// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; var Cc = Components.classes; var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cr = Components.results; var Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); try { var ctypes; Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); } catch (e) {} let objproto = Object.prototype; let { __lookupGetter__, __lookupSetter__, hasOwnProperty, propertyIsEnumerable } = objproto; if (typeof XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper === "undefined") this.XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper = XPCNativeWrapper; if (!XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap) XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap = function unwrap(obj) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, "wrappedJSObject")) return obj.wrappedJSObject; return obj; }; if (!Object.create) Object.create = function create(proto, props) { let obj = { __proto__: proto }; for (let k in properties(props || {})) Object.defineProperty(obj, k, props[k]); return obj; }; if (!Object.defineProperty) Object.defineProperty = function defineProperty(obj, prop, desc) { try { let value = desc.value; if ("value" in desc) if (desc.writable && !__lookupGetter__.call(obj, prop) && !__lookupSetter__.call(obj, prop)) try { obj[prop] = value; } catch (e if e instanceof TypeError) {} else { objproto.__defineGetter__.call(obj, prop, function () value); if (desc.writable) objproto.__defineSetter__.call(obj, prop, function (val) { value = val; }); } if ("get" in desc) objproto.__defineGetter__.call(obj, prop, desc.get); if ("set" in desc) objproto.__defineSetter__.call(obj, prop, desc.set); } catch (e) { throw e.stack ? e : Error(e); } }; if (!Object.defineProperties) Object.defineProperties = function defineProperties(obj, props) { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(props)) Object.defineProperty(obj, k, v); }; if (!Object.freeze) Object.freeze = function freeze(obj) {}; if (!Object.getPropertyDescriptor) Object.getPropertyDescriptor = function getPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop) { try { let desc = { configurable: true, enumerable: propertyIsEnumerable.call(obj, prop) }; var get = __lookupGetter__.call(obj, prop), set = __lookupSetter__.call(obj, prop); if (!get && !set) { desc.value = obj[prop]; desc.writable = true; } if (get) desc.get = get; if (set) desc.set = set; return desc; } catch (e) { throw e.stack ? e : Error(e); } }; if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) return Object.getPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); }; if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames) Object.getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(obj, _debugger) { try { // This is an ugly and unfortunately necessary hack. if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, "__iterator__")) { var oldIter = obj.__iterator__; delete obj.__iterator__; } let res = [k for (k in obj) if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k))]; if (oldIter !== undefined) { obj.__iterator__ = oldIter; res.push("__iterator__"); } return res; } catch (e) { throw e.stack ? e : Error(e); } }; if (!Object.getPrototypeOf) Object.getPrototypeOf = function getPrototypeOf(obj) obj.__proto__; if (!Object.keys) Object.keys = function keys(obj) Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).filter(function (k) propertyIsEnumerable.call(obj, k)); let getGlobalForObject = Cu.getGlobalForObject || function (obj) obj.__parent__; let use = {}; let loaded = {}; let currentModule; let global = this; function defineModule(name, params, module) { if (!module) module = getGlobalForObject(params); module.NAME = name; module.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = params.exports || []; defineModule.loadLog.push("defineModule " + name); for (let [, mod] in Iterator(params.require || [])) require(module, mod); for (let [, mod] in Iterator(params.use || [])) if (loaded.hasOwnProperty(mod)) require(module, mod, "use"); else { use[mod] = use[mod] || []; use[mod].push(module); } currentModule = module; module.startTime = Date.now(); } defineModule.loadLog = []; Object.defineProperty(defineModule.loadLog, "push", { value: function (val) { if (false) defineModule.dump(val + "\n"); this[this.length] = Date.now() + " " + val; } }); defineModule.dump = function dump_() { let msg = Array.map(arguments, function (msg) { if (loaded.util && typeof msg == "object") msg = util.objectToString(msg); return msg; }).join(", "); let name = loaded.config ? config.name : "dactyl"; dump(String.replace(msg, /\n?$/, "\n") .replace(/^./gm, name + ": $&")); } defineModule.modules = []; defineModule.time = function time(major, minor, func, self) { let time = Date.now(); if (typeof func !== "function") func = self[func]; try { var res = func.apply(self, Array.slice(arguments, 4)); } catch (e) { loaded.util && util.reportError(e); } JSMLoader.times.add(major, minor, Date.now() - time); return res; } function endModule() { defineModule.loadLog.push("endModule " + currentModule.NAME); for (let [, mod] in Iterator(use[currentModule.NAME] || [])) require(mod, currentModule.NAME, "use"); loaded[currentModule.NAME] = 1; } function require(obj, name, from) { try { if (arguments.length === 1) [obj, name] = [{}, obj]; let caller = Components.stack.caller; if (!loaded[name]) defineModule.loadLog.push((from || "require") + ": loading " + name + " into " + (obj.NAME || caller.filename + ":" + caller.lineNumber)); JSMLoader.load(name + ".jsm", obj); return obj; } catch (e) { defineModule.dump("loading " + String.quote(name + ".jsm") + "\n"); if (loaded.util) util.reportError(e); else defineModule.dump(" " + (e.filename || e.fileName) + ":" + e.lineNumber + ": " + e + "\n"); } } defineModule("base", { // sed -n 's/^(const|function) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+).