\name{is.ultrametric} \alias{is.ultrametric} \title{Test if a Tree is Ultrametric} \usage{ is.ultrametric(phy, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.} \item{tol}{a numeric >= 0, variation below this value are considered non-significant (see details).} } \description{ This function computes the distances from each tip to the root: if the variance of these distances is null, the tree is considered as ultrametric. } \value{ a logical: \code{TRUE} if the tree is ultrametric, \code{FALSE} otherwise. } \details{ The default value for \code{tol} is based on the numerical characteristics of the machine R is running on. } \author{Emmanuel Paradis} \seealso{ \code{\link{is.binary.tree}}, \code{\link[base]{.Machine}} } \keyword{utilities}