\name{as.phylo.formula} \alias{as.phylo.formula} \title{ Conversion from Taxonomy Variables to Phylogenetic Trees } \description{ The function \code{as.phylo.formula} (short form \code{as.phylo}) builds a phylogenetic tree (an object of class \code{phylo}) from a set of nested taxonomic variables. } \usage{ \method{as.phylo}{formula}(x, data = parent.frame(), ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a right-side formula describing the taxonomic relationship: \code{~C1/C2/.../Cn}. } \item{data}{ the data.frame where to look for the variables (default to environment). } \item{\dots}{ further arguments to be passed from other methods.} } \details{ Taxonomic variables must be nested and passed in the correct order: the higher clade must be on the left of the formula, for instance \code{~Order/Family/Genus/Species}. In most cases, the resulting tree will be unresolved and contain polytomies. } \value{ An object of class \code{phylo}. } \author{Julien Dutheil \email{Julien.Dutheil@univ-montp2.fr}} \seealso{ \code{\link{as.phylo}}, \code{\link{read.tree}} for a description of \code{phylo} objects, \code{\link{multi2di}} } \examples{ data(carnivora) plot(as.phylo(~SuperFamily/Family/Genus/Species, data=carnivora)) } \keyword{manip}