// Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; defineModule("dom", { exports: ["$", "DOM", "NS", "XBL", "XHTML", "XUL"] }); lazyRequire("highlight", ["highlight"]); lazyRequire("messages", ["_"]); lazyRequire("overlay", ["overlay"]); lazyRequire("prefs", ["prefs"]); lazyRequire("template", ["template"]); var XBL = "http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"; var XHTML = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; var XUL = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; var NS = "http://vimperator.org/namespaces/liberator"; function BooleanAttribute(attr) ({ get: function (elem) elem.getAttribute(attr) == "true", set: function (elem, val) { if (val === "false" || !val) elem.removeAttribute(attr); else elem.setAttribute(attr, true); } }); /** * @class * * A jQuery-inspired DOM utility framework. * * Please note that while this currently implements an Array-like * interface, this is *not a defined interface* and is very likely to * change in the near future. */ var DOM = Class("DOM", { init: function init(val, context, nodes) { let self; let length = 0; if (nodes) this.nodes = nodes; if (context instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument) this.document = context; if (typeof val == "string") val = context.querySelectorAll(val); if (val == null) ; else if (DOM.isJSONXML(val)) { if (context instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument) this[length++] = DOM.fromJSON(val, context, this.nodes); else this[length++] = val; } else if (val instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode || val instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) this[length++] = val; else if ("__iterator__" in val || isinstance(val, ["Iterator", "Generator"])) for (let elem in val) this[length++] = elem; else if ("length" in val) for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) this[length++] = val[i]; else this[length++] = val; this.length = length; return self || this; }, __iterator__: function __iterator__() { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) yield this[i]; }, Empty: function Empty() this.constructor(null, this.document), nodes: Class.Memoize(function () ({})), get items() { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) yield this.eq(i); }, get document() this._document || this[0] && (this[0].ownerDocument || this[0].document || this[0]), set document(val) this._document = val, attrHooks: array.toObject([ ["", { href: { get: function (elem) elem.href || elem.getAttribute("href") }, src: { get: function (elem) elem.src || elem.getAttribute("src") }, checked: { get: function (elem) elem.hasAttribute("checked") ? elem.getAttribute("checked") == "true" : elem.checked, set: function (elem, val) { elem.setAttribute("checked", !!val); elem.checked = val; } }, collapsed: BooleanAttribute("collapsed"), disabled: BooleanAttribute("disabled"), hidden: BooleanAttribute("hidden"), readonly: BooleanAttribute("readonly") }] ]), matcher: function matcher(sel) elem => (elem.mozMatchesSelector && elem.mozMatchesSelector(sel)), each: function each(fn, self) { let obj = self || this.Empty(); for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) fn.call(self || update(obj, [this[i]]), this[i], i); return this; }, eachDOM: function eachDOM(val, fn, self) { let dom = this; function munge(val, container, idx) { if (val instanceof Ci.nsIDOMRange) return val.extractContents(); if (val instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode) return val; if (DOM.isJSONXML(val)) { val = dom.constructor(val, dom.document); if (container) container[idx] = val[0]; } if (isObject(val) && "length" in val) { let frag = dom.document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) frag.appendChild(munge(val[i], val, i)); return frag; } return val; } if (DOM.isJSONXML(val)) val = (function () this).bind(val); if (callable(val)) return this.each(function (elem, i) { util.withProperErrors(fn, this, munge(val.call(this, elem, i)), elem, i); }, self || this); if (this.length) util.withProperErrors(fn, self || this, munge(val), this[0], 0); return this; }, eq: function eq(idx) { return this.constructor(this[idx >= 0 ? idx : this.length + idx]); }, find: function find(val) { return this.map(elem => elem.querySelectorAll(val)); }, findAnon: function findAnon(attr, val) { return this.map(elem => elem.ownerDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(elem, attr, val)); }, filter: function filter(val, self) { let res = this.Empty(); if (!callable(val)) val = this.matcher(val); this.constructor(Array.filter(this, val, self || this)); let obj = self || this.Empty(); for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (val.call(self || update(obj, [this[i]]), this[i], i)) res[res.length++] = this[i]; return res; }, is: function is(val) { return this.some(this.matcher(val)); }, reverse: function reverse() { Array.reverse(this); return this; }, all: function all(fn, self) { let res = this.Empty(); this.each(function (elem) { while (true) { elem = fn.call(this, elem); if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode) res[res.length++] = elem; else if (elem && "length" in elem) for (let i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) res[res.length++] = elem[j]; else break; } }, self || this); return res; }, map: function map(fn, self) { let res = this.Empty(); let obj = self || this.Empty(); for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { let tmp = fn.call(self || update(obj, [this[i]]), this[i], i); if (isObject(tmp) && !(tmp instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode) && "length" in tmp) for (let j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) res[res.length++] = tmp[j]; else if (tmp != null) res[res.length++] = tmp; } return res; }, slice: function eq(start, end) { return this.constructor(Array.slice(this, start, end)); }, some: function some(fn, self) { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (fn.call(self || this, this[i], i)) return true; return false; }, get parent() this.map(elem => elem.parentNode, this), get offsetParent() this.map(function (elem) { do { var parent = elem.offsetParent; if (parent instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement && DOM(parent).position != "static") return parent; } while (parent); }, this), get ancestors() this.all(elem => elem.parentNode), get children() this.map(elem => Array.filter(elem.childNodes, e => e instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement), this), get contents() this.map(elem => elem.childNodes, this), get siblings() this.map(elem => Array.filter(elem.parentNode.childNodes, e => e != elem && e instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement), this), get siblingsBefore() this.all(elem => elem.previousElementSibling), get siblingsAfter() this.all(elem => elem.nextElementSibling), get allSiblingsBefore() this.all(elem => elem.previousSibling), get allSiblingsAfter() this.all(elem => elem.nextSibling), get class() let (self = this) ({ toString: function () self[0].className, get list() Array.slice(self[0].classList), set list(val) self.attr("class", val.join(" ")), each: function each(meth, arg) { return self.each(function (elem) { elem.classList[meth](arg); }); }, add: function add(cls) this.each("add", cls), remove: function remove(cls) this.each("remove", cls), toggle: function toggle(cls, val, thisObj) { if (callable(val)) return self.each(function (elem, i) { this.class.toggle(cls, val.call(thisObj || this, elem, i)); }); return this.each(val == null ? "toggle" : val ? "add" : "remove", cls); }, has: function has(cls) this[0].classList.has(cls) }), get highlight() let (self = this) ({ toString: function () self.attrNS(NS, "highlight") || "", get list() let (s = this.toString().trim()) s ? s.split(/\s+/) : [], set list(val) { let str = array.uniq(val).join(" ").trim(); self.attrNS(NS, "highlight", str || null); }, has: function has(hl) ~this.list.indexOf(hl), add: function add(hl) self.each(function () { highlight.loaded[hl] = true; this.highlight.list = this.highlight.list.concat(hl); }), remove: function remove(hl) self.each(function () { this.highlight.list = this.highlight.list.filter(h => h != hl); }), toggle: function toggle(hl, val, thisObj) self.each(function (elem, i) { let { highlight } = this; let v = callable(val) ? val.call(thisObj || this, elem, i) : val; highlight[(v == null ? highlight.has(hl) : !v) ? "remove" : "add"](hl); }), }), get rect() this[0] instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow ? { width: this[0].scrollMaxX + this[0].innerWidth, height: this[0].scrollMaxY + this[0].innerHeight, get right() this.width + this.left, get bottom() this.height + this.top, top: -this[0].scrollY, left: -this[0].scrollX } : this[0] ? this[0].getBoundingClientRect() : {}, get viewport() { let node = this[0]; if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument) node = node.defaultView; if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) return { get width() this.right - this.left, get height() this.bottom - this.top, bottom: node.innerHeight, right: node.innerWidth, top: 0, left: 0 }; let r = this.rect; return { width: node.clientWidth, height: node.clientHeight, top: r.top + node.clientTop, get bottom() this.top + this.height, left: r.left + node.clientLeft, get right() this.left + this.width }; }, scrollPos: function scrollPos(left, top) { if (arguments.length == 0) { if (this[0] instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement) return { top: this[0].scrollTop, left: this[0].scrollLeft, height: this[0].scrollHeight, width: this[0].scrollWidth, innerHeight: this[0].clientHeight, innerWidth: this[0].innerWidth }; if (this[0] instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) return { top: this[0].scrollY, left: this[0].scrollX, height: this[0].scrollMaxY + this[0].innerHeight, width: this[0].scrollMaxX + this[0].innerWidth, innerHeight: this[0].innerHeight, innerWidth: this[0].innerWidth }; return null; } let func = callable(left) && left; return this.each(function (elem, i) { if (func) ({ left, top }) = func.call(this, elem, i); if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) elem.scrollTo(left == null ? elem.scrollX : left, top == null ? elem.scrollY : top); else { if (left != null) elem.scrollLeft = left; if (top != null) elem.scrollTop = top; } }); }, /** * Returns true if the given DOM node is currently visible. * @returns {boolean} */ get isVisible() { let style = this[0] && this.style; return style && style.visibility == "visible" && style.display != "none"; }, get editor() { if (!this.length) return; this[0] instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement; try { if (this[0].editor instanceof Ci.nsIEditor) var editor = this[0].editor; } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } try { if (!editor) editor = this[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIEditingSession) .getEditorForWindow(this[0]); } catch (e) {} editor instanceof Ci.nsIPlaintextEditor; editor instanceof Ci.nsIHTMLEditor; return editor; }, get isEditable() !!this.editor || this[0] instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement && this.style.MozUserModify == "read-write", get isInput() isinstance(this[0], [Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement, Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement, Ci.nsIDOMXULTextBoxElement]) && this.isEditable, /** * Returns an object representing a Node's computed CSS style. * @returns {Object} */ get style() { let node = this[0]; if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) node = node.document; if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument) node = node.documentElement; while (node && !(node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement) && node.parentNode) node = node.parentNode; try { var res = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, null); } catch (e) {} if (res == null) { util.dumpStack(_("error.nullComputedStyle", node)); Cu.reportError(Error(_("error.nullComputedStyle", node))); return {}; } return res; }, /** * Parses the fields of a form and returns a URL/POST-data pair * that is the equivalent of submitting the form. * * @returns {object} An object with the following elements: * url: The URL the form points to. * postData: A string containing URL-encoded post data, if this * form is to be POSTed * charset: The character set of the GET or POST data. * elements: The key=value pairs used to generate query information. */ // Nuances gleaned from browser.jar/content/browser/browser.js get formData() { function encode(name, value, param) { param = param ? "%s" : ""; if (post) return name + "=" + encodeComponent(value + param); return encodeComponent(name) + "=" + encodeComponent(value) + param; } let field = this[0]; let form = field.form; let doc = form.ownerDocument; let charset = doc.characterSet; let converter = services.CharsetConv(charset); for (let cs of form.acceptCharset.split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/)) { let c = services.CharsetConv(cs); if (c) { converter = services.CharsetConv(cs); charset = cs; } } let uri = util.newURI(doc.baseURI.replace(/\?.