\name{chronoMPL} \alias{chronoMPL} \title{Molecular Dating With Mean Path Lengths} \usage{ chronoMPL(phy, se = TRUE, test = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.} \item{se}{a logical specifying whether to compute the standard-errors of the node ages (\code{TRUE} by default).} \item{test}{a logical specifying whether to test the molecular clock at each node (\code{TRUE} by default).} } \description{ This function estimates the node ages of a tree using the mean path lengths method of Britton et al. (2002). The branch lengths of the input tree are interpreted as (mean) numbers of substitutions. } \details{ The mean path lengths (MPL) method estimates the age of a node with the mean of the distances from this node to all tips descending from it. Under the assumption of a molecular clock, standard-errors of the estimates node ages can be computed (Britton et al. 2002). The tests performed if \code{test = TRUE} is a comparison of the MPL of the two subtrees originating from a node; the null hypothesis is that the rate of substitution was the same in both subtrees (Britton et al. 2002). The test statistic follows, under the null hypothesis, a standard normal distribution. The returned \emph{P}-value is the probability of observing a greater absolute value (i.e., a two-sided test). No correction for multiple testing is applied: this is left to the user. Absolute dating can be done by multiplying the edge lengths found by calibrating one node age. } \note{ The present version requires a dichotomous tree. } \value{ an object of class \code{"phylo"} with branch lengths as estimated by the function. There are, by default, two attributes: \item{stderr}{the standard-errors of the node ages.} \item{Pval}{the \emph{P}-value of the test of the molecular clock for each node.} } \references{ Britton, T., Oxelman, B., Vinnersten, A. and Bremer, K. (2002) Phylogenetic dating with confidence intervals using mean path lengths. \emph{Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution}, \bold{24}, 58--65. } \author{Emmanuel Paradis} \seealso{ \code{\link{chronopl}} } \examples{ tr <- rtree(10) tr$edge.length <- 5*tr$edge.length chr <- chronoMPL(tr) layout(matrix(1:4, 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)) plot(tr) title("The original tree") plot(chr) axisPhylo() title("The dated MPL tree") plot(chr) nodelabels(round(attr(chr, "stderr"), 3)) title("The standard-errors") plot(tr) nodelabels(round(attr(chr, "Pval"), 3)) title("The tests") } \keyword{models}