\name{is.binary.tree} \alias{is.binary.tree} \title{Test for Binary Tree} \usage{ is.binary.tree(phy) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{phylogenetic tree (i.e. an object of class \code{"phylo"}).} } \description{ This function tests whether a phylogenetic tree is binary, i.e. whether every node (including the root node) has exactly two descendant nodes. In this case the number of edges in the tree equals 2 n - 2 where n is the number of taxa (tips) in the tree. } \value{ \code{is.binary.tree} returns \code{TRUE} if \code{tree} is a fully binary phylogenetic tree, otherwise it returns \code{FALSE}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.tree}}, \code{\link{is.ultrametric}}, \code{\link{multi2di}} } \author{Korbinian Strimmer (\url{http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~strimmer/})} \examples{ data("hivtree.newick") # example tree in NH format tree.hiv <- read.tree(text = hivtree.newick) # load tree is.binary.tree(tree.hiv) plot(tree.hiv) unlink("hivtree.phy") # delete the file "hivtree.phy" } \keyword{logic}