\name{base.freq} \alias{base.freq} \title{Base frequencies from DNA Sequences} \usage{ base.freq(x, freq = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a vector, a matrix, or a list which contains the DNA sequences.} \item{freq}{a logical specifying whether to return the proportions (the default) or the absolute frequencies (counts).} } \description{ This function computes the relative frequencies (i.e. proportions) of the four DNA bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymidine) from a sample of sequences. } \details{ The base frequencies are computed over all sequences in the sample. All missing or unknown sites are discarded from the computations. } \value{ A numeric vector storing the relative frequencies with names \code{c("a", "c", "g", "t")}. } \author{Emmanuel Paradis \email{Emmanuel.Paradis@mpl.ird.fr}} \seealso{ \code{\link{GC.content}}, \code{\link{seg.sites}}, \code{\link{nuc.div}}, \code{\link{DNAbin}} } \keyword{univar}