\name{is.compatible} \alias{is.compatible} \alias{is.compatible.bitsplits} \alias{arecompatible} \title{Check Compatibility of Splits} \description{ \code{is.compatible} is a generic function with a method for the class \code{"bitsplits"}. It checks whether a set of splits is compatible using the \code{arecompatible} function. } \usage{ is.compatible(obj) \method{is.compatible}{bitsplits}(obj) arecompatible(x, y, n) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{an object of class \code{"bitsplits"}.} \item{x, y}{a vector of mode raw\code{}.} \item{n}{the number of taxa in the splits.} } \value{ \code{TRUE} if the splits are compatible, \code{FALSE} otherwise. } \author{Andrei Popescu \email{niteloserpopescu@gmail.com}} \keyword{manip}