Priority list: 1-9 as in Vim (9 = required for next release, 5 = would be nice, 1 = probably not) ARCHITECTURE: - Host docs on the website - is there even a documentation tool that can parse our source sensibly? - unify the disgusting hodge podge of contract specification styles BUGS: - ;s saves the page rather than the image - RC file is sourced once per window FEATURES: 9 / should work as in Vim (i.e., save page positions as well as locations in the history list). 9 clean up error message codes and document 9 option groups, including buffer-local and site-specific 9 proper motion maps 8 wherever possible: get rid of dialogs and ask console-like dialog questions or write error prompts directly on the webpage or with :echo() 8 add search capability to MOW 8 registers 8 Document Caret and Visual modes. 8 replace global variables with plugin scoped user options 8 adaptive timeout for auto-completions, :set completions can be updated more often than :open foo 8 add support for filename special characters such as % 8 :redir and 'verbosefile' 8 middleclick in content == p, and if command line is open, paste there the clipboard buffer 8 all search commands should start searching from the top of the visible viewport 8 Add information to dactyl/HACKING file about testing and optimization 7 describe-key command (prompt for a key and display its binding with documentation) 7 Specify all INSERT mode mappings rather than falling through to the host apps mystery meat mappings. 7 use ctrl-n/p in insert mode for word completion 7 implement QuickFix window based on ItemList 7 [d could go to the last domain in the history stack. So if I browse from google to another page and click 10 links there, [d would take me back to the google page opera's fast forward does something like this 7 make an option to disable session saving by default when you close Firefox 7 :grep support (needs location list) 6 :mksession 6 add [count] support to :b* and :tab* commands where missing 6 check/correct spellings in insert mode with some mappings 6 add more autocommands (TabClose, TabOpen, TabChanged etc) 6 Use ctrl-w+j/k/w to switch between sidebar, content, preview window 6 ;? should show more information 5 when looking at a zoomed out image (because it's large), zi should zoom in maybe with this? : 3 A format for 'guitablabel' and 'statusline' 3 add a command-line window (:help cmdline-window in Vim). 3 Splitting Windows with [:sp :vsp ctrl-w,s ctrl-w,v] and closing with [ctrl-w,q], moving with [ctrl-w,w or tab] have a look into the split browser extension