT qq(From unknown $date\n), create_mime_message([From => "$gBug#$ref <$ref\@$gEmailDomain>", To => "$gBug#$ref <$ref\@$gEmailDomain>", Subject => "Status: $status{subject}", "Reply-To" => "$gBug#$ref <$ref\@$gEmailDomain>", ], <{type} !~ /^(?:recips|incoming-recv)$/; my $wanted_type = $mbox_maint?'recips':'incoming-recv'; # we want to include control messages anyway my $record_wanted_anyway = 0; my ($msg_id) = record_regex($record,qr/^Message-Id:\s+<(.+)>/im); next if defined $msg_id and exists $seen_message_ids{$msg_id}; next if defined $msg_id and $msg_id =~/handler\..+\.ack(?:info|done)?\@/; $record_wanted_anyway = 1 if record_regex($record,qr/^Received: \(at control\)/); next if not $boring and not $record->{type} eq $wanted_type and not $record_wanted_anyway and @records > 1; $seen_message_ids{$msg_id} = 1 if defined $msg_id; # skip spam messages if we're outputting more than one message next if @records > 1 and $spam->is_spam($msg_id); my @lines; if ($record->{inner_file}) { push @lines, scalar $record->{fh}->getline; push @lines, scalar $record->{fh}->getline; chomp $lines[0]; chomp $lines[1]; } else { @lines = split( "\n", $record->{text}, -1 ); } if ( $lines[ 1 ] =~ m/^From / ) { @lines = reverse @lines; } if ( !( $lines[ 0 ] =~ m/^From / ) ) { unshift @lines, "From unknown $date"; } print $lines[0]."\n"; print map { s/^(>*From )/>$1/; $_."\n" } @lines[ 1 .. $#lines ]; if ($record->{inner_file}) { my $fh = $record->{fh}; print $_ while (<$fh>); } } exit 0; } else { if (defined $att and defined $msg and @records) { binmode(STDOUT,":raw"); $msg_num++; ## allow this to be cached for a week print "Status: 200 OK\n"; print "Cache-Control: public, max-age=604800\n"; print "Etag: $etag\n"; print handle_email_message($records[0], ref => $ref, msg_num => $msg_num, att => $att, msg => $msg, trim_headers => $trim_headers, ); exit 0; } my %seen_msg_ids; for my $record (@records) { $msg_num++; if ($skip_next) { $skip_next = 0; next; } $skip_next = 1 if $record->{type} eq 'html' and not $boring; push @log, handle_record($record,$ref,$msg_num, \%seen_msg_ids, trim_headers => $trim_headers, avatars => $avatars, terse => $terse, # if we're only looking at one record, allow # spam to be output spam => (@records > 1)?$spam:undef, ); } } @log = reverse @log if $reverse; $log = join("\n",@log); # All of the below should be turned into a template my %maintainer = %{getmaintainers()}; my %pkgsrc = %{getpkgsrc()}; my $indexentry; my $showseverity; my $tpack; my $tmain; my $dtime = strftime "%a, %e %b %Y %T UTC", gmtime; unless (%status) { no_such_bug($q,$ref); } #$|=1; my @packages = make_list($status{package}); my %packages_affects; for my $p_a (qw(package affects)) { foreach my $pkg (make_list($status{$p_a})) { if ($pkg =~ /^src\:/) { my ($srcpkg) = $pkg =~ /^src:(.*)/; $packages_affects{$p_a}{$pkg} = {maintainer => exists($maintainer{$srcpkg}) ? $maintainer{$srcpkg} : '(unknown)', source => $srcpkg, package => $pkg, is_source => 1, }; } else { $packages_affects{$p_a}{$pkg} = {maintainer => exists($maintainer{$pkg}) ? $maintainer{$pkg} : '(unknown)', exists($pkgsrc{$pkg}) ? (source => $pkgsrc{$pkg}) : (), package => $pkg, }; } } } # fixup various bits of the status $status{tags_array} = [sort(make_list($status{tags}))]; $status{date_text} = strftime('%a, %e %b %Y %T UTC', gmtime($status{date})); $status{mergedwith_array} = [make_list($status{mergedwith})]; my $version_graph = ''; if (@{$status{found_versions}} or @{$status{fixed_versions}}) { $version_graph = q(version graph}; } my @blockedby= make_list($status{blockedby}); $status{blockedby_array} = []; if (@blockedby && $status{"pending"} ne 'fixed' && ! length($status{done})) { for my $b (@blockedby) { my %s = %{get_bug_status($b)}; next if (defined $s{pending} and $s{"pending"} eq 'fixed') or length $s{done}; push @{$status{blockedby_array}},{bug_num => $b, subject => $s{subject}, status => \%s}; } } my @blocks= make_list($status{blocks}); $status{blocks_array} = []; if (@blocks && $status{"pending"} ne 'fixed' && ! length($status{done})) { for my $b (@blocks) { my %s = %{get_bug_status($b)}; next if $s{"pending"} eq 'fixed' || length $s{done}; push @{$status{blocks_array}}, {bug_num => $b, subject => $s{subject}, status => \%s}; } } if ($buglog !~ m#^\Q$gSpoolDir/db#) { $status{archived} = 1; } my $descriptivehead = $indexentry; print $q->header(-type => "text/html", -charset => 'utf-8', -cache_control => 'public, max-age=300', -etag => $etag, ); print fill_in_template(template => 'cgi/bugreport', variables => {status => \%status, package => $packages_affects{'package'}, affects => $packages_affects{'affects'}, log => $log, bug_num => $ref, version_graph => $version_graph, msg => $msg, isstrongseverity => \&Debbugs::Status::isstrongseverity, html_escape => \&Debbugs::CGI::html_escape, looks_like_number => \&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number, make_list => \&Debbugs::Common::make_list, }, hole_var => {'&package_links' => \&Debbugs::CGI::package_links, '&bug_links' => \&Debbugs::CGI::bug_links, '&version_url' => \&Debbugs::CGI::version_url, '&bug_url' => \&Debbugs::CGI::bug_url, '&strftime' => \&POSIX::strftime, '&maybelink' => \&Debbugs::CGI::maybelink, }, ); __END__ # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # cperl-indent-level: 4 # End: