\name{evolve.phylo} \alias{evolve.phylo} \title{Ancestral Character Simulation} \description{ Simulate the (independent) evolution of one or several continuous characters along a given phylogenetic tree under a homogeneous Brownian model. } \usage{ evolve.phylo(phy, value, var) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{an object of class 'phylo' with branch lengths.} \item{value}{ancestral states, one by character. The (optional) names of this vector will be used as character names.} \item{var}{the variance of each character.} } \details{ Let x be a continuous character. If it evolves according to a Brownian model, its value at time t follows a normal law with mean x0 and variance t*sigma\_x, where x0 is the value of the character at time 0, and sigma\_x is the 'inner' variance of the character. The evolution of a continuous character is performed by letting the character evolve on each branch, from its ancestral root state. The final state of a branch is the ancestral states of the daughter branches, and so on. } \value{ An object of class 'ancestral', inheriting from the 'phylo' class. The following components are added: \item{node.character}{a data.frame with node ids as rownames and one column by character, containing all the inner node values for each character.} \item{tip.character}{a data.frame with tip ids as rownames and one column by character, containing all the tip values for each character.} } \author{Julien Dutheil \email{julien.dutheil@univ-montp2.fr}} \seealso{ \code{\link{plot.ancestral}}, \code{\link{ace}} } \examples{ data(bird.orders) x <- rep(0, 5) names(x) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E") anc1 <- evolve.phylo(bird.orders, x, 1) anc2 <- evolve.phylo(bird.orders, x, 1) cor(anc1$tip.character, anc2$tip.character) } \keyword{models}