\name{carnivora} \docType{data} \alias{carnivora} \title{Carnivora body sizes and life history traits} \description{ Dataset adapted from Gittleman (1986), including 2 morphological variables (body and brain sizes), 8 life history traits variables and 4 taxonomic variables. } \usage{data(carnivora)} \format{ A data frame with 112 observations on 17 variables. \tabular{rlll}{ [,1] \tab Order \tab factor \tab Carnivora order \cr [,2] \tab SuperFamily \tab factor \tab Super family (Caniformia or Feliformia) \cr [,3] \tab Family \tab factor \tab Carnivora family \cr [,4] \tab Genus \tab factor \tab Carnivora genus \cr [,5] \tab Species \tab factor \tab Carnivora species \cr [,6] \tab FW \tab numeric \tab Female body weight (kg) \cr [,7] \tab SW \tab numeric \tab Average body weight of adult male and adult female (kg) \cr [,8] \tab FB \tab numeric \tab Female brain weight (g) \cr [,9] \tab SB \tab numeric \tab Average brain weight of adult male and adult female (g) \cr [,10] \tab LS \tab numeric \tab Litter size \cr [,11] \tab GL \tab numeric \tab Gestation length (days) \cr [,12] \tab BW \tab numeric \tab Birth weigth (g) \cr [,13] \tab WA \tab numeric \tab Weaning age (days) \cr [,14] \tab AI \tab numeric \tab Age of independance (days) \cr [,15] \tab LY \tab numeric \tab Longevity (months) \cr [,16] \tab AM \tab numeric \tab Age of sexual maturity (days) \cr [,17] \tab IB \tab numeric \tab Inter-birth interval (months) \cr } } \source{ Gittleman, J. L. (1986) Carnivore life history patterns: allometric, phylogenetic and ecological associations. \emph{American Naturalist}, \bold{127}: 744--771. } \examples{ data(carnivora); # This is figure 1 of Gittleman 1986: library(lattice) trellis.device(color=FALSE) xyplot(BW ~ FW, groups=Family, data=carnivora, auto.key=TRUE, xlog=TRUE, scale=list(log=TRUE), ylim=c(1, 2000)) trellis.device(color=FALSE) xyplot(BW ~ FB, groups=Family, data=carnivora, auto.key=TRUE, xlog=TRUE, scale=list(log=TRUE), ylim=c(1, 2000)) } \keyword{datasets}