\name{bd.ext} \alias{bd.ext} \title{Extended Version of the Birth-Death Models to Estimate Speciation and Extinction Rates} \usage{ bd.ext(phy, S) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.} \item{S}{a numeric vector giving the number of species for each tip.} } \description{ This function fits by maximum likelihood a birth-death model to the combined phylogenetic and taxonomic data of a given clade. The phylogenetic data are given by a tree, and the taxonomic data by the number of species for the its tips. } \details{ A re-parametrization of the birth-death model studied by Kendall (1948) so that the likelihood has to be maximized over \emph{d/b} and \emph{b - d}, where \emph{b} is the birth rate, and \emph{d} the death rate. The standard-errors of the estimated parameters are computed using a normal approximation of the maximum likelihood estimates. If the argument \code{S} has names, then they are matched to the tip labels of \code{phy}. The user must be careful here since the function requires that both series of names perfectly match, so this operation may fail if there is a typing or syntax error. If both series of names do not match, the values \code{S} are taken to be in the same order than the tip labels of \code{phy}, and a warning message is issued. Note that the function does not check that the tree is effectively ultrametric, so if it is not, the returned result may not be meaningful. } \references{ Paradis, E. (2003) Analysis of diversification: combining phylogenetic and taxonomic data. \emph{Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences}, \bold{270}, 2499--2505. } \author{Emmanuel Paradis \email{Emmanuel.Paradis@mpl.ird.fr}} \seealso{ \code{\link{birthdeath}}, \code{\link{branching.times}}, \code{\link{diversi.gof}}, \code{\link{diversi.time}}, \code{\link{ltt.plot}}, \code{\link{yule}}, \code{\link{yule.cov}} } \examples{ ### An example from Paradis (2003) using the avian orders: data(bird.orders) ### Number of species in each order from Sibley and Monroe (1990): S <- c(10, 47, 69, 214, 161, 17, 355, 51, 56, 10, 39, 152, 6, 143, 358, 103, 319, 23, 291, 313, 196, 1027, 5712) bd.ext(bird.orders, S) } \keyword{models}