#! /usr/bin/perl # genotypeizer converts various genotype files into various formats, # and is released under the terms of the GPL version 2, or any later # version, at your option. See the file README and COPYING for more # information. Copyright 2009 by Don Armstrong . # $Id: perl_script 1432 2009-04-21 02:42:41Z don $ use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; =head1 NAME genotypeizer - converts varoius genotype files into various formats =head1 SYNOPSIS genotypeizer [options] [files to read] Options: --output file to output to; defaults to stdout --output-format format to output to; defaults to R --debug, -d debugging level (Default 0) --help, -h display this help --man, -m display manual The files to read should be either map/ped pairs or a single snpassoc R file. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--output> File to output to. If the file format that you choose requires multiple files, the appropriate extension(s) will be appended to the name provided. [If --output isn't provided, STDOUT will be used, which will produce suboptimal results in the case of pedmap format.] =item B<--output-format> Output format to output. Currently valid values are R or pedmap. (R is the format used by the R snpassoc module, and pedmap is the format used by phylip. =item B<--debug, -d> Debug verbosity. (Default 0) =item B<--help, -h> Display brief usage information. =item B<--man, -m> Display this manual. =back =head1 EXAMPLES =cut use POSIX qw(:fcntl_h); use IO::File; use vars qw($DEBUG); my %options = (output_format => 'R', output => undef, snps => undef, debug => 0, help => 0, man => 0, force => 0, ); GetOptions(\%options, 'output=s', 'output_format|output-format=s', 'snps=s@', 'debug|d+','help|h|?','man|m'); pod2usage() if $options{help}; pod2usage({verbose=>2}) if $options{man}; $DEBUG = $options{debug}; my @USAGE_ERRORS; if ($options{output_format} !~ /^(R|pedmap|mapped)$/i) { push @USAGE_ERRORS,"--output-format must be one of R or pedmap."; } $options{format} = lc($options{format}); if ($options{format} eq 'mapped') { $options{format} = 'pedmap'; } pod2usage(join("\n",@USAGE_ERRORS)) if @USAGE_ERRORS; # open up output filehandles my %output_fh; my %file_ext= (pedmap => {ped => '.ped', map => '.map', }, R => {main => '', }, ); die "format $options{output_format} doesn't appear to actually be supported; this is a bug." unless exists $file_ext{$options{output_format}}; for my $file_ext (keys %{$file_ext{$options{output_format}}}) { if (defined $options{output}) { $output_fh{$file_ext} = IO::File->new($options{output}.$file_ext{$options{output_format}}{$file_ext}, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY) or die "Unable to open $options{output}"."$file_ext{$options{output_format}}{$file_ext} for writing: $!"; } else { $output_fh{$file_ext} = \*STDOUT; } } # read it in; currently only support map/ped, but eventually do them # all. my %samples; my %extra_info; my %snps; my @map_ped = @ARGV; my @snp_order; my ($map_file,$ped_file); while (($map_file,$ped_file) = splice @map_ped,0,2) { my $map_fh = IO::File->new($map_file,'r') or die "Unable to open $map_file for reading: $!"; my $ped_fh = IO::File->new($ped_file,'r') or die "Unable to open $ped_file for reading: $!"; my @map = (); while (<$map_fh>) { chomp; my ($chr,$rsid,$something,$position) = split /\t/; push @map,{chr => $chr, rsid => $rsid, something => $something, position => $position, }; $snps{$rsid} = {chr => $chr, rsid => $rsid, something => $something, position => $position, }; } push @snp_order,@map; while (<$ped_fh>) { chomp; next unless /^\d+/; my @row = split /\s+/; my ($family_id,$individual_id,$paternal_id,$maternal_id,$sex,$phenotype,@snps) = @row; $extra_info{$individual_id} = {phenotype => $phenotype, sex => $sex, family_id => $family_id, individual_id => $individual_id, maternal_id => $maternal_id, paternal_id => $paternal_id, }; # do it this way to avoid eating memory $samples{$individual_id} = \@snps; if (@snps != 2*@map) { die "The map file and the number of snps don't appear to match"; } } } my %valid_snps; if (defined $options{snps} and @{$options{snps}}) { for my $snp_i (0..$#snp_order) { for my $valid_snp (@{$options{snps}}) { if ($snp_order[$snp_i]{rsid} =~ /(rs)?\Q$valid_snp\E/) { $valid_snps{$snp_order[$snp_i]{rsid}} = $snp_i; last; } } } } my @snp_ordering; if (keys %valid_snps) { @snp_ordering = sort {$valid_snps{$a} <=> $valid_snps{$b} } keys %valid_snps; } else { @snp_ordering = map {$_->{rsid}} @snp_order; } @valid_snps{@{$options{snps}}} = (1) x $options{snps} if defined $options{snps} and @{$options{snps}}; if ($options{output} eq 'pedmap') { if (keys %valid_snps) { %snps = map {($_,$snps{$_})} keys %valid_snps; } # output the map for my $snp (@snp_ordering) { print {$output_fh{map}} join("\t",@{$snps{$snp}}{qw(chr rsid something position)})."\n"; } # output the ped for my $individual_id (sort keys %extra_info) { print {$output_fh{ped}} join("\t", @{$extra_info{$individual_id}}{qw(family_id individual_id), qw(paternal_id maternal_id sex phenotype)}, keys %valid_snps ? @{$samples{$individual_id}}[@valid_snps{@snp_ordering}] : @{$samples{$individual_id}} )."\n"; } } else { print {$output_fh{main}} join("\t", qw(individual_id family_id paternal_id maternal_id sex phenotype), sort keys %snps ); print {$output_fh{main}} "\n"; for my $individual_id (keys %samples) { print {$output_fh{main}} join("\t", @{$extra_info{$individual_id}}{qw(individual_id family_id paternal_id maternal_id sex phenotype)}, map {my $a = $samples{$individual_id}{$_}; if (not defined $a or not @$a or $a->[0] eq '0' or $a->[1] eq '0') { 'NA' } else { join('',map{uc($_)} @$a); } } sort keys %snps ); print {$output_fh{main}} "\n"; } } __END__