// Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; try { defineModule("overlay", { exports: ["overlay"], require: ["util"] }); lazyRequire("highlight", ["highlight"]); var getAttr = function getAttr(elem, ns, name) elem.hasAttributeNS(ns, name) ? elem.getAttributeNS(ns, name) : null; var setAttr = function setAttr(elem, ns, name, val) { if (val == null) elem.removeAttributeNS(ns, name); else elem.setAttributeNS(ns, name, val); }; var Overlay = Class("Overlay", { init: function init(window) { this.window = window; }, cleanups: Class.Memoize(() => []), objects: Class.Memoize(() => ({})), get doc() this.window.document, get win() this.window, $: function $(sel, node) DOM(sel, node || this.doc), cleanup: function cleanup(window, reason) { for (let fn in values(this.cleanups)) util.trapErrors(fn, this, window, reason); } }); var Overlay = Module("Overlay", XPCOM([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), { init: function init() { util.addObserver(this); this.overlays = {}; this.weakMap = WeakMap(); this.onWindowVisible = []; }, id: Class.Memoize(() => config.addon.id), /** * Adds an event listener for this session and removes it on * dactyl shutdown. * * @param {Element} target The element on which to listen. * @param {string} event The event to listen for. * @param {function} callback The function to call when the event is received. * @param {boolean} capture When true, listen during the capture * phase, otherwise during the bubbling phase. * @param {boolean} allowUntrusted When true, allow capturing of * untrusted events. */ listen: function (target, event, callback, capture, allowUntrusted) { let doc = target.ownerDocument || target.document || target; let listeners = this.getData(doc, "listeners"); if (!isObject(event)) var [self, events] = [null, array.toObject([[event, callback]])]; else [self, events] = [event, event[callback || "events"]]; for (let [event, callback] in Iterator(events)) { let args = [util.weakReference(target), event, util.wrapCallback(callback, self), capture, allowUntrusted]; target.addEventListener.apply(target, args.slice(1)); listeners.push(args); } }, /** * Remove an event listener. * * @param {Element} target The element on which to listen. * @param {string} event The event to listen for. * @param {function} callback The function to call when the event is received. * @param {boolean} capture When true, listen during the capture * phase, otherwise during the bubbling phase. */ unlisten: function (target, event, callback, capture) { let doc = target.ownerDocument || target.document || target; let listeners = this.getData(doc, "listeners"); if (event === true) target = null; this.setData(doc, "listeners", listeners.filter(function (args) { if (target == null || args[0].get() == target && args[1] == event && args[2].wrapped == callback && args[3] == capture) { args[0].get().removeEventListener.apply(args[0].get(), args.slice(1)); return false; } return !args[0].get(); })); }, cleanup: function cleanup(reason) { for (let doc in util.iterDocuments()) { for (let elem in values(this.getData(doc, "overlayElements"))) if (elem.parentNode) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); for (let [elem, ns, name, orig, value] in values(this.getData(doc, "overlayAttributes"))) if (getAttr(elem, ns, name) === value) setAttr(elem, ns, name, orig); for (let callback in values(this.getData(doc, "cleanup"))) util.trapErrors(callback, doc, reason); this.unlisten(doc, true); delete doc[this.id]; delete doc.defaultView[this.id]; } }, observers: { "toplevel-window-ready": function (window, data) { let listener = util.wrapCallback(function listener(event) { if (event.originalTarget === window.document) { window.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", listener.wrapper, true); window.removeEventListener("load", listener.wrapper, true); overlay._loadOverlays(window); } }); window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", listener, true); window.addEventListener("load", listener, true); }, "chrome-document-global-created": function (window, uri) { this.observe(window, "toplevel-window-ready", null); }, "content-document-global-created": function (window, uri) { this.observe(window, "toplevel-window-ready", null); }, "xul-window-visible": function () { if (this.onWindowVisible) this.onWindowVisible.forEach(f => { f.call(this); }); this.onWindowVisible = null; } }, getData: function getData(obj, key, constructor) { if (!this.weakMap.has(obj)) try { this.weakMap.set(obj, {}); } catch (e if e instanceof TypeError) { // util.dump("Bad WeakMap key: " + obj + " " + Components.stack.caller); let { id } = this; if (!(id in obj && obj[id])) obj[id] = {}; var data = obj[id]; } data = data || this.weakMap.get(obj); if (arguments.length == 1) return data; if (data[key] === undefined) if (constructor === undefined || callable(constructor)) data[key] = (constructor || Array)(); else data[key] = constructor; return data[key]; }, setData: function setData(obj, key, val) { let data = this.getData(obj); return data[key] = val; }, overlayWindow: function overlayWindow(url, fn) { if (url instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) overlay._loadOverlay(url, fn); else { Array.concat(url).forEach(function (url) { if (!this.overlays[url]) this.overlays[url] = []; this.overlays[url].push(fn); }, this); for (let doc in util.iterDocuments()) if (~["interactive", "complete"].indexOf(doc.readyState)) { this.observe(doc.defaultView, "xul-window-visible"); this._loadOverlays(doc.defaultView); } else { if (!this.onWindowVisible) this.onWindowVisible = []; this.observe(doc.defaultView, "toplevel-window-ready"); } } }, _loadOverlays: function _loadOverlays(window) { let overlays = this.getData(window, "overlays"); for each (let obj in overlay.overlays[window.document.documentURI] || []) { if (~overlays.indexOf(obj)) continue; overlays.push(obj); this._loadOverlay(window, obj(window)); } }, _loadOverlay: function _loadOverlay(window, obj) { let doc = window.document; let savedElems = this.getData(doc, "overlayElements"); let savedAttrs = this.getData(doc, "overlayAttributes"); function insert(key, fn) { if (obj[key]) { let iterator = Iterator(obj[key]); if (isArray(obj[key])) { iterator = ([elem[1].id, elem.slice(2), elem[1]] for each (elem in obj[key])); } for (let [elem, xml, attrs] in iterator) { if (elem = doc.getElementById(String(elem))) { // Urgh. Hack. let namespaces; if (attrs && !isXML(attrs)) namespaces = iter([k.slice(6), DOM.fromJSON.namespaces[v] || v] for ([k, v] in Iterator(attrs)) if (/^xmlns(?:$|:)/.test(k))).toObject(); let node; if (isXML(xml)) node = DOM.fromXML(xml, doc, obj.objects); else node = DOM.fromJSON(xml, doc, obj.objects, namespaces); if (!(node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocumentFragment)) savedElems.push(node); else for (let n in array.iterValues(node.childNodes)) savedElems.push(n); fn(elem, node); if (isXML(attrs)) // Evilness and such. let (oldAttrs = attrs) { attrs = (attr for each (attr in oldAttrs)); } for (let attr in attrs || []) { let [ns, localName] = DOM.parseNamespace(attr); let name = attr; let val = attrs[attr]; savedAttrs.push([elem, ns, name, getAttr(elem, ns, name), val]); if (name === "highlight") highlight.highlightNode(elem, val); else elem.setAttributeNS(ns || "", name, val); } } } } } insert("before", (elem, dom) => elem.parentNode.insertBefore(dom, elem)); insert("after", (elem, dom) => elem.parentNode.insertBefore(dom, elem.nextSibling)); insert("append", (elem, dom) => elem.appendChild(dom)); insert("prepend", (elem, dom) => elem.insertBefore(dom, elem.firstChild)); if (obj.ready) util.trapErrors("ready", obj, window); function load(event) { util.trapErrors("load", obj, window, event); if (obj.visible) if (!event || !overlay.onWindowVisible || window != util.topWindow(window)) util.trapErrors("visible", obj, window); else overlay.onWindowVisible.push(function () { obj.visible(window) }); } if (obj.load) if (doc.readyState === "complete") load(); else window.addEventListener("load", util.wrapCallback(function onLoad(event) { if (event.originalTarget === doc) { window.removeEventListener("load", onLoad.wrapper, true); load(event); } }), true); if (obj.unload || obj.cleanup) this.listen(window, "unload", function unload(event) { if (event.originalTarget === doc) { overlay.unlisten(window, "unload", unload); if (obj.unload) util.trapErrors("unload", obj, window, event); if (obj.cleanup) util.trapErrors("cleanup", obj, window, "unload", event); } }); if (obj.cleanup) this.getData(doc, "cleanup").push(bind("cleanup", obj, window)); }, /** * Overlays an object with the given property overrides. Each * property in *overrides* is added to *object*, replacing any * original value. Functions in *overrides* are augmented with the * new properties *super*, *supercall*, and *superapply*, in the * same manner as class methods, so that they may call their * overridden counterparts. * * @param {object} object The object to overlay. * @param {object} overrides An object containing properties to * override. * @returns {function} A function which, when called, will remove * the overlay. */ overlayObject: function (object, overrides) { let original = Object.create(object); overrides = update(Object.create(original), overrides); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(overrides).forEach(function (k) { let orig, desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(overrides, k); if (desc.value instanceof Class.Property) desc = desc.value.init(k) || desc.value; if (k in object) { for (let obj = object; obj && !orig; obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)) if (orig = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, k)) Object.defineProperty(original, k, orig); if (!orig) if (orig = Object.getPropertyDescriptor(object, k)) Object.defineProperty(original, k, orig); } // Guard against horrible add-ons that use eval-based monkey // patching. let value = desc.value; if (callable(desc.value)) { delete desc.value; delete desc.writable; desc.get = function get() value; desc.set = function set(val) { if (!callable(val) || Function.prototype.toString(val).indexOf(sentinel) < 0) Class.replaceProperty(this, k, val); else { let package_ = util.newURI(Components.stack.caller.filename).host; util.reportError(Error(_("error.monkeyPatchOverlay", package_))); util.dactyl.echoerr(_("error.monkeyPatchOverlay", package_)); } }; } try { Object.defineProperty(object, k, desc); if (callable(value)) { var sentinel = "(function DactylOverlay() {}())"; value.toString = function toString() toString.toString.call(this).replace(/\}?$/, sentinel + "; $&"); value.toSource = function toSource() toSource.toSource.call(this).replace(/\}?$/, sentinel + "; $&"); } } catch (e) { try { if (value) { object[k] = value; return; } } catch (f) {} util.reportError(e); } }, this); return function unwrap() { for each (let k in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(original)) if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, k).configurable) Object.defineProperty(object, k, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(original, k)); else { try { object[k] = original[k]; } catch (e) {} } }; }, get activeModules() this.activeWindow && this.activeWindow.dactyl.modules, get modules() this.windows.map(w => w.dactyl.modules), /** * The most recently active dactyl window. */ get activeWindow() this.windows[0], set activeWindow(win) this.windows = [win].concat(this.windows.filter(w => w != win)), /** * A list of extant dactyl windows. */ windows: Class.Memoize(() => []) }); endModule(); } catch(e){ if (!e.stack) e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: