soonest: x cran2deb user - build all archs of same package in one go x strip all bundle support out sooner - deal with growing database: prune things. - put build log into another table - add table to mark which packages need xvfb-run; only use xvfb-run for those (and only do those sequentially). later: - split up dependency structure to support building under different distributions - force'ing to a non-existent alias should fail. - (rev315) the Rmpi and npRmpi packages fail at the end of R CMD INSTALL because the test load of the package fails (outside of an MPI context) so added a crude hack that when the debian/rules is written, 'extraInstallArgs="--no-test-load"' is added (as I do for Debian's Rmpi package) conceivably we may want to generalise this one day as we do for lintian tests and patches and either look at at directory or a db table