\name{axisPhylo} \alias{axisPhylo} \title{Axis on Side of Phylogeny} \usage{ axisPhylo(side = 1, ...) } \arguments{ \item{side}{a numeric value specifying the side where the axis is plotted: 1: below, 2: left, 3: above, 4: right.} \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to \code{axis}.} } \description{ This function adds a scaled axis on the side of a phylogeny plot. } \details{ The further arguments (\code{...}) are used to format the axis. They may be \code{font}, \code{cex}, \code{col}, \code{las}, and so on (see the help pages on \code{\link[graphics]{axis}} and \code{\link[graphics]{par}}). } \author{Emmanuel Paradis \email{Emmanuel.Paradis@mpl.ird.fr}} \seealso{ \code{\link{plot.phylo}}, \code{\link{add.scale.bar}}, \code{\link[graphics]{axis}}, \code{\link[graphics]{par}} } \examples{ tr <- rtree(30) ch <- rcoal(30) plot(ch) axisPhylo() plot(tr, "c", FALSE, direction = "u") axisPhylo(2, las = 1) } \keyword{aplot}