\name{chronopl} \alias{chronopl} \title{Molecular Dating With Penalized Likelihood} \usage{ chronopl(phy, lambda, age.min = 1, age.max = NULL, node = "root", S = 1, tol = 1e-8, CV = FALSE, eval.max = 500, iter.max = 500, ...) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.} \item{lambda}{value of the smoothing parameter.} \item{age.min}{numeric values specifying the fixed node ages (if \code{age.max = NULL}) or the youngest bound of the nodes known to be within an interval.} \item{age.max}{numeric values specifying the oldest bound of the nodes known to be within an interval.} \item{node}{the numbers of the nodes whose ages are given by \code{age.min}; \code{"root"} is a short-cut for the root.} \item{S}{the number of sites in the sequences; leave the default if branch lengths are in mean number of substitutions.} \item{tol}{the value below which branch lengths are considered effectively zero.} \item{CV}{whether to perform cross-validation.} \item{eval.max}{the maximal number of evaluations of the penalized likelihood function.} \item{iter.max}{the maximal number of iterations of the optimization algorithm.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to control \code{nlminb}.} } \description{ This function estimates the node ages of a tree using a semi-parametric method based on penalized likelihood (Sanderson 2002). The branch lengths of the input tree are interpreted as mean numbers of substitutions (i.e., per site). } \details{ The idea of this method is to use a trade-off between a parametric formulation where each branch has its own rate, and a nonparametric term where changes in rates are minimized between contiguous branches. A smoothing parameter (lambda) controls this trade-off. If lambda = 0, then the parametric component dominates and rates vary as much as possible among branches, whereas for increasing values of lambda, the variation are smoother to tend to a clock-like model (same rate for all branches). \code{lambda} must be given. The known ages are given in \code{age.min}, and the correponding node numbers in \code{node}. These two arguments must obviously be of the same length. By default, an age of 1 is assumed for the root, and the ages of the other nodes are estimated. If \code{age.max = NULL} (the default), it is assumed that \code{age.min} gives exactly known ages. Otherwise, \code{age.max} and \code{age.min} must be of the same length and give the intervals for each node. Some node may be known exactly while the others are known within some bounds: the values will be identical in both arguments for the former (e.g., \code{age.min = c(10, 5), age.max = c(10, 6), node = c(15, 18)} means that the age of node 15 is 10 units of time, and the age of node 18 is between 5 and 6). The input tree may have multichotomies. If some internal branches are of zero-length, they are collapsed (with a warning), and the returned tree will have less nodes than the input one. The presence of zero-lengthed terminal branches of results in an error since it makes little sense to have zero-rate branches. The cross-validation used here is different from the one proposed by Sanderson (2002). Here, each tip is dropped successively and the analysis is repeated with the reduced tree: the estimated dates for the remaining nodes are compared with the estimates from the full data. For the \eqn{i}{i}th tip the following is calculated: \deqn{\sum_{j=1}^{n-2}{\frac{(t_j - t_j^{-i})^2}{t_j}}}{SUM[j = 1, ..., n-2] (tj - tj[-i])^2/tj}, where \eqn{t_j}{tj} is the estimated date for the \eqn{j}{j}th node with the full phylogeny, \eqn{t_j^{-i}}{tj[-i]} is the estimated date for the \eqn{j}{j}th node after removing tip \eqn{i}{i} from the tree, and \eqn{n}{n} is the number of tips. The present version uses the \code{\link[stats]{nlminb}} to optimise the penalized likelihood function: see its help page for details on parameters controlling the optimisation procedure. } \value{ an object of class \code{"phylo"} with branch lengths as estimated by the function. There are three or four further attributes: \item{ploglik}{the maximum penalized log-likelihood.} \item{rates}{the estimated rates for each branch.} \item{message}{the message returned by \code{nlminb} indicating whether the optimisation converged.} \item{D2}{the influence of each observation on overall date estimates (if \code{CV = TRUE}).} } \references{ Sanderson, M. J. (2002) Estimating absolute rates of molecular evolution and divergence times: a penalized likelihood approach. \emph{Molecular Biology and Evolution}, \bold{19}, 101--109. } \author{Emmanuel Paradis} \seealso{ \code{\link{chronoMPL}} } \keyword{models}