\name{ape-defunct} \alias{klastorin} \alias{heterozygosity} \alias{H} \alias{nuc.div} \alias{theta.h} \alias{theta.k} \alias{theta.s} \title{Defunct Ape Functions} \description{ These functions have been removed from \pkg{ape} or moved to another package. } \usage{ klastorin(phy) heterozygosity(x, variance = FALSE) H(x, variance = FALSE) nuc.div(x, variance = FALSE, pairwise.deletion = FALSE) theta.h(x, standard.error = FALSE) theta.k(x, n = NULL, k = NULL) theta.s(s, n, variance = FALSE) } \details{ \code{klastorin} has been removed because it does not seem to be used and this helped to clear some internal C code (this function may be put back with a different coding). \code{heterozygosity}, \code{nuc.div}, \code{theta.h}, \code{theta.k} and \code{theta.s} have been moved to \pkg{pegas}. } \keyword{internal}