\name{SDM} \alias{SDM} \title{Construction of Consensus Distance Matrix With SDM} \description{ This function implements the SDM method of Criscuolo et al. (2006) for a set of n distance matrices. } \usage{ SDM(...) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{2n elements (with n > 1), the first n elements are the distance matrices: these can be (symmetric) matrices, objects of class \code{"dist"}, or a mix of both. The next n elements are the sequence length from which the matrices have been estimated (can be seen as a degree of confidence in matrices).} } \details{ Reconstructs a consensus distance matrix from a set of input distance matrices on overlapping sets of taxa. Potentially missing values in the supermatrix are represented by \code{NA}. An error is returned if the input distance matrices can not resolve to a consensus matrix. } \value{ a 2-element list containing a distance matrix labelled by the union of the set of taxa of the input distance matrices, and a variance matrix associated to the returned distance matrix. } \references{ Criscuolo, A., Berry, V., Douzery, E. J. P. , and Gascuel, O. (2006) SDM: A fast distance-based approach for (super)tree building in phylogenomics. \emph{Systematic Biology}, \bold{55}, 740--755. } \author{Andrei Popescu \email{niteloserpopescu@gmail.com}} \seealso{ \code{\link{bionj}}, \code{\link{fastme}}, \code{\link{njs}}, \code{\link{mvrs}}, \code{\link{triangMtd}} } \keyword{models}