\name{node.depth} \alias{node.depth} \alias{node.depth.edgelength} \alias{node.height} \alias{node.height.clado} \title{Depth and Heights of Nodes and Tips} \description{ These functions return the depth or height of nodes and tips. } \usage{ node.depth(phy) node.depth.edgelength(phy) node.height(phy) node.height.clado(phy) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{an object of class "phylo".} } \details{ \code{node.depth} computes the depth of a node as the number of tips which are its descendants. The value of 1 is given to the tips. \code{node.depth.edgelength} does the same but using branch lengths. \code{node.height} computes the heights of nodes and tips as plotted by a phylogram. \code{node.height.clado} does the same but for a cladogram. } \value{ A numeric vector indexed with the node numbers of the matrix `edge' of \code{phy}. } \author{Emmanuel Paradis} \seealso{ \code{\link{plot.phylo}} } \keyword{manip}