#!/bin/bash shopt -s nullglob set -e rm -f *.twl export LANG=C export LC_ALL=C export LC_CTYPE=C export LC_COLLATE=C SIZE=60 if [ "$SCOWL_VERSION" ]; then true elif git status 2>&1 > /dev/null; then SCOWL_VERSION="`git log --pretty=format:'%cd-%h' --date=short -n 1 -- ..`" else SCOWL_VERSION=unknown fi export SCOWL_VERSION mk-list() { ../mk-list -d final "$@"; } # may be slightly faster #mk-list() { ../mk-list -f -d final "$@" | (cd final; xargs cat) | sort -u; } echo base mk-list english $SIZE > en.wl0 mk-list en_US $SIZE > en_US-w_accents.twl mk-list en_GB-ise $SIZE > en_GB-ise-w_accents.twl mk-list en_GB-ize $SIZE > en_GB-ize-w_accents.twl mk-list en_CA $SIZE > en_CA-w_accents.twl mk-list en_AU $SIZE > en_AU-w_accents.twl cat en_??-w_accents.twl | sort -u > en-w_accents.twl mk-list en_US $SIZE --variants 1 > en-variant_0.wl0 mk-list en_US $SIZE --variants 1,2 > en-variant_1.wl0 mk-list en_US $SIZE --variants 1,2,3 > en-variant_2.wl0 mk-list en_GB $SIZE --variants 1 > en_GB-variant_0.wl0 mk-list en_GB $SIZE --variants 1,2 > en_GB-variant_1.wl0 mk-list en_CA $SIZE --variants 1 > en_CA-variant_0.wl0 mk-list en_CA $SIZE --variants 1,2 > en_CA-variant_1.wl0 mk-list en_AU $SIZE --variants 1 > en_AU-variant_0.wl0 mk-list en_AU $SIZE --variants 1,2 > en_AU-variant_1.wl0 echo deaccent for f in *-w_accents.twl do b=`basename $f -w_accents.twl` src/deaccent < $f | sort -u > $b-wo_accents.twl #cat $f $b-wo_accents.twl | sort -u > $b.twl done for f in en*-variant_*.wl0 do b=`basename $f .wl0` src/deaccent < $f > $b.wl1 cat $f $b.wl1 | sort -u > $b.wl done echo common # find the intersection of all *.twl word lists cat *.twl | sort -u > en-common.wl.0 for f in *.twl do comm -12 en-common.wl.0 $f > en-common.wl mv en-common.wl en-common.wl.0 done mv en-common.wl.0 en-common.wl echo finish for f in *.twl do b=`basename $f .twl` comm -13 en-common.wl $f > $b-only.wl done rm -f *.wl.* *.twl *.wl{0,1} *.vwl cp -p *.wl aspell/ cp -p ../README aspell/doc/SCOWL-README sh aspell/info.sh > aspell/info sh aspell/Copyright.sh > aspell/Copyright cat ../Copyright >> aspell/Copyright