\name{hivtree} \alias{hivtree} \alias{hivtree.newick} \alias{hivtree.table} \title{Phylogenetic Tree of 193 HIV-1 Sequences} \description{ This data set describes an estimated clock-like phylogeny of 193 HIV-1 group M sequences sampled in the Democratic Republic of Congo. } \usage{ data(hivtree.newick) data(hivtree.table) } \format{ \code{hivtree.newick} is a string with the tree in Newick format. The data frame \code{hivtree.table} contains the corresponding internode distances. } \source{ This is a data example from Strimmer and Pybus (2001). } \references{ Strimmer, K. and Pybus, O. G. (2001) Exploring the demographic history of DNA sequences using the generalized skyline plot. \emph{Molecular Biology and Evolution}, \bold{18}, 2298--2305. } \examples{ # example tree in NH format (a string) data("hivtree.newick") hivtree.newick # generate file "hivtree.phy" in working directory cat(hivtree.newick, file = "hivtree.phy", sep = "\n") tree.hiv <- read.tree("hivtree.phy") # load tree unlink("hivtree.phy") # delete the file "hivtree.phy" plot(tree.hiv) # table with list of internode distances data("hivtree.table") hivtree.table # construct coalescence intervals ci <- coalescent.intervals(tree.hiv) # from tree ci <- coalescent.intervals(hivtree.table$size) #from intervals ci } \keyword{datasets}