# ========================== # BamTools CMakeLists.txt # (c) 2010 Derek Barnett # # top-level # ========================== # set project name project( BamTools ) # Cmake requirements cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.6.4 ) # Force the build directory to be different from source directory macro( ENSURE_OUT_OF_SOURCE_BUILD MSG ) string( COMPARE EQUAL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" insource ) get_filename_component( PARENTDIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} PATH ) string( COMPARE EQUAL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${PARENTDIR}" insourcesubdir ) IF( insource OR insourcesubdir ) message( FATAL_ERROR "${MSG}" ) ENDIF( insource OR insourcesubdir ) endmacro( ENSURE_OUT_OF_SOURCE_BUILD ) ensure_out_of_source_build( " ${PROJECT_NAME} requires an out of source build. $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make (or the Windows equivalent)\n" ) # set BamTools version information set( BamTools_VERSION_MAJOR 2 ) set( BamTools_VERSION_MINOR 2 ) set( BamTools_VERSION_BUILD 0 ) # set our library and executable destination dirs set( EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin" ) set( LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib" ) # define compiler flags for all code set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release ) add_definitions( -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 ) # ----------------------------------------------- # handle platform-/environment-specific defines # If planning to run in Node.js environment, run: # cmake -DEnableNodeJS=true if( EnableNodeJS ) add_definitions( -DSYSTEM_NODEJS=1 ) endif() # If running on SunOS if( "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" MATCHES "SunOS" ) add_definitions( -DSUN_OS ) endif() # ------------------------------------------- # add our includes root path include_directories( src ) # list subdirectories to build in add_subdirectory( src )