*/, ""), charset); let url = util.newURI(form.action, charset, uri).spec; let post = form.method.toUpperCase() == "POST"; let encodeComponent = encodeURIComponent; if (charset !== "UTF-8") encodeComponent = function encodeComponent(str) escape(converter.ConvertFromUnicode(str) + converter.Finish()); let elems = []; if (field instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement && field.type == "submit") elems.push(encode(field.name, field.value)); for (let [, elem] in iter(form.elements)) if (elem.name && !elem.disabled) { if (DOM(elem).isInput || /^(?:hidden|textarea)$/.test(elem.type) || elem.type == "submit" && elem == field || elem.checked && /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/.test(elem.type)) { if (elem !== field) elems.push(encode(elem.name, elem.value)); else if (overlay.getData(elem, "had-focus")) elems.push(encode(elem.name, elem.value, true)); else elems.push(encode(elem.name, "", true)); } else if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement) { for (let [, opt] in Iterator(elem.options)) if (opt.selected) elems.push(encode(elem.name, opt.value)); } } if (post) return { url: url, postData: elems.join('&'), charset: charset, elements: elems }; return { url: url + "?" + elems.join('&'), postData: null, charset: charset, elements: elems }; }, /** * Generates an XPath expression for the given element. * * @returns {string} */ get xpath() { function quote(val) "'" + val.replace(/[\\']/g, "\\$&") + "'"; if (!(this[0] instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement)) return null; let res = []; let doc = this.document; for (let elem = this[0];; elem = elem.parentNode) { if (!(elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement)) res.push(""); else if (elem.id) res.push("id(" + quote(elem.id) + ")"); else { let name = elem.localName; if (elem.namespaceURI && (elem.namespaceURI != XHTML || doc.xmlVersion)) if (elem.namespaceURI in DOM.namespaceNames) name = DOM.namespaceNames[elem.namespaceURI] + ":" + name; else name = "*[local-name()=" + quote(name) + " and namespace-uri()=" + quote(elem.namespaceURI) + "]"; res.push(name + "[" + (1 + iter(DOM.XPath("./" + name, elem.parentNode)).indexOf(elem)) + "]"); continue; } break; } return res.reverse().join("/"); }, /** * Returns a string or XML representation of this node. * * @param {boolean} color If true, return a colored, XML * representation of this node. */ repr: function repr(color) { function namespaced(node) { var ns = DOM.namespaceNames[node.namespaceURI] || /^(?:(.*?):)?/.exec(node.name)[1]; if (!ns) return node.localName; if (color) return [["span", { highlight: "HelpXMLNamespace" }, ns], node.localName]; return ns + ":" + node.localName; } let res = []; this.each(function (elem) { try { let hasChildren = elem.firstChild && (!/^\s*$/.test(elem.firstChild) || elem.firstChild.nextSibling); if (color) res.push(["span", { highlight: "HelpXML" }, ["span", { highlight: "HelpXMLTagStart" }, "<", namespaced(elem), " ", template.map(array.iterValues(elem.attributes), attr => [ ["span", { highlight: "HelpXMLAttribute" }, namespaced(attr)], ["span", { highlight: "HelpXMLString" }, attr.value] ], " "), !hasChildren ? "/>" : ">", ], !hasChildren ? "" : ["", "...", ["span", { highlight: "HtmlTagEnd" }, "<", namespaced(elem), ">"]] ]); else { let tag = "<" + [namespaced(elem)].concat( [namespaced(a) + '="' + String.replace(a.value, /["<]/, DOM.escapeHTML) + '"' for ([i, a] in array.iterItems(elem.attributes))]).join(" "); res.push(tag + (!hasChildren ? "/>" : ">...")); } } catch (e) { res.push({}.toString.call(elem)); } }, this); res = template.map(res, util.identity, ","); return color ? res : res.join(""); }, attr: function attr(key, val) { return this.attrNS("", key, val); }, attrNS: function attrNS(ns, key, val) { if (val !== undefined) key = array.toObject([[key, val]]); let hooks = this.attrHooks[ns] || {}; if (isObject(key)) return this.each(function (elem, i) { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(key)) { if (callable(v)) v = v.call(this, elem, i); if (hasOwnProperty(hooks, k) && hooks[k].set) hooks[k].set.call(this, elem, v, k); else if (v == null) elem.removeAttributeNS(ns, k); else elem.setAttributeNS(ns, k, v); } }); if (!this.length) return null; if (hasOwnProperty(hooks, key) && hooks[key].get) return hooks[key].get.call(this, this[0], key); if (!this[0].hasAttributeNS(ns, key)) return null; return this[0].getAttributeNS(ns, key); }, css: update(function css(key, val) { if (val !== undefined) key = array.toObject([[key, val]]); if (isObject(key)) return this.each(function (elem) { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(key)) elem.style[css.property(k)] = v; }); return this[0].style[css.property(key)]; }, { name: function (property) property.replace(/[A-Z]/g, m0 => "-" + m0.toLowerCase()), property: function (name) name.replace(/-(.)/g, (m0, m1) => m1.toUpperCase()) }), append: function append(val) { return this.eachDOM(val, function (elem, target) { target.appendChild(elem); }); }, prepend: function prepend(val) { return this.eachDOM(val, function (elem, target) { target.insertBefore(elem, target.firstChild); }); }, before: function before(val) { return this.eachDOM(val, function (elem, target) { target.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, target); }); }, after: function after(val) { return this.eachDOM(val, function (elem, target) { target.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, target.nextSibling); }); }, appendTo: function appendTo(elem) { if (!(elem instanceof this.constructor)) elem = this.constructor(elem, this.document); elem.append(this); return this; }, prependTo: function prependTo(elem) { if (!(elem instanceof this.constructor)) elem = this.constructor(elem, this.document); elem.prepend(this); return this; }, insertBefore: function insertBefore(elem) { if (!