\name{njs} \alias{njs} \alias{bionjs} \title{Tree Reconstruction from Incomplete Distances With NJ* or bio-NJ*} \description{ Reconstructs a phylogenetic tree from a distance matrix with possibly missing values. } \usage{ njs(X, fs = 15) bionjs(X, fs = 15) } \arguments{ \item{X}{a distance matrix.} \item{fs}{argument \emph{s} of the agglomerative criterion: it is coerced as an integer and must at least equal to one.} } \details{ Missing values represented by either \code{NA} or any negative number. Basically, the Q* criterion is applied to all the pairs of leaves, and the \emph{s} highest scoring ones are chosen for further analysis by the agglomeration criteria that better handle missing distances (see references for details). } \value{ an object of class \code{"phylo"}. } \references{ \url{http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/166} } \author{Andrei Popescu \email{niteloserpopescu@gmail.com}} \keyword{models}