#!/usr/bin/perl # # Quick and dirty script to use aspell to munch and expand a hunspell # list. For munching using Aspell gives much better results than the # hunspell scripts for expanding hunspell could theoretical be used # but it just as easy to use Aspell. # # Note. this script is only intended to work with english. Other # languages might work but the hunspell Affix file needs to be # compatible with Aspell. # # For now expected the input to be in ASCII or iso-8859-1. # my $ASPELL="aspell"; use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp; sub usage() { print STDERR "$0: [munch|expand] AFFIX_FILE < INPUT\n"; exit 1; } usage() unless @ARGV == 2; my $action = $ARGV[0]; usage() unless $action eq 'munch' or $action eq 'expand'; my $affix_fn = $ARGV[1]; my $affix_file; { local $/ = undef; open F, $affix_fn or die "Unable to open: $affix_file\n"; $affix_file = ; } # Aspell expects the dictionary to be in iso8859-1 so fake it for now. # The fact that there may be some Hunspell specific entries in UTF-8 # (such as the ICONV entry) should not be a problem as Aspell ignores # it. The words them self are already in iso8859-1. $affix_file =~ s/^SET UTF8$/SET ISO8859-1/m; my $datadir = File::Temp->newdir(); open F, ">$datadir/eng_affix.dat"; print F $affix_file; open F, ">$datadir/eng.dat"; print F "name eng\n"; print F "charset iso8859-1\n"; print F "special ' -*-\n"; print F "affix eng\n"; if ($action eq 'munch') { open F, '-|', $ASPELL, '--local-data-dir', $datadir, '--lang', 'eng', 'munch-list'; while () { next if /^(XXX\|>>>)/; print; } } elsif ($action eq 'expand') { open F, '-|', $ASPELL, '--local-data-dir', $datadir, '--lang', 'eng', 'expand'; while () { foreach (split ' ') { print "$_\n"; } } }