\name{clustal} \alias{clustal} \alias{muscle} \alias{tcoffee} \title{Multiple Sequence Alignment with External Applications} \description{ These functions call their respective program from \R to align a set of nucleotide sequences of class \code{"DNAbin"}. } \usage{ clustal(x, pw.gapopen = 10, pw.gapext = 0.1, gapopen = 10, gapext = 0.2, exec = NULL, MoreArgs = "", quiet = TRUE, original.ordering = TRUE) muscle(x, exec = "muscle", MoreArgs = "", quiet = TRUE, original.ordering = TRUE) tcoffee(x, exec = "t_coffee", MoreArgs = "", quiet = TRUE, original.ordering = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{"DNAbin"}.} \item{pw.gapopen, pw.gapext}{gap opening and gap extension penalties used by Clustal during pairwise alignments.} \item{gapopen, gapext}{idem for global alignment.} \item{exec}{a character string giving the name of the program, with its path if necessary. \code{clustal} tries to guess it depending on the operating system (see details).} \item{MoreArgs}{a character string giving additional options.} \item{quiet}{a logical: the default is to not print on \R's console the messages from the external program.} \item{original.ordering}{a logical specifying whether to return the aligned sequences in the same order than in \code{x}.} } \details{ \code{clustal} tries to guess the name of the executable program depending on the operating system. Specifically, the followings are used: ``clustalw'' under Linux, ``clustalw2'' under MacOS, or ``C:/Program Files/ClustalW2/clustalw2'' under Windows. The calculations are done in a temporary directory which is deleted when \R is quit. So it is possible to find the files created by the last call in the directory printed by \code{tempdir()}. When called without arguments (i.e., \code{clustal()}, \dots), the function prints the options of the program which may be passed to \code{MoreArgs}. } \value{ an object of class \code{"DNAbin"} with the aligned sequences. } \references{ Chenna, R., Sugawara, H., Koike, T., Lopez, R., Gibson, T. J., Higgins, D. G. and Thompson, J. D. (2003) Multiple sequence alignment with the Clustal series of programs. \emph{Nucleic Acids Research} \bold{31}, 3497--3500. \url{http://www.clustal.org/} Edgar, R. C. (2004) MUSCLE: Multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughput. \emph{Nucleic Acids Research}, \bold{32}, 1792--1797. \url{http://www.drive5.com/muscle/muscle_userguide3.8.html} Notredame, C., Higgins, D. and Heringa, J. (2000) T-Coffee: A novel method for multiple sequence alignments. \emph{Journal of Molecular Biology}, \bold{302}, 205--217. \url{http://www.tcoffee.org/Documentation/t_coffee/t_coffee_technical.htm} } \author{Emmanuel Paradis} \seealso{ \code{\link{image.DNAbin}}, \code{\link{del.gaps}}, \code{\link{alex}} The package \pkg{phyloch} which has similar functions for the MAFFT and Prank. } \examples{ \dontrun{ ### display the options: clustal() muscle() tcoffee() data(woodmouse) ### open gaps more easily: clustal(woodmouse, pw.gapopen = 1, pw.gapext = 1) ### T-Coffee requires negative values (quite slow; muscle is much faster): tcoffee(woodmouse, MoreArgs = "-gapopen=-10 -gapext=-2") }} \keyword{manip}