#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Martin A. Hansen. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # Plot the distribution of numerical values for a specified key. # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< require 'maasha/biopieces' require 'gnuplot' require 'pp' terminals = "dumb,x11,aqua,post,pdf,png,svg" title = "Distribution" ylabel = "n" casts = [] casts << {:long=>'key', :short=>'k', :type=>'string', :mandatory=>true, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil} casts << {:long=>'no_stream', :short=>'x', :type=>'flag', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil} casts << {:long=>'data_out', :short=>'o', :type=>'file', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil} casts << {:long=>'terminal', :short=>'t', :type=>'string', :mandatory=>false, :default=>'dumb', :allowed=>terminals, :disallowed=>nil} casts << {:long=>'title', :short=>'T', :type=>'string', :mandatory=>false, :default=>title, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil} casts << {:long=>'xlabel', :short=>'X', :type=>'string', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil} casts << {:long=>'ylabel', :short=>'Y', :type=>'string', :mandatory=>false, :default=>ylabel, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil} casts << {:long=>'logscale_y', :short=>'L', :type=>'flag', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil} options = Biopieces.options_parse(ARGV, casts) key = options[:key].to_sym options[:xlabel] = key unless options[:xlabel] options[:ylabel] = "log10(#{options[:ylabel]})" if options[:logscale_y] count_hash = Hash.new(0) Biopieces.open(options[:stream_in], options[:stream_out]) do |input, output| input.each_record do |record| if record.has_key? key count_hash[record[key].to_i] += 1 end output.puts record unless options[:no_stream] end end x_max = count_hash.keys.max x = [] y = [] (0 .. x_max).each do |i| x << i y << count_hash[i] end Gnuplot.open do |gp| Gnuplot::Plot.new(gp) do |plot| plot.terminal options[:terminal] plot.title options[:title] plot.xlabel options[:xlabel] plot.ylabel options[:ylabel] plot.output options[:data_out] if options[:data_out] plot.logscale "y" if options[:logscale_y] plot.xrange "[#{x.min - 1}:#{x.max + 1}]" plot.style "fill solid 0.5 border" plot.xtics "out" plot.ytics "out" plot.data << Gnuplot::DataSet.new([x, y]) do |ds| ds.with = "boxes" ds.notitle end end end # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< __END__