(elem instanceof this.constructor)) elem = this.constructor(elem, this.document); elem.before(this); return this; }, insertAfter: function insertAfter(elem) { if (!(elem instanceof this.constructor)) elem = this.constructor(elem, this.document); elem.after(this); return this; }, remove: function remove() { return this.each(function (elem) { if (elem.parentNode) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); }, this); }, empty: function empty() { return this.each(function (elem) { while (elem.firstChild) elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild); }, this); }, fragment: function fragment() { let frag = this.document.createDocumentFragment(); this.appendTo(frag); return this; }, clone: function clone(deep) this.map(elem => elem.cloneNode(deep)), toggle: function toggle(val, self) { if (callable(val)) return this.each(function (elem, i) { this[val.call(self || this, elem, i) ? "show" : "hide"](); }); if (arguments.length) return this[val ? "show" : "hide"](); let hidden = this.map(elem => elem.style.display == "none"); return this.each(function (elem, i) { this[hidden[i] ? "show" : "hide"](); }); }, hide: function hide() { return this.each(function (elem) { elem.style.display = "none"; }, this); }, show: function show() { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (!this[i].dactylDefaultDisplay && this[i].style.display) this[i].style.display = ""; this.each(function (elem) { if (!elem.dactylDefaultDisplay) elem.dactylDefaultDisplay = this.style.display; }); return this.each(function (elem) { elem.style.display = elem.dactylDefaultDisplay == "none" ? "block" : ""; }, this); }, createContents: function createContents() this.each(DOM.createContents, this), isScrollable: function isScrollable(direction) this.length && DOM.isScrollable(this[0], direction), getSet: function getSet(args, get, set) { if (!args.length) return this[0] && get.call(this, this[0]); let [fn, self] = args; if (!callable(fn)) fn = () => args[0]; return this.each(function (elem, i) { set.call(this, elem, fn.call(self || this, elem, i)); }, this); }, html: function html(txt, self) { return this.getSet(arguments, elem => elem.innerHTML, util.wrapCallback((elem, val) => { elem.innerHTML = val; })); }, text: function text(txt, self) { return this.getSet(arguments, elem => elem.textContent, (elem, val) => { elem.textContent = val; }); }, val: function val(txt) { return this.getSet(arguments, elem => elem.value, (elem, val) => { elem.value = val == null ? "" : val; }); }, listen: function listen(event, listener, capture) { if (isObject(event)) capture = listener; else event = array.toObject([[event, listener]]); for (let [evt, callback] in Iterator(event)) event[evt] = util.wrapCallback(callback, true); return this.each(function (elem) { for (let [evt, callback] in Iterator(event)) elem.addEventListener(evt, callback, capture); }); }, unlisten: function unlisten(event, listener, capture) { if (isObject(event)) capture = listener; else event = array.toObject([[event, listener]]); return this.each(function (elem) { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(event)) elem.removeEventListener(k, v.wrapper || v, capture); }); }, once: function once(event, listener, capture) { if (isObject(event)) capture = listener; else event = array.toObject([[event, listener]]); for (let pair in Iterator(event)) { let [evt, callback] = pair; event[evt] = util.wrapCallback(function wrapper(event) { this.removeEventListener(evt, wrapper.wrapper, capture); return callback.apply(this, arguments); }, true); } return this.each(function (elem) { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(event)) elem.addEventListener(k, v, capture); }); }, dispatch: function dispatch(event, params, extraProps) { this.canceled = false; return this.each(function (elem) { let evt = DOM.Event(this.document, event, params, elem); if (!DOM.Event.dispatch(elem, evt, extraProps)) this.canceled = true; }, this); }, focus: function focus(arg, extra) { if (callable(arg)) return this.listen("focus", arg, extra); let elem = this[0]; let flags = arg || services.focus.FLAG_BYMOUSE; try { if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument) elem = elem.defaultView; if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement) services.focus.setFocus(elem, flags); else if (elem instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) { services.focus.focusedWindow = elem; if (services.focus.focusedWindow != elem) services.focus.clearFocus(elem); } } catch (e) { util.dump(elem); util.reportError(e); } return this; }, blur: function blur(arg, extra) { if (callable(arg)) return this.listen("blur", arg, extra); return this.each(function (elem) { elem.blur(); }, this); }, /** * Scrolls an element into view if and only if it's not already * fully visible. */ scrollIntoView: function scrollIntoView(alignWithTop) { return this.each(function (elem) { function getAlignment(viewport) { if (alignWithTop !== undefined) return alignWithTop; if (rect.bottom < viewport.top) return true; if (rect.top > viewport.bottom) return false; return Math.abs(rect.top) < Math.abs(viewport.bottom - rect.bottom); } let rect; function fix(parent) { if (!(parent[0] instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) && parent.style.overflow == "visible") return; ({ rect }) = DOM(elem); let { viewport } = parent; let isect = util.intersection(rect, viewport); if (isect.height < Math.min(viewport.height, rect.height)) { let { top } = parent.scrollPos(); if (getAlignment(viewport)) parent.scrollPos(null, top - (viewport.top - rect.top)); else parent.scrollPos(null, top - (viewport.bottom - rect.bottom)); } } for (let parent in this.ancestors.items) fix(parent); fix(DOM(this.document.defaultView)); }); }, }, { /** * Creates an actual event from a pseudo-event object. * * The pseudo-event object (such as may be retrieved from * DOM.Event.parse) should have any properties you want the event to * have. * * @param {Document} doc The DOM document to associate this event with * @param {Type} type The type of event (keypress, click, etc.) * @param {Object} opts The pseudo-event. @optional */ Event: Class("Event", { init: function Event(doc, type, opts, target) { const DEFAULTS = { HTML: { type: type, bubbles: true, cancelable: false }, Key: { type: type, bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: doc.defaultView, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, keyCode: 0, charCode: 0 }, Mouse: { type: type, bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: doc.defaultView, detail: 1, get screenX() this.view.mozInnerScreenX + Math.max(0, this.clientX + (DOM(target || opts.target).rect.left || 0)), get screenY() this.view.mozInnerScreenY + Math.max(0, this.clientY + (DOM(target || opts.target).rect.top || 0)), clientX: 0, clientY: 0, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false, button: 0, relatedTarget: null } }; opts = opts || {}; var t = this.constructor.types[type] || ""; var evt = doc.createEvent(t + "Events"); let params = DEFAULTS[t || "HTML"]; let args = Object.keys(params); update(params, this.constructor.defaults[type], iter.toObject([k, opts[k]] for (k in opts) if (k in params))); evt["init" + t + "Event"].apply(evt, args.map(k => params[k])); return evt; } }, { init: function init() { // NOTE: the order of ["Esc", "Escape"] or ["Escape", "Esc"] // matters, so use that string as the first item, that you // want to refer to within dactyl's source code for // comparisons like if (key == "") { ... } this.keyTable = { add: ["+", "Plus", "Add"], back_quote: ["`"], back_slash: ["\\"], back_space: ["BS"], comma: [","], count: ["count"], close_bracket: ["]"], delete: ["Del"], equals: ["="], escape: ["Esc", "Escape"], insert: ["Insert", "Ins"], leader: ["Leader"], left_shift: ["LT", "<"], nop: ["Nop"], open_bracket: ["["], pass: ["Pass"], period: ["."], quote: ["'"], return: ["Return", "CR", "Enter"], right_shift: [">"], semicolon: [";"], slash: ["/"], space: ["Space", " "], subtract: ["-", "Minus", "Subtract"] }; this.key_key = {}; this.code_key = {}; this.key_code = {}; this.code_nativeKey = {}; for (let list in values(this.keyTable)) for (let v in values(list)) { if (v.length == 1) v = v.toLowerCase(); this.key_key[v.toLowerCase()] = v; } for (let [k, v] in Iterator(Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent)) { if (!/^DOM_VK_/.test(k)) continue; this.code_nativeKey[v] = k.substr(4); k = k.substr(7).toLowerCase(); let names = [k.replace(/(^|_)(.)/g, (m, n1, n2) => n2.toUpperCase()) .replace(/^NUMPAD/, "k")]; if (names[0].length == 1) names[0] = names[0].toLowerCase(); if (k in this.keyTable) names = this.keyTable[k]; this.code_key[v] = names[0]; for (let [, name] in Iterator(names)) { this.key_key[name.toLowerCase()] = name; this.key_code[name.toLowerCase()] = v; } } // HACK: as Gecko does not include an event for <, we must add this in manually. if (!("<" in this.key_code)) { this.key_code["<"] = 60; this.key_code["lt"] = 60; this.code_key[60] = "lt"; } return this; }, code_key: Class.Memoize(function (prop) this.init()[prop]), code_nativeKey: Class.Memoize(function (prop) this.init()[prop]), keyTable: Class.Memoize(function (prop) this.init()[prop]), key_code: Class.Memoize(function (prop) this.init()[prop]), key_key: Class.Memoize(function (prop) this.init()[prop]), pseudoKeys: RealSet(["count", "leader", "nop", "pass"]), /** * Converts a user-input string of keys into a canonical * representation. * * maps to , maps to * maps to , maps to A * << maps to * * is preserved, as in Vim, to allow untypeable key-combinations * in macros. * * canonicalKeys(canonicalKeys(x)) == canonicalKeys(x) for all values * of x. * * @param {string} keys Messy form. * @param {boolean} unknownOk Whether unknown keys are passed * through rather than being converted to keyname>. * @default true * @returns {string} Canonical form. */ canonicalKeys: function canonicalKeys(keys, unknownOk=true) { return this.parse(keys, unknownOk).map(this.bound.stringify).join(""); }, iterKeys: function iterKeys(keys) iter(function () { let match, re = /<.*?>?>|[^<]/g; while (match = re.exec(keys)) yield match[0]; }()), /** * Converts an event string into an array of pseudo-event objects. * * These objects can be used as arguments to {@link #stringify} or * {@link DOM.Event}, though they are unlikely to be much use for other * purposes. They have many of the properties you'd expect to find on a * real event, but none of the methods. * * Also may contain two "special" parameters, .dactylString and * .dactylShift these are set for characters that can never by * typed, but may appear in mappings, for example is passed as * dactylString, and dactylShift is set when a user specifies * where @ is a non-case-changeable, non-space character. * * @param {string} keys The string to parse. * @param {boolean} unknownOk Whether unknown keys are passed * through rather than being converted to keyname>. * @default true * @returns {Array[Object]} */ parse: function parse(input, unknownOk=true) { if (isArray(input)) return array.flatten(input.map(k => this.parse(k, unknownOk))); let out = []; for (let match in util.regexp.iterate(/<.*?>?>|[^<]|<(?!.*>)/g, input)) { let evt_str = match[0]; let evt_obj = { ctrlKey: false, shiftKey: false, altKey: false, metaKey: false, keyCode: 0, charCode: 0, type: "keypress" }; if (evt_str.length == 1) { evt_obj.charCode = evt_str.charCodeAt(0); evt_obj._keyCode = this.key_code[evt_str[0].toLowerCase()]; evt_obj.shiftKey = evt_str !== evt_str.toLowerCase(); } else { let [match, modifier, keyname] = evt_str.match(/^<((?:[*12CASM⌘]-)*)(.+?)>$/i) || [false, '', '']; modifier = RealSet(modifier.toUpperCase()); keyname = keyname.toLowerCase(); evt_obj.dactylKeyname = keyname; if (/^u[0-9a-f]+$/.test(keyname)) keyname = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(keyname.substr(1), 16)); if (keyname && (unknownOk || keyname.length == 1 || /mouse$/.test(keyname) || this.key_code[keyname] || this.pseudoKeys.has(keyname))) { evt_obj.globKey = modifier.has("*"); evt_obj.ctrlKey = modifier.has("C"); evt_obj.altKey = modifier.has("A"); evt_obj.shiftKey = modifier.has("S"); evt_obj.metaKey = modifier.has("M") || modifier.has("⌘"); evt_obj.dactylShift = evt_obj.shiftKey; if (keyname.length == 1) { // normal characters if (evt_obj.shiftKey) keyname = keyname.toUpperCase(); evt_obj.dactylShift = evt_obj.shiftKey && keyname.toUpperCase() == keyname.toLowerCase(); evt_obj.charCode = keyname.charCodeAt(0); evt_obj.keyCode = this.key_code[keyname.toLowerCase()]; } else if (this.pseudoKeys.has(keyname)) { evt_obj.dactylString = "<" + this.key_key[keyname] + ">"; } else if (/mouse$/.test(keyname)) { // mouse events evt_obj.type = (modifier.has("2") ? "dblclick" : "click"); evt_obj.button = ["leftmouse", "middlemouse", "rightmouse"].indexOf(keyname); delete evt_obj.keyCode; delete evt_obj.charCode; } else { // spaces, control characters, and < evt_obj.keyCode = this.key_code[keyname]; evt_obj.charCode = 0; } } else { // an invalid sequence starting with <, treat as a literal out = out.concat(this.parse("" + evt_str.substr(1))); continue; } } // TODO: make a list of characters that need keyCode and charCode somewhere if (evt_obj.keyCode == 32 || evt_obj.charCode == 32) evt_obj.charCode = evt_obj.keyCode = 32; // if (evt_obj.keyCode == 60 || evt_obj.charCode == 60) evt_obj.charCode = evt_obj.keyCode = 60; // evt_obj.modifiers = (evt_obj.ctrlKey && Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.CONTROL_MASK) | (evt_obj.altKey && Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.ALT_MASK) | (evt_obj.shiftKey && Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.SHIFT_MASK) | (evt_obj.metaKey && Ci.nsIDOMNSEvent.META_MASK); out.push(evt_obj); } return out; }, /** * Converts the specified event to a string in dactyl key-code * notation. Returns null for an unknown event. * * @param {Event} event * @returns {string} */ stringify: function stringify(event) { if (isArray(event)) return event.map(e => this.stringify(e)).join(""); if (event.dactylString) return event.dactylString; let key = null; let modifier = ""; if (event.globKey) modifier += "*-"; if (event.ctrlKey) modifier += "C-"; if (event.altKey) modifier += "A-"; if (event.metaKey) modifier += "M-"; if (/^key/.test(event.type)) { let charCode = event.type == "keyup" ? 0 : event.charCode; // Why? --Kris if (charCode == 0) { if (event.keyCode in this.code_key) { key = this.code_key[event.keyCode]; if (event.shiftKey && (key.length > 1 || key.toUpperCase() == key.toLowerCase() || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) || event.dactylShift) modifier += "S-"; else if (!modifier && key.length === 1) if (event.shiftKey) key = key.toUpperCase(); else key = key.toLowerCase(); if (!modifier && key.length == 1) return key; } } // [Ctrl-Bug] special handling of mysterious , , , , bugs (OS/X) // (i.e., cntrl codes 27--31) // --- // For more information, see: // [*] Referenced mailing list msg: http://www.mozdev.org/pipermail/pentadactyl/2008-May/001548.html // [*] Mozilla bug 416227: event.charCode in keypress handler has unexpected values on Mac for Ctrl with chars in "[ ] _ \" // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=416227 // [*] Mozilla bug 432951: Ctrl+'foo' doesn't seem same charCode as Meta+'foo' on Cocoa // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=432951 // --- // // The following fixes are only activated if config.OS.isMacOSX. // Technically, they prevent mappings from (and // if your fancy keyboard permits such things), but // these mappings are probably pathological ( // certainly is on Windows), and so it is probably // harmless to remove the config.OS.isMacOSX if desired. // else if (config.OS.isMacOSX && event.ctrlKey && charCode >= 27 && charCode <= 31) { if (charCode == 27) { // [Ctrl-Bug 1/5] the bug key = "Esc"; modifier = modifier.replace("C-", ""); } else // [Ctrl-Bug 2,3,4,5/5] the , , , bugs key = String.fromCharCode(charCode + 64); } // a normal key like a, b, c, 0, etc. else if (charCode) { key = String.fromCharCode(charCode); if (!/^[^<\s]$/i.test(key) && key in this.key_code) { // a named charCode key ( and ) space can be shifted, must be forced if ((key.match(/^\s$/) && event.shiftKey) || event.dactylShift) modifier += "S-"; key = this.code_key[this.key_code[key]]; } else { // a shift modifier is only allowed if the key is alphabetical and used in a C-A-M- mapping in the uppercase, // or if the shift has been forced for a non-alphabetical character by the user while :map-ping if (key !== key.toLowerCase() && (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) || event.dactylShift) modifier += "S-"; if (/^\s$/.test(key)) key = let (s = charCode.toString(16)) "U" + "0000".substr(4 - s.length) + s; else if (modifier.length == 0) return key; } } if (key == null) { if (event.shiftKey) modifier += "S-"; key = this.key_key[event.dactylKeyname] || event.dactylKeyname; } if (key == null) return null; } else if (event.type == "click" || event.type == "dblclick") { if (event.shiftKey) modifier += "S-"; if (event.type == "dblclick") modifier += "2-"; // TODO: triple and quadruple click switch (event.button) { case 0: key = "LeftMouse"; break; case 1: key = "MiddleMouse"; break; case 2: key = "RightMouse"; break; } } if (key == null) return null; return "<" + modifier + key + ">"; }, defaults: { load: { bubbles: false }, submit: { cancelable: true } }, types: Class.Memoize(() => iter( { Mouse: "click mousedown mouseout mouseover mouseup dblclick " + "hover " + "popupshowing popupshown popuphiding popuphidden " + "contextmenu", Key: "keydown keypress keyup", "": "change command dactyl-input input submit " + "load unload pageshow pagehide DOMContentLoaded " + "resize scroll" } ).map(([k, v]) => v.split(" ").map(v => [v, k])) .flatten() .toObject()), /** * Dispatches an event to an element as if it were a native event. * * @param {Node} target The DOM node to which to dispatch the event. * @param {Event} event The event to dispatch. */ dispatch: function dispatch(target, event, extra) { try { this.feedingEvent = extra; if (target instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement) return (target.ownerDocument || target.document || target).defaultView .