This directory contains numerous special word list which I have created myself. abbreviations: A list of commonly used abbreviations and acronyms, especially in conversational text such as email. abbreviations-also: Some additional abbreviations which I did not want to include at the lower word list sizes. frequent.lst: A combination of the two top 1000 lists found in the mwords package. I carefully went though and weeded out words which where an artifact of the corpus used. letters: A list of single letters and there inflected forms names.from_alan_beale: A list of names (version 5.2) sent to be by Alan Beale : I have a large list of proper names, whose origins are in the linux-words proper names, but which both removes a lot of (what I considered to be) junk entries, and adds a lot of names of various sorts, notably names of commercial products and noteworthy historical personages. never-abbreviations: A list of words that I do not consider abbreviations. never-variant: A list of words I do not consider variants. not-possessive: A list of nouns which should not take a possessive form with "'s". proper-names: A list of additional proper names. roman-numerals: A list of roman numerous originally extracted from the ispell word lists. signature: A small list of words that I thought really out to be at the 35 level. unix-terms: A list of commonly used unix terms often used as regular english words by geeks. variant: A list of words which the 12dicts package does not consider variants but I do.