// Copyright ©2008-2010 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; Components.utils.import("resource://dactyl/bootstrap.jsm"); defineModule("bookmarkcache", { exports: ["Bookmark", "BookmarkCache", "Keyword", "bookmarkcache"], require: ["services", "storage", "util"] }, this); var Bookmark = Struct("url", "title", "icon", "post", "keyword", "tags", "charset", "id"); var Keyword = Struct("keyword", "title", "icon", "url"); Bookmark.defaultValue("icon", function () BookmarkCache.getFavicon(this.url)); update(Bookmark.prototype, { get extra() [ ["keyword", this.keyword, "Keyword"], ["tags", this.tags.join(", "), "Tag"] ].filter(function (item) item[1]), get uri() util.newURI(this.url), encodeURIComponent: function _encodeURIComponent(str) { if (!this.charset || this.charset === "UTF-8") return encodeURIComponent(str); let conv = services.CharsetConv(this.charset); return escape(conv.ConvertFromUnicode(str) + conv.Finish()); } }) Bookmark.setter = function (key, func) this.prototype.__defineSetter__(key, func); Bookmark.setter("url", function (val) { if (isString(val)) val = util.newURI(val); let tags = this.tags; this.tags = null; services.bookmarks.changeBookmarkURI(this.id, val); this.tags = tags; }); Bookmark.setter("title", function (val) { services.bookmarks.setItemTitle(this.id, val); }); Bookmark.setter("post", function (val) { bookmarkcache.annotate(this.id, bookmarkcache.POST, val); }); Bookmark.setter("charset", function (val) { bookmarkcache.annotate(this.id, bookmarkcache.CHARSET, val); }); Bookmark.setter("keyword", function (val) { services.bookmarks.setKeywordForBookmark(this.id, val); }); Bookmark.setter("tags", function (val) { services.tagging.untagURI(this.uri, null); if (val) services.tagging.tagURI(this.uri, val); }); var name = "bookmark-cache"; var BookmarkCache = Module("BookmarkCache", XPCOM(Ci.nsINavBookmarkObserver), { POST: "bookmarkProperties/POSTData", CHARSET: "dactyl/charset", init: function init() { services.bookmarks.addObserver(this, false); }, cleanup: function cleanup() { services.bookmarks.removeObserver(this); }, __iterator__: function () (val for ([, val] in Iterator(bookmarkcache.bookmarks))), get bookmarks() Class.replaceProperty(this, "bookmarks", this.load()), keywords: Class.memoize(function () array.toObject([[b.keyword, b] for (b in this) if (b.keyword)])), rootFolders: ["toolbarFolder", "bookmarksMenuFolder", "unfiledBookmarksFolder"] .map(function (s) services.bookmarks[s]), _deleteBookmark: function deleteBookmark(id) { let result = this.bookmarks[id] || null; delete this.bookmarks[id]; return result; }, _loadBookmark: function loadBookmark(node) { if (node.uri == null) // How does this happen? return false; let uri = util.newURI(node.uri); let keyword = services.bookmarks.getKeywordForBookmark(node.itemId); let tags = services.tagging.getTagsForURI(uri, {}) || []; let post = BookmarkCache.getAnnotation(node.itemId, this.POST); let charset = BookmarkCache.getAnnotation(node.itemId, this.CHARSET); return Bookmark(node.uri, node.title, node.icon && node.icon.spec, post, keyword, tags, charset, node.itemId); }, annotate: function (id, key, val, timespan) { if (val) services.annotation.setItemAnnotation(id, key, val, 0, timespan || services.annotation.EXPIRE_NEVER); else if (services.annotation.itemHasAnnotation(id, key)) services.annotation.removeItemAnnotation(id, key); }, get: function (url) { let ids = services.bookmarks.getBookmarkIdsForURI(util.newURI(url), {}); for (let id in values(ids)) if (id in this.bookmarks) return this.bookmarks[id]; return null; }, readBookmark: function readBookmark(id) ({ itemId: id, uri: services.bookmarks.getBookmarkURI(id).spec, title: services.bookmarks.getItemTitle(id) }), findRoot: function findRoot(id) { do { var root = id; id = services.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(id); } while (id != services.bookmarks.placesRoot && id != root); return root; }, isBookmark: function (id) this.rootFolders.indexOf(this.findRoot(id)) >= 0, /** * Returns true if the given URL is bookmarked and that bookmark is * not a Live Bookmark. * * @param {nsIURI|string} url The URL of which to check the bookmarked * state. * @returns {boolean} */ isBookmarked: function isBookmarked(uri) { if (isString(uri)) uri = util.newURI(uri); try { return services.bookmarks .getBookmarkIdsForURI(uri, {}) .some(this.closure.isRegularBookmark); } catch (e) { return false; } }, isRegularBookmark: function isRegularBookmark(id) { do { var root = id; if (services.livemark && services.livemark.isLivemark(id)) return false; id = services.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(id); } while (id != services.bookmarks.placesRoot && id != root); return this.rootFolders.indexOf(root) >= 0; }, load: function load() { let bookmarks = {}; let folders = this.rootFolders.slice(); let query = services.history.getNewQuery(); let options = services.history.getNewQueryOptions(); while (folders.length > 0) { query.setFolders(folders, 1); folders.shift(); let result = services.history.executeQuery(query, options); let folder = result.root; folder.containerOpen = true; // iterate over the immediate children of this folder for (let i = 0; i < folder.childCount; i++) { let node = folder.getChild(i); if (node.type == node.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER) // folder folders.push(node.itemId); else if (node.type == node.RESULT_TYPE_URI) // bookmark bookmarks[node.itemId] = this._loadBookmark(node); } // close a container after using it! folder.containerOpen = false; } return bookmarks; }, onItemAdded: function onItemAdded(itemId, folder, index) { if (services.bookmarks.getItemType(itemId) == services.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK) { if (this.isBookmark(itemId)) { let bmark = this._loadBookmark(this.readBookmark(itemId)); this.bookmarks[bmark.id] = bmark; storage.fireEvent(name, "add", bmark); delete this.keywords; } } }, onItemRemoved: function onItemRemoved(itemId, folder, index) { let result = this._deleteBookmark(itemId); delete this.keywords; if (result) storage.fireEvent(name, "remove", result); }, onItemChanged: function onItemChanged(itemId, property, isAnnotation, value) { if (isAnnotation) if (property === this.POST) [property, value] = ["post", BookmarkCache.getAnnotation(itemId, property)]; else if (property === this.CHARSET) [property, value] = ["charset", BookmarkCache.getAnnotation(itemId, property)]; else return; let bookmark = this.bookmarks[itemId]; if (bookmark) { if (property == "keyword") delete this.keywords; if (property == "tags") value = services.tagging.getTagsForURI(bookmark.uri, {}); if (property in bookmark) { bookmark[bookmark.members[property]] = value; storage.fireEvent(name, "change", { __proto__: bookmark, changed: property }); } } } }, { getAnnotation: function getAnnotation(item, anno) services.annotation.itemHasAnnotation(item, anno) ? services.annotation.getItemAnnotation(item, anno) : null, getFavicon: function getFavicon(uri) { try { return services.favicon.getFaviconImageForPage(util.newURI(uri)).spec; } catch (e) { return ""; } } }); endModule(); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 et ft=javascript: