#!/bin/sh # makes a new home directory; defaults to one that does not use ssh SVN_BASE=http://svn.donarmstrong.com/don/trunk # check out bin and lib cd ~; svn co $SVN_BASE/bin svn co $SVN_BASE/lib # check out the .home modules mkdir .home_modules; ( cd .home_modules; svn co $SVN_BASE/home_modules/base; for module in $@; do svn co $SVN_BASE/home_modules/$module; done; ) # make a home backup directory mkdir home_backup; for a in .wgetrc .svn .sversionrc .subversion .bash_profile .bashrc .ssh; do mv $a home_backup/; done; mkdir .sa.d; ln -s ~/.home_modules/*/sa_* .sa.d/; # run the appropriate command to set the symlinks correctly ~/bin/sa --hooks-only update cat -< .sa.d/sa_local ~/bin ~/lib EOF # move back the .ssh stuff if [ -e home_backup/.ssh ]; then cp -f home_backup/.ssh/* .ssh/; fi; exec ~/bin/sa update;