*/ "\2",/p' base.jsm | sort | fmt exports: [ "ErrorBase", "Cc", "Ci", "Class", "Cr", "Cu", "Module", "JSMLoader", "Object", "Runnable", "Set", "Struct", "StructBase", "Timer", "UTF8", "XPCOM", "XPCOMUtils", "XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper", "array", "bind", "call", "callable", "ctypes", "curry", "debuggerProperties", "defineModule", "deprecated", "endModule", "forEach", "isArray", "isGenerator", "isinstance", "isObject", "isString", "isSubclass", "iter", "iterAll", "iterOwnProperties", "keys", "memoize", "octal", "properties", "require", "set", "update", "values", "withCallerGlobal" ], use: ["config", "services", "util"] }, this); function Runnable(self, func, args) { return { __proto__: Runnable.prototype, run: function () { func.apply(self, args || []); } }; } Runnable.prototype.QueryInterface = XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIRunnable]); /** * Returns a list of all of the top-level properties of an object, by * way of the debugger. * * @param {object} obj * @returns [jsdIProperty] */ function debuggerProperties(obj) { if (loaded.services && services.debugger.isOn) { let res = {}; services.debugger.wrapValue(obj).getProperties(res, {}); return res.value; } } /** * Iterates over the names of all of the top-level properties of an * object or, if prototypes is given, all of the properties in the * prototype chain below the top. Uses the debugger if possible. * * @param {object} obj The object to inspect. * @param {boolean} properties Whether to inspect the prototype chain * @default false * @returns {Generator} */ function prototype(obj) /* Temporary hack: */ typeof obj === "xml" || obj.__proto__ !== obj.__proto__ ? null : obj.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) || XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(obj).__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(obj)); function properties(obj, prototypes, debugger_) { let orig = obj; let seen = { dactylPropertyNames: true }; try { if ("dactylPropertyNames" in obj && !prototypes) for (let key in values(obj.dactylPropertyNames)) if (key in obj && !Set.add(seen, key)) yield key; } catch (e) {} for (; obj; obj = prototypes && prototype(obj)) { try { if (sandbox.Object.getOwnPropertyNames || !debugger_ || !services.debugger.isOn) var iter = values(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)); } catch (e) {} if (!iter) iter = (prop.name.stringValue for (prop in values(debuggerProperties(obj)))); for (let key in iter) if (!prototypes || !Set.add(seen, key) && obj != orig) yield key; } } function iterOwnProperties(obj) { for (let prop in properties(obj)) yield [prop, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop)]; } function deprecated(alternative, fn) { if (isObject(fn)) return Class.Property(iter(fn).map(function ([k, v]) [k, callable(v) ? deprecated(alternative, v) : v]) .toObject()); let name, func = callable(fn) ? fn : function () this[fn].apply(this, arguments); function deprecatedMethod() { let obj = !this ? "" : this.className ? this.className + "#" : this.constructor.className ? this.constructor.className + "#" : ""; deprecated.warn(func, obj + (fn.name || name), alternative); return func.apply(this, arguments); } return callable(fn) ? deprecatedMethod : Class.Property({ get: function () deprecatedMethod, init: function (prop) { name = prop; } }); } deprecated.warn = function warn(func, name, alternative, frame) { if (!func.seenCaller) func.seenCaller = Set([ "resource://dactyl" + JSMLoader.suffix + "/javascript.jsm", "resource://dactyl" + JSMLoader.suffix + "/util.jsm" ]); frame = frame || Components.stack.caller.caller; let filename = util.fixURI(frame.filename || "unknown"); if (!Set.add(func.seenCaller, filename)) util.dactyl(func).warn([util.urlPath(filename), frame.lineNumber, " "].join(":") + require("messages")._("warn.deprecated", name, alternative)); } /** * Iterates over all of the top-level, iterable property names of an * object. * * @param {object} obj The object to inspect. * @returns {Generator} */ function keys(obj) iter(function keys() { for (var k in obj) if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k)) yield k; }()); /** * Iterates over all of the top-level, iterable property values of an * object. * * @param {object} obj The object to inspect. * @returns {Generator} */ function values(obj) iter(function values() { if (isinstance(obj, ["Generator", "Iterator"])) for (let k in obj) yield k; else for (var k in obj) if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k)) yield obj[k]; }()); var forEach = deprecated("iter.forEach", function forEach() iter.forEach.apply(iter, arguments)); var iterAll = deprecated("iter", function iterAll() iter.apply(null, arguments)); /** * Utility for managing sets of strings. Given an array, returns an * object with one key for each value thereof. * * @param {[string]} ary @optional * @returns {object} */ function Set(ary) { let obj = {}; if (ary) for (let val in values(ary)) obj[val] = true; return obj; } /** * Adds an element to a set and returns true if the element was * previously contained. * * @param {object} set The set. * @param {string} key The key to add. * @returns boolean */ Set.add = curry(function set_add(set, key) { let res = this.has(set, key); set[key] = true; return res; }); /** * Returns true if the given set contains the given key. * * @param {object} set The set. * @param {string} key The key to check. * @returns {boolean} */ Set.has = curry(function set_has(set, key) hasOwnProperty.call(set, key) && propertyIsEnumerable.call(set, key)); /** * Returns a new set containing the members of the first argument which * do not exist in any of the other given arguments. * * @param {object} set The set. * @returns {object} */ Set.subtract = function set_subtract(set) { set = update({}, set); for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) for (let k in keys(arguments[i])) delete set[k]; return set; }; /** * Removes an element from a set and returns true if the element was * previously contained. * * @param {object} set The set. * @param {string} key The key to remove. * @returns boolean */ Set.remove = curry(function set_remove(set, key) { let res = set.has(set, key); delete set[key]; return res; }); function set() { deprecated.warn(set, "set", "Set"); return Set.apply(this, arguments); } Object.keys(Set).forEach(function (meth) { set[meth] = function proxy() { deprecated.warn(proxy, "set." + meth, "Set." + meth); return Set[meth].apply(Set, arguments); }; }); /** * Curries a function to the given number of arguments. Each * call of the resulting function returns a new function. When * a call does not contain enough arguments to satisfy the * required number, the resulting function is another curried * function with previous arguments accumulated. * * function foo(a, b, c) [a, b, c].join(" "); * curry(foo)(1, 2, 3) -> "1 2 3"; * curry(foo)(4)(5, 6) -> "4 5 6"; * curry(foo)(7)(8)(9) -> "7 8 9"; * * @param {function} fn The function to curry. * @param {integer} length The number of arguments expected. * @default fn.length * @optional * @param {object} self The 'this' value for the returned function. When * omitted, the value of 'this' from the first call to the function is * preserved. * @optional */ function curry(fn, length, self, acc) { if (length == null) length = fn.length; if (length == 0) return fn; // Close over function with 'this' function close(self, fn) function () fn.apply(self, Array.slice(arguments)); if (acc == null) acc = []; return function curried() { let args = acc.concat(Array.slice(arguments)); // The curried result should preserve 'this' if (arguments.length == 0) return close(self || this, curried); if (args.length >= length) return fn.apply(self || this, args); return curry(fn, length, self || this, args); }; } if (curry.bind) var bind = function bind(meth, self) let (func = callable(meth) ? meth : self[meth]) func.bind.apply(func, Array.slice(arguments, 1)); else var bind = function bind(func, self) { if (!callable(func)) func = self[func]; let args = Array.slice(arguments, bind.length); return function bound() func.apply(self, args.concat(Array.slice(arguments))); }; /** * Returns true if both arguments are functions and * (targ() instanceof src) would also return true. * * @param {function} targ * @param {function} src * @returns {boolean} */ function isSubclass(targ, src) { return src === targ || targ && typeof targ === "function" && targ.prototype instanceof src; } /** * Returns true if *object* is an instance of *interfaces*. If *interfaces* is * an array, returns true if *object* is an instance of any element of * *interfaces*. If *interfaces* is the object form of a primitive type, * returns true if *object* is a non-boxed version of the type, i.e., if * (typeof object == "string"), isinstance(object, String) is true. Finally, if * *interfaces* is a string, returns true if ({}.toString.call(object) == * "[object ]"). * * @param {object} object The object to check. * @param {constructor|[constructor|string]} interfaces The types to check *object* against. * @returns {boolean} */ var isinstance_types = { boolean: Boolean, string: String, function: Function, number: Number }; function isinstance(object, interfaces) { if (object == null) return false; return Array.concat(interfaces).some(function isinstance_some(iface) { if (typeof iface === "string") { if (objproto.toString.call(object) === "[object " + iface + "]") return true; } else if (typeof object === "object" && "isinstance" in object && object.isinstance !== isinstance) { if (object.isinstance(iface)) return true; } else { if (object instanceof iface) return true; var type = isinstance_types[typeof object]; if (type && isSubclass(iface, type)) return true; } return false; }); } /** * Returns true if obj is a non-null object. */ function isObject(obj) typeof obj === "object" && obj != null || obj instanceof Ci.nsISupports; /** * Returns true if and only if its sole argument is an * instance of the builtin Array type. The array may come from * any window, frame, namespace, or execution context, which * is not the case when using (obj instanceof Array). */ var isArray = Array.isArray // This is bloody stupid. ? function isArray(val) Array.isArray(val) || val && val.constructor && val.constructor.name === "Array" : function isArray(val) objproto.toString.call(val) == "[object Array]"; /** * Returns true if and only if its sole argument is an * instance of the builtin Generator type. This includes * functions containing the 'yield' statement and generator * statements such as (x for (x in obj)). */ function isGenerator(val) objproto.toString.call(val) == "[object