// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; try { Components.utils.import("resource://dactyl/bootstrap.jsm"); defineModule("prefs", { exports: ["Prefs", "localPrefs", "prefs"], require: ["services", "util"], use: ["config", "messages", "template"] }, this); var Prefs = Module("prefs", XPCOM([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), { SAVED: "extensions.dactyl.saved.", RESTORE: "extensions.dactyl.restore.", INIT: {}, init: function (branch, defaults) { this._prefContexts = []; this.branch = services.pref[defaults ? "getDefaultBranch" : "getBranch"](branch || ""); if (this.branch instanceof Ci.nsIPrefBranch2) this.branch.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2); this.defaults = defaults ? this : this.constructor(branch, true); if (!defaults) this.restore(); this._observers = {}; }, cleanup: function cleanup() { if (this.defaults != this) this.defaults.cleanup(); this._observers = {}; if (this.observe) { this.branch.removeObserver("", this); this.observe.unregister(); delete this.observe; } }, observe: null, observers: { "nsPref:changed": function (subject, data) { let observers = this._observers[data]; if (observers) { let value = this.get(data, false); this._observers[data] = observers.filter(function (callback) { if (!callback.get()) return false; util.trapErrors(callback.get(), null, value); return true; }); } } }, /** * Adds a new preference observer for the given preference. * * @param {string} pref The preference to observe. * @param {function(object)} callback The callback, called with the * new value of the preference whenever it changes. */ watch: function (pref, callback, strong) { if (!this.observe) { util.addObserver(this); this.branch.addObserver("", this, false); } if (!this._observers[pref]) this._observers[pref] = []; this._observers[pref].push(!strong ? Cu.getWeakReference(callback) : { get: function () callback }); }, /** * Lists all preferences matching *filter* or only those with changed * values if *onlyNonDefault* is specified. * * @param {boolean} onlyNonDefault Limit the list to prefs with a * non-default value. * @param {string} filter The list filter. A null filter lists all * prefs. * @optional */ list: function list(onlyNonDefault, filter) { if (!filter) filter = ""; let prefArray = this.getNames(); prefArray.sort(); function prefs() { for (let [, pref] in Iterator(prefArray)) { let userValue = services.pref.prefHasUserValue(pref); if (onlyNonDefault && !userValue || pref.indexOf(filter) == -1) continue; let value = this.get(pref); let option = { isDefault: !userValue, default: this.defaults.get(pref, null), value: <>={template.highlight(value, true, 100)}, name: pref, pre: "\u00a0\u00a0" // Unicode nonbreaking space. }; yield option; } }; return template.options(config.host + " Preferences", prefs.call(this)); }, /** * Returns the value of a preference. * * @param {string} name The preference name. * @param {value} defaultValue The value to return if the preference * is unset. */ get: function get(name, defaultValue) { if (defaultValue == null) defaultValue = null; let type = this.branch.getPrefType(name); try { switch (type) { case Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING: let value = this.branch.getComplexValue(name, Ci.nsISupportsString).data; // try in case it's a localized string (will throw an exception if not) if (!this.branch.prefIsLocked(name) && !this.branch.prefHasUserValue(name) && RegExp("chrome://.+/locale/.+\\.properties").test(value)) value = this.branch.getComplexValue(name, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data; return value; case Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT: return this.branch.getIntPref(name); case Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL: return this.branch.getBoolPref(name); default: return defaultValue; } } catch (e) { return defaultValue; } }, getDefault: deprecated("Prefs#defaults.get", function getDefault(name, defaultValue) this.defaults.get(name, defaultValue)), /** * Returns the names of all preferences. * * @param {string} branch The branch in which to search preferences. * @default "" */ getNames: function (branch) this.branch.getChildList(branch || "", { value: 0 }), _checkSafe: function (name, message, value) { let curval = this.get(name, null); if (arguments.length > 2 && curval === value) return; let defval = this.defaults.get(name, null); let saved = this.get(this.SAVED + name); if (saved == null && curval != defval || saved != null && curval != saved) { let msg = "Warning: setting preference " + name + ", but it's changed from its default value."; if (message) msg = template.linkifyHelp(msg + " " + message); util.dactyl.warn(msg); } }, /** * Resets the preference *name* to *value* but warns the user if the value * is changed from its default. * * @param {string} name The preference name. * @param {value} value The new preference value. */ safeReset: function (name, message) { this._checkSafe(name, message); this.reset(name); this.reset(this.SAVED + name); }, /** * Sets the preference *name* to *value* but warns the user if the value is * changed from its default. * * @param {string} name The preference name. * @param {value} value The new preference value. */ safeSet: function (name, value, message, skipSave) { this._checkSafe(name, message, value); this.set(name, value); this[skipSave ? "reset" : "set"](this.SAVED + name, value); }, /** * Sets the preference *name* to *value*. * * @param {string} name The preference name. * @param {value} value The new preference value. */ set: function (name, value) { if (this._prefContexts.length) { let val = this.get(name, null); if (val != null) this._prefContexts[this._prefContexts.length - 1][name] = val; } function assertType(needType) util.assert(type === Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INVALID || type === needType, type === Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT ? "E521: Number required after =: " + name + "=" + value : "E474: Invalid argument: " + name + "=" + value); let type = this.branch.getPrefType(name); switch (typeof value) { case "string": assertType(Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING); this.branch.setComplexValue(name, Ci.nsISupportsString, services.String(value)); break; case "number": assertType(Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT); this.branch.setIntPref(name, value); break; case "boolean": assertType(Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL); this.branch.setBoolPref(name, value); break; default: throw FailedAssertion("Unknown preference type: " + typeof value + " (" + name + "=" + value + ")"); } }, /** * Saves the current value of a preference to be restored at next * startup. * * @param {string} name The preference to save. */ save: function (name) { let val = this.get(name); this.set(this.RESTORE + name, val); this.safeSet(name, val); }, /** * Restores saved preferences in the given branch. * * @param {string} branch The branch from which to restore * preferences. @optional */ restore: function (branch) { this.getNames(this.RESTORE + (branch || "")).forEach(function (pref) { this.safeSet(pref.substr(this.RESTORE.length), this.get(pref), null, true); this.reset(pref); }, this); }, /** * Resets the preference *name* to its default value. * * @param {string} name The preference name. */ reset: function (name) { try { this.branch.clearUserPref(name); } catch (e) {} // ignore - thrown if not a user set value }, /** * Toggles the value of the boolean preference *name*. * * @param {string} name The preference name. */ toggle: function (name) { util.assert(this.branch.getPrefType(name) === Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL, _("error.trailing", name + "!")); this.set(name, !this.get(name)); }, /** * Pushes a new preference context onto the context stack. * * @see #withContext */ pushContext: function () { this._prefContexts.push({}); }, /** * Pops the top preference context from the stack. * * @see #withContext */ popContext: function () { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(this._prefContexts.pop())) this.set(k, v); }, /** * Executes *func* with a new preference context. When *func* returns, the * context is popped and any preferences set via {@link #setPref} or * {@link #invertPref} are restored to their previous values. * * @param {function} func The function to call. * @param {Object} func The 'this' object with which to call *func* * @see #pushContext * @see #popContext */ withContext: function (func, self) { try { this.pushContext(); return func.call(self); } finally { this.popContext(); } } }, { }, { completion: function (dactyl, modules) { modules.completion.preference = function preference(context) { context.anchored = false; context.title = [config.host + " Preference", "Value"]; context.keys = { text: function (item) item, description: function (item) prefs.get(item) }; context.completions = prefs.getNames(); }; }, javascript: function (dactyl, modules) { modules.JavaScript.setCompleter([this.get, this.safeSet, this.set, this.reset, this.toggle], [function (context) (context.anchored=false, this.getNames().map(function (pref) [pref, ""]))]); } }); var localPrefs = Prefs("extensions.dactyl."); defineModule.modules.push(localPrefs); endModule(); } catch(e){ if (!e.stack) e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et ft=javascript: