\name{richness.yule.test} \alias{richness.yule.test} \title{Test of Diversification-Shift With the Yule Process} \description{ This function performs a test of shift in diversification rate using probabilities from the Yule process. } \usage{ richness.yule.test(x, t) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a matrix or a data frame with at least two columns: the first one gives the number of species in clades with a trait supposed to increase or decrease diversification rate, and the second one the number of species in the sister-clades without the trait. Each row represents a pair of sister-clades.} \item{t}{a numeric vector giving the divergence times of each pair of clades in \code{x}.} } \value{ a data frame with the \eqn{\chi^2}{chi2}, the number of degrees of freedom (= 1), and the \emph{P}-value. } \references{ Paradis, E. Shift in diversification in sister-clade comparisons: a more powerful test. (manuscript submitted) } \author{Emmanuel Paradis} \seealso{ \code{\link{slowinskiguyer.test}}, \code{\link{mcconwaysims.test}} \code{\link{diversity.contrast.test}} } \examples{ ### see examples(mcconwaysims.test) } \keyword{htest}