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .dispatchDOMEventViaPresShell(target, event, true); else { target.dispatchEvent(event); return !event.defaultPrevented; } } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } finally { this.feedingEvent = null; } } }), createContents: Class.Memoize(() => services.has("dactyl") && services.dactyl.createContents || (elem => {})), isScrollable: Class.Memoize(() => services.has("dactyl") && services.dactyl.getScrollable ? (elem, dir) => services.dactyl.getScrollable(elem) & (dir ? services.dactyl["DIRECTION_" + dir.toUpperCase()] : ~0) : (elem, dir) => true), isJSONXML: function isJSONXML(val) isArray(val) && isinstance(val[0], ["String", "Array", "XML", DOM.DOMString]) || isObject(val) && "toDOM" in val, DOMString: function DOMString(val) ({ __proto__: DOMString.prototype, toDOM: function toDOM(doc) doc.createTextNode(val), toString: function () val }), /** * The set of input element type attribute values that mark the element as * an editable field. */ editableInputs: RealSet(["date", "datetime", "datetime-local", "email", "file", "month", "number", "password", "range", "search", "tel", "text", "time", "url", "week"]), /** * Converts a given DOM Node, Range, or Selection to a string. If * *html* is true, the output is HTML, otherwise it is presentation * text. * * @param {nsIDOMNode | nsIDOMRange | nsISelection} node The node to * stringify. * @param {boolean} html Whether the output should be HTML rather * than presentation text. */ stringify: function stringify(node, html) { if (node instanceof Ci.nsISelection && node.isCollapsed) return ""; if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode) { let range = node.ownerDocument.createRange(); range.selectNode(node); node = range; } let doc = (node.getRangeAt ? node.getRangeAt(0) : node).startContainer; doc = doc.ownerDocument || doc; let encoder = services.HtmlEncoder(); encoder.init(doc, "text/unicode", encoder.OutputRaw|encoder.OutputPreformatted); if (node instanceof Ci.nsISelection) encoder.setSelection(node); else if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMRange) encoder.setRange(node); let str = services.String(encoder.encodeToString()); if (html) return str.data; let [result, length] = [{}, {}]; services.HtmlConverter().convert("text/html", str, str.data.length*2, "text/unicode", result, length); return result.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString).data; }, /** * Compiles a CSS spec and XPath pattern matcher based on the given * list. List elements prefixed with "xpath:" are parsed as XPath * patterns, while other elements are parsed as CSS specs. The * returned function will, given a node, return an iterator of all * descendants of that node which match the given specs. * * @param {[string]} list The list of patterns to match. * @returns {function(Node)} */ compileMatcher: function compileMatcher(list) { let xpath = [], css = []; for (let elem in values(list)) if (/^xpath:/.test(elem)) xpath.push(elem.substr(6)); else css.push(elem); return update( function matcher(node) { if (matcher.xpath) for (let elem in DOM.XPath(matcher.xpath, node)) yield elem; if (matcher.css) for (let [, elem] in iter(util.withProperErrors("querySelectorAll", node, matcher.css))) yield elem; }, { css: css.join(", "), xpath: xpath.join(" | ") }); }, /** * Validates a list as input for {@link #compileMatcher}. Returns * true if and only if every element of the list is a valid XPath or * CSS selector. * * @param {[string]} list The list of patterns to test * @returns {boolean} True when the patterns are all valid. */ validateMatcher: function validateMatcher(list) { return this.testValues(list, DOM.bound.testMatcher); }, testMatcher: function testMatcher(value) { let evaluator = services.XPathEvaluator(); let node = services.XMLDocument(); if (/^xpath:/.test(value)) util.withProperErrors("createExpression", evaluator, value.substr(6), DOM.XPath.resolver); else util.withProperErrors("querySelector", node, value); return true; }, /** * Converts HTML special characters in *str* to the equivalent HTML * entities. * * @param {string} str * @param {boolean} simple If true, only escape for the simple case * of text nodes. * @returns {string} */ escapeHTML: function escapeHTML(str, simple) { let map = { "'": "'", '"': """, "%": "%", "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">" }; let regexp = simple ? /[<>]/g : /['"&<>]/g; return str.replace(regexp, m => map[m]); }, fromJSON: update(function fromJSON(xml, doc, nodes, namespaces) { if (!doc) doc = document; function tag(args, namespaces) { let _namespaces = namespaces; // Deal with common error case if (args == null) { util.reportError(Error("Unexpected null when processing XML.")); args = ["html:i", {}, "[NULL]"]; } if (isinstance(args, ["String", "Number", "Boolean", _])) return doc.createTextNode(args); if (isObject(args) && "toDOM" in args) return args.toDOM(doc, namespaces, nodes); if (args instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode) return args; if (args instanceof DOM) return args.fragment(); if ("toJSONXML" in args) args = args.toJSONXML(); let [name, attr] = args; if (!isString(name) || args.length == 0 || name === "") { var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); Array.forEach(args, function (arg) { if (!isArray(arg[0])) arg = [arg]; arg.forEach(function (arg) { frag.appendChild(tag(arg, namespaces)); }); }); return frag; } attr = attr || {}; function parseNamespace(name) DOM.parseNamespace(name, namespaces); // FIXME: Surely we can do better. for (var key in attr) { if (/^xmlns(?:$|:)/.test(key)) { if (_namespaces === namespaces) namespaces = Object.create(namespaces); namespaces[key.substr(6)] = namespaces[attr[key]] || attr[key]; }} var args = Array.slice(args, 2); var vals = parseNamespace(name); var elem = doc.createElementNS(vals[0] || namespaces[""], name); for (var key in attr) if (!/^xmlns(?:$|:)/.test(key)) { var val = attr[key]; if (nodes && key == "key") nodes[val] = elem; vals = parseNamespace(key); if (key == "highlight") ; else if (typeof val == "function") elem.addEventListener(key.replace(/^on/, ""), val, false); else elem.setAttributeNS(vals[0] || "", key, val); } args.forEach(function (e) { elem.appendChild(tag(e, namespaces)); }); if ("highlight" in attr) highlight.highlightNode(elem, attr.highlight, nodes || true); return elem; } if (namespaces) namespaces = update({}, fromJSON.namespaces, namespaces); else namespaces = fromJSON.namespaces; return tag(xml, namespaces); }, { namespaces: { "": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", dactyl: String(NS), html: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", xul: "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" } }), toXML: function toXML(xml) { // Meh. For now. let doc = services.XMLDocument(); let node = this.fromJSON(xml, doc); return services.XMLSerializer() .serializeToString(node); }, toPrettyXML: function toPrettyXML(xml, asXML, indent, namespaces) { const INDENT = indent || " "; const EMPTY = RealSet("area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param" .split(" ")); function namespaced(namespaces, namespace, localName) { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(namespaces)) if (v == namespace) return (k ? k + ":" + localName : localName); throw Error("No such namespace"); } function isFragment(args) !isString(args[0]) || args.length == 0 || args[0] === ""; function hasString(args) { return args.some(a => (isString(a) || isFragment(a) && hasString(a))); } function isStrings(args) { if (!isArray(args)) return util.dump("ARGS: " + {}.toString.call(args) + " " + args), false; return args.every(a => (isinstance(a, ["String", DOM.DOMString]) || isFragment(a) && isStrings(a))); } function tag(args, namespaces, indent) { let _namespaces = namespaces; if (args == "") return ""; if (isinstance(args, ["String", "Number", "Boolean", _, DOM.DOMString])) return indent + DOM.escapeHTML(String(args), true); if (isObject(args) && "toDOM" in args) return indent + services.XMLSerializer() .serializeToString(args.toDOM(services.XMLDocument())) .replace(/^/m, indent); if (args instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode) return indent + services.XMLSerializer() .serializeToString(args) .replace(/^/m, indent); if ("toJSONXML" in args) args = args.toJSONXML(); // Deal with common error case if (args == null) { util.reportError(Error("Unexpected null when processing XML.")); return "[NULL]"; } let [name, attr] = args; if (isFragment(args)) { let res = []; let join = isArray(args) && isStrings(args) ? "" : "\n"; Array.forEach(args, function (arg) { if (!isArray(arg[0])) arg = [arg]; let contents = []; arg.forEach(function (arg) { let string = tag(arg, namespaces, indent); if (string) contents.push(string); }); if (contents.length) res.push(contents.join("\n"), join); }); if (res[res.length - 1] == join) res.pop(); return res.join(""); } attr = attr || {}; function parseNamespace(name) { var m = /^(?:(.*):)?(.*)$/.exec(name); return [namespaces[m[1]], m[2]]; } // FIXME: Surely we can do better. let skipAttr = {}; for (var key in attr) { if (/^xmlns(?:$|:)/.test(key)) { if (_namespaces === namespaces) namespaces = update({}, namespaces); let ns = namespaces[attr[key]] || attr[key]; if (ns == namespaces[key.substr(6)]) skipAttr[key] = true; attr[key] = namespaces[key.substr(6)] = ns; }} var args = Array.slice(args, 2); var vals = parseNamespace(name); let res = [indent, "<", name]; for (let [key, val] in Iterator(attr)) { if (hasOwnProperty(skipAttr, key)) continue; let vals = parseNamespace(key); if (typeof val == "function") { key = key.replace(/^(?:on)?/, "on"); val = val.toSource() + "(event)"; } if (key != "highlight" || vals[0] == String(NS)) res.push(" ", key, '="', DOM.escapeHTML(val), '"'); else res.push(" ", namespaced(namespaces, String(NS), "highlight"), '="', DOM.escapeHTML(val), '"'); } if ((vals[0] || namespaces[""]) == String(XHTML) && EMPTY.has(vals[1]) || asXML && !args.length) res.push("/>"); else { res.push(">"); if (isStrings(args)) res.push(args.map(e => tag(e, namespaces, "")).join(""), ""); else { let contents = []; args.forEach(function (e) { let string = tag(e, namespaces, indent + INDENT); if (string) contents.push(string); }); res.push("\n", contents.join("\n"), "\n", indent, ""); } } return res.join(""); } if (namespaces) namespaces = update({}, DOM.fromJSON.namespaces, namespaces); else namespaces = DOM.fromJSON.namespaces; return tag(xml, namespaces, ""); }, parseNamespace: function parseNamespace(name, namespaces) { if (name == "xmlns") return [DOM.fromJSON.namespaces.xmlns, "xmlns"]; var m = /^(?:(.*):)?(.*)$/.exec(name); return [(namespaces || DOM.fromJSON.namespaces)[m[1]], m[2]]; }, /** * Evaluates an XPath expression in the current or provided * document. It provides the xhtml, xhtml2 and dactyl XML * namespaces. The result may be used as an iterator. * * @param {string} expression The XPath expression to evaluate. * @param {Node} elem The context element. * @param {boolean} asIterator Whether to return the results as an * XPath iterator. * @param {object} namespaces Additional namespaces to recognize. * @optional * @returns {Object} Iterable result of the evaluation. */ XPath: update( function XPath(expression, elem, asIterator, namespaces) { try { let doc = elem.ownerDocument || elem; if (isArray(expression)) expression = DOM.makeXPath(expression); let resolver = XPath.resolver; if (namespaces) { namespaces = update({}, DOM.namespaces, namespaces); resolver = prefix => namespaces[prefix] || null; } let result = doc.evaluate(expression, elem, resolver, asIterator ? Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE : Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ); let res = { iterateNext: function () result.iterateNext(), get resultType() result.resultType, get snapshotLength() result.snapshotLength, snapshotItem: function (i) result.snapshotItem(i), __iterator__: asIterator ? function () { let elem; while ((elem = this.iterateNext())) yield elem; } : function () { for (let i = 0; i < this.snapshotLength; i++) yield this.snapshotItem(i); } }; return res; } catch (e) { throw e.stack ? e : Error(e); } }, { resolver: function lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) (DOM.namespaces[prefix] || null) }), /** * Returns an XPath union expression constructed from the specified node * tests. An expression is built with node tests for both the null and * XHTML namespaces. See {@link DOM.XPath}. * * @param nodes {Array(string)} * @returns {string} */ makeXPath: function makeXPath(nodes) { return array(nodes).map(util.debrace).flatten() .map(node => /^[a-z]+:/.test(node) ? node : [node, "xhtml:" + node]) .flatten() .map(node => "//" + node).join(" | "); }, namespaces: { xul: XUL, xhtml: XHTML, html: XHTML, xhtml2: "http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2", dactyl: NS }, namespaceNames: Class.Memoize(function () iter(this.namespaces).map(([k, v]) => ([v, k])).toObject()), }); Object.keys(DOM.Event.types).forEach(function (event) { let name = event.replace(/-(.)/g, (m, m1) => m1.toUpperCase()); if (!hasOwnProperty(DOM.prototype, name)) DOM.prototype[name] = function _event(arg, extra) { return this[callable(arg) ? "listen" : "dispatch"](event, arg, extra); }; }); var $ = DOM; endModule(); // catch(e){ if (!e.stack) e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: