// Copyright (c) 2011 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. /* use strict */ try { let { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["JSMLoader"]; var BOOTSTRAP_CONTRACT = "@dactyl.googlecode.com/base/bootstrap"; var JSMLoader = BOOTSTRAP_CONTRACT in Components.classes && Components.classes[BOOTSTRAP_CONTRACT].getService().wrappedJSObject.loader; if (JSMLoader && JSMLoader.bump === 6) JSMLoader.global = this; else JSMLoader = { bump: 6, builtin: Cu.Sandbox(this), canonical: {}, factories: [], name: "dactyl", global: this, globals: JSMLoader ? JSMLoader.globals : {}, io: Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService), loader: Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader), manager: Components.manager.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar), modules: JSMLoader && JSMLoader.modules || {}, stale: JSMLoader ? JSMLoader.stale : {}, suffix: "", times: { all: 0, add: function add(major, minor, delta) { this.all += delta; this[major] = (this[major] || 0) + delta; if (minor) { minor = ":" + minor; this[minor] = (this[minor] || 0) + delta; this[major + minor] = (this[major + minor] || 0) + delta; } }, clear: function clear() { for (let key in this) if (typeof this[key] !== "number") delete this[key]; } }, init: function init(suffix) { this.initialized = true; this.suffix = suffix || ""; let base = this.load("base.jsm", this.global); this.global.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = base.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS; this.global.JSMLoader = this; base.JSMLoader = this; }, getTarget: function getTarget(url) { if (url.indexOf(":") === -1) url = "resource://dactyl" + this.suffix + "/" + url; let chan = this.io.newChannel(url, null, null); chan.cancel(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED); return chan.name; }, load: function load(name, target) { let url = name; if (url.indexOf(":") === -1) url = "resource://dactyl" + this.suffix + "/" + url; let targetURL = this.getTarget(url); let stale = this.stale[name] || this.stale[targetURL]; if (stale) { delete this.stale[name]; delete this.stale[targetURL]; let loadURL = url.replace(RegExp("^(resource://dactyl)/"), "$1" + this.suffix + "/"); let global = this.globals[name]; if (stale === targetURL) this.loadSubScript(loadURL, global.global || global); } try { let now = Date.now(); this.modules[url] = true; let global = Cu.import(url, target); if (!(name in this.globals)) this.times.add("require", name, Date.now() - now); return this.globals[name] = global; } catch (e) { dump("Importing " + url + ": " + e + "\n" + (e.stack || Error().stack)); throw e; } }, loadSubScript: function loadSubScript(script) { let now = Date.now(); this.loader.loadSubScript.apply(this.loader, arguments); this.times.add("loadSubScript", script, Date.now() - now); }, cleanup: function unregister() { for each (let factory in this.factories.splice(0)) this.manager.unregisterFactory(factory.classID, factory); }, purge: function purge() { dump("dactyl: JSMLoader: purge\n"); this.bootstrap = null; if (Cu.unload) { Object.keys(this.modules).reverse().forEach(function (url) { try { Cu.unload(url); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } }); } else { for (let [url, global] in Iterator(this.globals)) { if (url === "bootstrap.jsm" || url === "resource://dactyl/bootstrap.jsm") continue; let target = this.getTarget(url); this.stale[url] = target; this.stale[target] = target; for each (let prop in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(global)) try { if (!(prop in this.builtin) && ["JSMLoader", "Set", "set", "EXPORTED_SYMBOLS"].indexOf(prop) < 0 && !global.__lookupGetter__(prop)) global[prop] = undefined; } catch (e) { dump("Deleting property " + prop + " on " + url + ":\n " + e + "\n"); Cu.reportError(e); } } } }, Factory: function Factory(clas) ({ __proto__: clas.prototype, createInstance: function (outer, iid) { try { if (outer != null) throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION; if (!clas.instance) clas.instance = new clas(); return clas.instance.QueryInterface(iid); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); throw e; } } }), registerFactory: function registerFactory(factory) { this.manager.registerFactory(factory.classID, String(factory.classID), factory.contractID, factory); this.factories.push(factory); } }; }catch(e){ dump(e + "\n" + (e.stack || Error().stack)); Components.utils.reportError(e) } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 et ft=javascript: