\name{print.phylo} \alias{print.phylo} \alias{print.multiPhylo} \alias{str.multiPhylo} \title{Compact Display of a Phylogeny} \usage{ \method{print}{phylo}(x, printlen = 6 ,...) \method{print}{multiPhylo}(x, details = FALSE ,...) \method{str}{multiPhylo}(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{"phylo"} or \code{"multiPhylo"}.} \item{object}{an object of class \code{"multiPhylo"}.} \item{printlen}{the number of labels to print (6 by default).} \item{details}{a logical indicating whether to print information on all trees.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.} } \description{ These functions prints a compact summary of a phylogeny, or a list of phylogenies, on the console. } \value{ NULL. } \author{Ben Bolker and Emmanuel Paradis} \seealso{ \code{\link{read.tree}}, \code{\link{summary.phylo}}, \code{\link[base]{print}} for the generic \R function } \examples{ x <- rtree(10) print(x) print(x, printlen = 10) x <- rmtree(2, 10) print(x) print(x, TRUE) str(x) } \keyword{manip}