\name{landplants} \alias{landplants} \alias{landplants.newick} \title{Gene Tree of 36 Landplant rbcL Sequences} \description{ This data set describes a gene tree estimated from 36 landplant \emph{rbc}L sequences. } \usage{ data(landplants.newick) } \format{ \code{landplants.newick} is a string with the tree in Newick format. } \source{ This tree is described in Sanderson (1997) and is also a data example in the software package r8s (\url{http://ginger.ucdavis.edu/r8s/}). } \references{ Sanderson, M. J. (1997) A nonparametric approach to estimating divergence times in the absence of rate constancy. \emph{Molecular Biology and Evolution}, \bold{14}, 1218--1231. } \examples{ # example tree in NH format (a string) data("landplants.newick") landplants.newick # get corresponding phylo object tree.landplants <- read.tree(text = landplants.newick) # plot tree plot(tree.landplants, label.offset = 0.001) } \keyword{datasets}