\name{cophenetic.phylo} \alias{cophenetic.phylo} \alias{dist.nodes} \title{Pairwise Distances from a Phylogenetic Tree} \usage{ \method{cophenetic}{phylo}(x) dist.nodes(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.} } \description{ \code{cophenetic.phylo} computes the pairwise distances between the pairs of tips from a phylogenetic tree using its branch lengths. \code{dist.nodes} does the same but between all nodes, internal and terminal, of the tree. } \value{ a numeric matrix with colnames and rownames set to the names of the tips (as given by the element \code{tip.label} of the argument \code{phy}), or, in the case of \code{dist.nodes}, the numbers of the tips and the nodes (as given by the element \code{edge}). } \author{Emmanuel Paradis \email{Emmanuel.Paradis@mpl.ird.fr}} \seealso{ \code{\link{read.tree}} to read tree files in Newick format, \code{\link[stats]{cophenetic}} for the generic function } \keyword{manip}