Generator]"; /** * Returns true if and only if its sole argument is a String, * as defined by the builtin type. May be constructed via * String(foo) or new String(foo) from any window, frame, * namespace, or execution context, which is not the case when * using (obj instanceof String) or (typeof obj == "string"). */ function isString(val) objproto.toString.call(val) == "[object String]"; /** * Returns true if and only if its sole argument may be called * as a function. This includes classes and function objects. */ function callable(val) typeof val === "function"; function call(fn) { fn.apply(arguments[1], Array.slice(arguments, 2)); return fn; } /** * Memoizes an object property value. * * @param {object} obj The object to add the property to. * @param {string} key The property name. * @param {function} getter The function which will return the initial * value of the property. */ function memoize(obj, key, getter) { if (arguments.length == 1) { obj = update({ __proto__: obj.__proto__ }, obj); for (let prop in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)) { let get = __lookupGetter__.call(obj, prop); if (get) memoize(obj, prop, get); } return obj; } try { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function g_replaceProperty() ( Class.replaceProperty(this.instance || this, key, null), Class.replaceProperty(this.instance || this, key, getter.call(this, key))), set: function s_replaceProperty(val) Class.replaceProperty(this.instance || this, key, val) }); } catch (e) { obj[key] = getter.call(obj, key); } } let sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(this); sandbox.__proto__ = this; /** * Wraps a function so that when called, the global object of the caller * is prepended to its arguments. */ // Hack to get around lack of access to caller in strict mode. var withCallerGlobal = Cu.evalInSandbox(, Cu.Sandbox(this), "1.8"); /** * Updates an object with the properties of another object. Getters * and setters are copied as expected. Moreover, any function * properties receive new 'supercall' and 'superapply' properties, * which will call the identically named function in target's * prototype. * * let a = { foo: function (arg) "bar " + arg } * let b = { __proto__: a } * update(b, { foo: function foo() foo.supercall(this, "baz") }); * * a.foo("foo") -> "bar foo" * b.foo() -> "bar baz" * * @param {Object} target The object to update. * @param {Object} src The source object from which to update target. * May be provided multiple times. * @returns {Object} Returns its updated first argument. */ function update(target) { for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { let src = arguments[i]; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(src || {}).forEach(function (k) { let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, k); if (desc.value instanceof Class.Property) desc = desc.value.init(k, target) || desc.value; if (typeof desc.value === "function" && target.__proto__) { let func = desc.value.wrapped || desc.value; if (!func.superapply) { func.__defineGetter__("super", function () Object.getPrototypeOf(target)[k]); func.superapply = function superapply(self, args) let (meth = Object.getPrototypeOf(target)[k]) meth && meth.apply(self, args); func.supercall = function supercall(self) func.superapply(self, Array.slice(arguments, 1)); } } try { Object.defineProperty(target, k, desc); } catch (e) {} }); } return target; } /** * @constructor Class * * Constructs a new Class. Arguments marked as optional must be * either entirely elided, or they must have the exact type * specified. * * @param {string} name The class's as it will appear when toString * is called, as well as in stack traces. * @optional * @param {function} base The base class for this module. May be any * callable object. * @optional * @default Class * @param {Object} prototype The prototype for instances of this * object. The object itself is copied and not used as a prototype * directly. * @param {Object} classProperties The class properties for the new * module constructor. More than one may be provided. * @optional * * @returns {function} The constructor for the resulting class. */ function Class() { var args = Array.slice(arguments); if (isString(args[0])) var name = args.shift(); var superclass = Class; if (callable(args[0])) superclass = args.shift(); if (loaded.util && util.haveGecko("6.0a1")) // Bug 657418. var Constructor = function Constructor() { var self = Object.create(Constructor.prototype, { constructor: { value: Constructor }, }); self.instance = self; var res = self.init.apply(self, arguments); return res !== undefined ? res : self; }; else var Constructor = eval(String.replace(, "constructor", (name || superclass.className).replace(/\W/g, "_")) .replace("PARAMS", /^function .*?\((.*?)\)/.exec(args[0] && args[0].init || Class.prototype.init)[1] .replace(/\b(self|res|Constructor)\b/g, "$1_"))); Constructor.className = name || superclass.className || superclass.name; if ("init" in superclass.prototype) Constructor.__proto__ = superclass; else { let superc = superclass; superclass = function Shim() {}; Class.extend(superclass, superc, { init: superc }); superclass.__proto__ = superc; } Class.extend(Constructor, superclass, args[0]); update(Constructor, args[1]); Constructor.__proto__ = superclass; args = args.slice(2); Array.forEach(args, function (obj) { if (callable(obj)) obj = obj.prototype; update(Constructor.prototype, obj); }); return Constructor; } if (Cu.getGlobalForObject) Class.objectGlobal = function (object) { try { return Cu.getGlobalForObject(object); } catch (e) { return null; } }; else Class.objectGlobal = function (object) { while (object.