0.1a1pre: * :playerprev and :playernext and equivalent mappings now accept a count. * :displaypane arguments changed to "leftservice", "bottomservice", "bottomcontent" or "rightsidebar" * asciidoc is no longer required to build Melodactyl * The help system is newly modularized * add :silent * add $MY_MELODACTYLRC * add ' and " local marks * add w and W Normal mode mappings for symmetry with o/O and t/T * add :messclear * add 'maxitems' * :dialog {subscribe|newsmartplaylist} * add :displaypane and :dpclose * rename :filter to :queue and :Filter to :filter * add 'repeat' and 'shuffle' * add 'jsdebugger' option - switch on/off javascript debugger service * add "addons", "downloads", "extoptions" and "help" to the 'activate' option.