__parent__) object = object.__parent__; return object; }; /** * @class Class.Property * A class which, when assigned to a property in a Class's prototype * or class property object, defines that property's descriptor * rather than its value. If the desc object has an init property, it * will be called with the property's name before the descriptor is * assigned. * * @param {Object} desc The property descriptor. */ Class.Property = function Property(desc) update( Object.create(Property.prototype), desc || { configurable: true, writable: true }); Class.Property.prototype.init = function () {}; /** * Extends a subclass with a superclass. The subclass's * prototype is replaced with a new object, which inherits * from the superclass's prototype, {@see update}d with the * members of *overrides*. * * @param {function} subclass * @param {function} superclass * @param {Object} overrides @optional */ Class.extend = function extend(subclass, superclass, overrides) { subclass.superclass = superclass; subclass.prototype = Object.create(superclass.prototype); update(subclass.prototype, overrides); subclass.prototype.constructor = subclass; subclass.prototype._class_ = subclass; if (superclass.prototype.constructor === objproto.constructor) superclass.prototype.constructor = superclass; } /** * Memoizes the value of a class property to the value returned by * the passed function the first time the property is accessed. * * @param {function(string)} getter The function which returns the * property's value. * @returns {Class.Property} */ Class.memoize = function memoize(getter, wait) Class.Property({ configurable: true, enumerable: true, init: function (key) { let done = false; if (wait) this.get = function replace() { let obj = this.instance || this; Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get: function get() { util.waitFor(function () done); return this[key]; } }); util.yieldable(function () { let wait; for (var res in getter.call(obj)) { if (wait !== undefined) yield wait; wait = res; } Class.replaceProperty(obj, key, res); done = true; })(); return this[key]; }; else this.get = function replace() { let obj = this.instance || this; Class.replaceProperty(obj, key, null); return Class.replaceProperty(obj, key, getter.call(this, key)); }; this.set = function replace(val) Class.replaceProperty(this.instance || this, val); } }); Class.replaceProperty = function replaceProperty(obj, prop, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: value, writable: true }); return value; }; Class.toString = function toString() "[class " + this.className + "]"; Class.prototype = { /** * Initializes new instances of this class. Called automatically * when new instances are created. */ init: function c_init() {}, withSavedValues: function withSavedValues(names, callback, self) { let vals = names.map(function (name) this[name], this); try { return callback.call(self || this); } finally { names.forEach(function (name, i) this[name] = vals[i], this); } }, toString: function C_toString() { if (this.toStringParams) var params = "(" + this.toStringParams.map(function (m) isArray(m) ? "[" + m + "]" : isString(m) ? m.quote() : String(m)) .join(", ") + ")"; return "[instance " + this.constructor.className + (params || "") + "]"; }, /** * Executes *callback* after *timeout* milliseconds. The value of * 'this' is preserved in the invocation of *callback*. * * @param {function} callback The function to call after *timeout* * @param {number} timeout The time, in milliseconds, to wait * before calling *callback*. * @returns {nsITimer} The timer which backs this timeout. */ timeout: function timeout(callback, timeout) { const self = this; function timeout_notify(timer) { if (self.stale || util.rehashing && !isinstance(Cu.getGlobalForObject(callback), ["BackstagePass"])) return; util.trapErrors(callback, self); } return services.Timer(timeout_notify, timeout || 0, services.Timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); }, /** * Updates this instance with the properties of the given objects. * Like the update function, but with special semantics for * localized properties. */ update: function update() { let self = this; // XXX: Duplication. for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { let src = arguments[i]; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(src || {}).forEach(function (k) { let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, k); if (desc.value instanceof Class.Property) desc = desc.value.init(k, this) || desc.value; if (typeof desc.value === "function") { let func = desc.value.wrapped || desc.value; if (!func.superapply) { func.__defineGetter__("super", function () Object.getPrototypeOf(self)[k]); func.superapply = function superapply(self, args) let (meth = Object.getPrototypeOf(self)[k]) meth && meth.apply(self, args); func.supercall = function supercall(self) func.superapply(self, Array.slice(arguments, 1)); } } try { if ("value" in desc && (k in this.localizedProperties || k in this.magicalProperties)) this[k] = desc.value; else Object.defineProperty(this, k, desc); } catch (e) {} }, this); } }, magicalProperties: {} }; Class.makeClosure = function makeClosure() { const self = this; function closure(fn) { function _closure() { try { return fn.apply(self, arguments); } catch (e if !(e instanceof FailedAssertion)) { util.reportError(e); throw e.stack ? e : Error(e); } } _closure.wrapped = fn; return _closure; } iter(properties(this), properties(this, true)).forEach(function (k) { if (!__lookupGetter__.call(this, k) && callable(this[k])) closure[k] = closure(this[k]); else if (!(k in closure)) Object.defineProperty(closure, k, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function get_proxy() self[k], set: function set_proxy(val) self[k] = val, }); }, this); return closure; }; memoize(Class.prototype, "closure", Class.makeClosure); /** * A base class generator for classes which implement XPCOM interfaces. * * @param {nsIIID|[nsIJSIID]} interfaces The interfaces which the class * implements. * @param {Class} superClass A super class. @optional * @returns {Class} */ function XPCOM(interfaces, superClass) { interfaces = Array.concat(interfaces); let shim = interfaces.reduce(function (shim, iface) shim.QueryInterface(iface), Cc["@dactyl.googlecode.com/base/xpc-interface-shim"].createInstance()); let res = Class("XPCOM(" + interfaces + ")", superClass || Class, update( iter.toObject([k, v === undefined || callable(v) ? function stub() null : v] for ([k, v] in Iterator(shim))), { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI(interfaces) })); shim = interfaces = null; return res; } /** * An abstract base class for classes that wish to inherit from Error. */ var ErrorBase = Class("ErrorBase", Error, { level: 2, init: function EB_init(message, level) { level = level || 0; let error = Error(message); update(this, error) this.stack = error.stack; this.message = message; let frame = Components.stack; for (let i = 0; i < this.level + level; i++) { frame = frame.caller; this.stack = this.stack.replace(/^.*\n/, ""); } this.fileName = frame.filename; this.lineNumber = frame.lineNumber; }, toString: function () String(this.message) }); /** * Constructs a new Module class and instantiates an instance into the current * module global object. * * @param {string} name The name of the instance. * @param {Object} prototype The instance prototype. * @param {Object} classProperties Properties to be applied to the class constructor. * @returns {Class} */ function Module(name, prototype) { let init = callable(prototype) ? 4 : 3; const module = Class.apply(Class, Array.slice(arguments, 0, init)); let instance = module(); module.className = name.toLowerCase(); instance.INIT = update(Object.create(Module.INIT), arguments[init] || {}); currentModule[module.className] = instance; defineModule.modules.push(instance); return module; } Module.INIT = { init: function Module_INIT_init(dactyl, modules, window) { let args = arguments; let locals = []; for (let local = this.Local; local; local = local.super) locals.push(local); if (locals.length) { let module = this, objs = {}; for (let i in locals) { module = objs[i] = Object.create(module); module.modules = modules; } module.isLocalModule = true; modules.jsmodules[this.constructor.className] = module; locals.reverse().forEach(function (fn, i) update(objs[i], fn.apply(module, args))) memoize(module, "closure", Class.makeClosure); module.instance = module; module.init(); if (module.signals) modules.dactyl.registerObservers(module); } } } /** * @class Struct * * Creates a new Struct constructor, used for creating objects with * a fixed set of named members. Each argument should be the name of * a member in the resulting objects. These names will correspond to * the arguments passed to the resultant constructor. Instances of * the new struct may be treated very much like arrays, and provide * many of the same methods. * * const Point = Struct("x", "y", "z"); * let p1 = Point(x, y, z); * * @returns {function} The constructor for the new Struct. */ function Struct() { if (!/^[A-Z]/.test(arguments[0])) var args = Array.slice(arguments, 0); else { var className = arguments[0]; args = Array.slice(arguments, 1); } const Struct = Class(className || "Struct", StructBase, { length: args.length, members: array.toObject(args.map(function (v, k) [v, k])) }); args.forEach(function (name, i) { Struct.prototype.__defineGetter__(name, function () this[i]); Struct.prototype.__defineSetter__(name, function (val) { this[i] = val; }); }); return Struct; } let StructBase = Class("StructBase", Array, { init: function struct_init() { for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) if (arguments[i] != undefined) this[i] = arguments[i]; }, clone: function struct_clone() this.constructor.apply(null, this.slice()), closure: Class.Property(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Class.prototype, "closure")), get: function struct_get(key, val) this[this.members[key]], set: function struct_set(key, val) this[this.members[key]] = val, toString: function struct_toString() Class.prototype.toString.apply(this, arguments), // Iterator over our named members __iterator__: function struct__iterator__() { let self = this; return ([k, self[k]] for (k in keys(self.members))) } }, { fromArray: function fromArray(ary) { if (!(ary instanceof this)) ary.__proto__ = this.prototype; return ary; }, /** * Sets a lazily constructed default value for a member of * the struct. The value is constructed once, the first time * it is accessed and memoized thereafter. * * @param {string} key The name of the member for which to * provide the default value. * @param {function} val The function which is to generate * the default value. */ defaultValue: function defaultValue(key, val) { let i = this.prototype.members[key]; this.prototype.__defineGetter__(i, function () (this[i] = val.call(this))); this.prototype.__defineSetter__(i, function (value) Class.replaceProperty(this, i, value)); return this; }, localize: function localize(key, defaultValue) { let i = this.prototype.members[key]; Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, i, require("messages").Messages.Localized(defaultValue).init(key, this.prototype)); return this; } }); var Timer = Class("Timer", { init: function init(minInterval, maxInterval, callback, self) { this._timer = services.Timer(); this.callback = callback; this.self = self || this; this.minInterval = minInterval; this.maxInterval = maxInterval; this.doneAt = 0; this.latest = 0; }, notify: function notify(timer, force) { try { if (!loaded || loaded.util && util.rehashing || typeof util === "undefined" || !force && this.doneAt == 0) return; this._timer.cancel(); this.latest = 0; // minInterval is the time between the completion of the command and the next firing this.doneAt = Date.now() + this.minInterval; this.callback.call(this.self, this.arg); } catch (e) { if (typeof util === "undefined") dump("dactyl: " + e + "\n" + (e.stack || Error().stack)); else util.reportError(e); } finally { this.doneAt = Date.now() + this.minInterval; } }, tell: function tell(arg) { if (arguments.length > 0) this.arg = arg; let now = Date.now(); if (this.doneAt == -1) this._timer.cancel(); let timeout = this.minInterval; if (now > this.doneAt && this.doneAt > -1) timeout = 0; else if (this.latest) timeout = Math.min(timeout, this.latest - now); else this.latest = now + this.maxInterval; this._timer.initWithCallback(this, Math.max(timeout, 0), this._timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); this.doneAt = -1; }, reset: function reset() { this._timer.cancel(); this.doneAt = 0; }, flush: function flush(force) { if (this.doneAt == -1 || force) this.notify(null, true); } }); /** * Idempotent function which returns the UTF-8 encoded value of an * improperly-decoded string. * * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ function UTF8(str) { try { return decodeURIComponent(escape(str)); } catch (e) { return str; } } function octal(decimal) parseInt(decimal, 8); /** * Iterates over an arbitrary object. The following iterator types are * supported, and work as a user would expect: * * • nsIDOMNodeIterator * • mozIStorageStatement * * Additionally, the following array-like objects yield a tuple of the * form [index, element] for each contained element: * * • nsIDOMHTMLCollection * • nsIDOMNodeList * * and the following likewise yield one element of the form * [name, element] for each contained element: * * • nsIDOMNamedNodeMap * * Duck typing is implemented for any other type. If the object * contains the "enumerator" property, iter is called on that. If the * property is a function, it is called first. If it contains the * property "getNext" along with either "hasMoreItems" or "hasMore", it * is iterated over appropriately. * * For all other cases, this function behaves exactly like the Iterator * function. * * @param {object} obj * @returns {Generator} */ function iter(obj) { let args = arguments; let res = Iterator(obj); if (args.length > 1) res = (function () { for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) for (let j in iter(args[i])) yield j; })(); else if (isinstance(obj, ["Iterator", "Generator"])) ; else if (ctypes && ctypes.CData && obj instanceof ctypes.CData) { while (obj.constructor instanceof ctypes.PointerType) obj = obj.contents; if (obj.constructor instanceof ctypes.ArrayType) res = array.iterItems(obj); else if (obj.constructor instanceof ctypes.StructType) res = (function () { for (let prop in values(obj.constructor.fields)) yield let ([name, type] = Iterator(prop).next()) [name, obj[name]]; })(); else return iter({}); } else if (isinstance(obj, [Ci.nsIDOMHTMLCollection, Ci.nsIDOMNodeList])) res = array.iterItems(obj); else if (obj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNamedNodeMap) res = (function () { for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) yield [obj.name, obj]; })(); else if (obj instanceof Ci.mozIStorageStatement) res = (function (obj) { while (obj.executeStep()) yield obj.row; obj.reset(); })(obj); else if ("getNext" in obj) { if ("hasMoreElements" in obj) res = (function () { while (obj.hasMoreElements()) yield obj.getNext(); })(); else if ("hasMore" in obj) res = (function () { while (obj.hasMore()) yield obj.getNext(); })(); } else if ("enumerator" in obj) { if (callable(obj.enumerator)) return iter(obj.enumerator()); return iter(obj.enumerator); } res.__noSuchMethod__ = function __noSuchMethod__(meth, args) { if (meth in iter) var res = iter[meth].apply(iter, [this].concat(args)); else res = let (ary = array(this)) ary[meth] ? ary[meth].apply(ary, args) : ary.__noSuchMethod__(meth, args); if (isinstance(res, ["Iterator", "Generator"])) return iter(res); return res; }; return res; } update(iter, { toArray: function toArray(iter) array(iter).array, // See array.prototype for API docs. toObject: function toObject(iter) { let obj = {}; for (let [k, v] in iter) if (v instanceof Class.Property) Object.defineProperty(obj, k, v.init(k, obj) || v); else obj[k] = v; return obj; }, compact: function compact(iter) (item for (item in iter) if (item != null)), every: function every(iter, pred, self) { pred = pred || util.identity; for (let elem in iter) if (!pred.call(self, elem)) return false; return true; }, some: function every(iter, pred, self) { pred = pred || util.identity; for (let elem in iter) if (pred.call(self, elem)) return true; return false; }, filter: function filter(iter, pred, self) { for (let elem in iter) if (pred.call(self, elem)) yield elem; }, /** * Iterates over an iterable object and calls a callback for each * element. * * @param {object} iter The iterator. * @param {function} fn The callback. * @param {object} self The this object for *fn*. */ forEach: function forEach(iter, func, self) { for (let val in iter) func.call(self, val); }, indexOf: function indexOf(iter, elem) { let i = 0; for (let item in iter) { if (item == elem) return i; i++; } }, /** * Returns the array that results from applying *func* to each property of * *obj*. * * @param {Object} obj * @param {function} func * @returns {Array} */ map: function map(iter, func, self) { for (let i in iter) yield func.call(self, i); }, /** * Returns the nth member of the given array that matches the * given predicate. */ nth: function nth(iter, pred, n, self) { if (typeof pred === "number") [pred, n] = [function () true, pred]; // Hack. for (let elem in iter) if (pred.call(self, elem) && n-- === 0) return elem; return undefined; }, sort: function sort(iter, fn, self) array(this.toArray(iter).sort(fn, self)), uniq: function uniq(iter) { let seen = {}; for (let item in iter) if (!Set.add(seen, item)) yield item; }, /** * Zips the contents of two arrays. The resulting array is the length of * ary1, with any shortcomings of ary2 replaced with null strings. * * @param {Array} ary1 * @param {Array} ary2 * @returns {Array} */ zip: function zip(iter1, iter2) { try { yield [iter1.next(), iter2.next()]; } catch (e if e instanceof StopIteration) {} } }); /** * Array utility methods. */ var array = Class("array", Array, { init: function (ary) { if (isinstance(ary, ["Iterator", "Generator"]) || "__iterator__" in ary) ary = [k for (k in ary)]; else if (ary.length) ary = Array.slice(ary); return { __proto__: ary, __iterator__: function () this.iterItems(), __noSuchMethod__: function (meth, args) { var res = array[meth].apply(null, [this.array].concat(args)); if (isArray(res)) return array(res); if (isinstance(res, ["Iterator", "Generator"])) return iter(res); return res; }, array: ary, toString: function () this.array.toString(), concat: function () this.__noSuchMethod__("concat", Array.slice(arguments)), filter: function () this.__noSuchMethod__("filter", Array.slice(arguments)), map: function () this.__noSuchMethod__("map", Array.slice(arguments)) }; } }, { /** * Converts an array to an object. As in lisp, an assoc is an * array of key-value pairs, which maps directly to an object, * as such: * [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]] -> { a: "b", c: "d" } * * @param {[Array]} assoc * @... {string} 0 - Key * @... 1 - Value */ toObject: function toObject(assoc) { let obj = {}; assoc.forEach(function ([k, v]) { if (v instanceof Class.Property) Object.defineProperty(obj, k, v.init(k, obj) || v); else obj[k] = v; }); return obj; }, /** * Compacts an array, removing all elements that are null or undefined: * ["foo", null, "bar", undefined] -> ["foo", "bar"] * * @param {Array} ary * @returns {Array} */ compact: function compact(ary) ary.filter(function (item) item != null), /** * Returns true if each element of ary1 is equal to the * corresponding element in ary2. * * @param {Array} ary1 * @param {Array} ary2 * @returns {boolean} */ equals: function (ary1, ary2) ary1.length === ary2.length && Array.every(ary1, function (e, i) e === ary2[i]), /** * Flattens an array, such that all elements of the array are * joined into a single array: * [["foo", ["bar"]], ["baz"], "quux"] -> ["foo", ["bar"], "baz", "quux"] * * @param {Array} ary * @returns {Array} */ flatten: function flatten(ary) ary.length ? Array.prototype.concat.apply([], ary) : [], /** * Returns an Iterator for an array's values. * * @param {Array} ary * @returns {Iterator(Object)} */ iterValues: function iterValues(ary) { for (let i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) yield ary[i]; }, /** * Returns an Iterator for an array's indices and values. * * @param {Array} ary * @returns {Iterator([{number}, {Object}])} */ iterItems: function iterItems(ary) { let length = ary.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) yield [i, ary[i]]; }, /** * Returns the nth member of the given array that matches the * given predicate. */ nth: function nth(ary, pred, n, self) { for (let elem in values(ary)) if (pred.call(self, elem) && n-- === 0) return elem; return undefined; }, /** * Filters out all duplicates from an array. If *unsorted* is false, the * array is sorted before duplicates are removed. * * @param {Array} ary * @param {boolean} unsorted * @returns {Array} */ uniq: function uniq(ary, unsorted) { let res = []; if (unsorted) { for (let item in values(ary)) if (res.indexOf(item) == -1) res.push(item); } else { for (let [, item] in Iterator(ary.sort())) { if (item != last || !res.length) res.push(item); var last = item; } } return res; }, /** * Zips the contents of two arrays. The resulting array is the length of * ary1, with any shortcomings of ary2 replaced with null strings. * * @param {Array} ary1 * @param {Array} ary2 * @returns {Array} */ zip: function zip(ary1, ary2) { let res = []; for (let [i, item] in Iterator(ary1)) res.push([item, i in ary2 ? ary2[i] : ""]); return res; } }); endModule(); // catch(e){dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack);} // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et ft=javascript: