"write.nexus.data" <- function (x, file, format = "dna", datablock = TRUE, interleaved = TRUE, charsperline = NULL, gap = NULL, missing = NULL) { # Nexus data parser. # # Version: 09/13/2006 09:06:33 AM CEST # # By: Johan Nylander, nylander @ scs.fsu.edu # # TODO: Standard data, mixed data, nice indent #------------------------------------------------------------------ indent <- " " # Two blanks maxtax <- 5 # Max nr of taxon names to be printed on a line defcharsperline <- 80 # Default nr of characters per line if interleaved defgap <- "-" # Default gap character defmissing <- "?" # Default missing data character ntax <- length(x) nchars <- length(x[[1]]) zz <- file(file, "w") if (is.null(names(x))) { names(x) <- as.character(1:ntax) } "fcat" <- function (..., file = zz) { cat(..., file = file, sep = "", append = TRUE) } "find.max.length" <- function (x) { max <- 0 for (i in 1:length(x)) { val <- length((strsplit(x[i], split = NULL))[[1]]) if (val > max) { max <- val } } max } "print.matrix" <- function(x, dindent = " ") { Names <- names(x) printlength <- find.max.length(Names) + 2 if (interleaved == FALSE) { for (i in 1:length(x)) { sequence <- paste(x[[i]], collapse = "") taxon <- Names[i] thestring <- sprintf("%-*s%s%s", printlength, taxon, dindent, sequence) fcat(indent, indent, thestring, "\n") } } else { ntimes <- ceiling(nchars/charsperline) start <- 1 end <- charsperline for (j in 1:ntimes) { for (i in 1:length(x)) { sequence <- paste(x[[i]][start:end], collapse = "") taxon <- Names[i] thestring <- sprintf("%-*s%s%s", printlength, taxon, dindent, sequence) fcat(indent, indent, thestring, "\n") } if (j < ntimes) { fcat("\n") } start <- start + charsperline end <- end + charsperline if (end > nchars) { end <- nchars } } } } fcat("#NEXUS\n[Data written by write.nexus.data.R,", " ", date(),"]\n") NCHAR <- paste("NCHAR=", nchars, sep = "") NTAX <- paste("NTAX=", ntax, sep = "") if (format == "dna") { DATATYPE <- "DATATYPE=DNA" } if (format == "protein") { DATATYPE <- "DATATYPE=PROTEIN" } if (is.null(charsperline)) { if (nchars < defcharsperline) { charsperline <- nchars interleaved <- FALSE } else { if (nchars > defcharsperline) { charsperline <- defcharsperline } } } if (is.null(missing)) { MISSING <- paste("MISSING=", defmissing, sep = "") } else { MISSING <- paste("MISSING=", missing, sep = "") } if (is.null(gap)) { GAP <- paste("GAP=", defgap, sep = "") } else { GAP <- paste("GAP=", gap, sep = "") } if (interleaved == TRUE) { INTERLEAVE <- "INTERLEAVE=YES" } if (interleaved == FALSE) { INTERLEAVE <- "INTERLEAVE=NO" } if (datablock == TRUE) { fcat("BEGIN DATA;\n") fcat(indent,"DIMENSIONS", " ", NTAX, " ", NCHAR, ";\n") if (format %in% c("dna", "protein")) { fcat(indent, "FORMAT", " ", MISSING, " ", GAP, " ", DATATYPE, " ", INTERLEAVE, ";\n") } fcat(indent,"MATRIX\n") print.matrix(x) fcat(indent, ";\n") fcat("END;\n\n") } else { fcat("BEGIN TAXA;\n") fcat(indent, "DIMENSIONS", " ", NTAX, ";\n") fcat(indent, "TAXLABELS\n") fcat(indent, indent) j <- 0 for (i in 1:ntax) { fcat(names(x[i]), " ") j <- j + 1 if (i == ntax) { fcat("\n", indent, ";\n") } else { if (j == maxtax) { fcat("\n", indent, indent) j <- 0 } } } fcat("END;\n\n") fcat("BEGIN CHARACTERS;\n") fcat(indent, "DIMENSIONS", " ", NCHAR, ";\n") if (format %in% c("dna", "protein")) { fcat(indent, "FORMAT", " ", MISSING, " ", GAP, " ", DATATYPE, " ", INTERLEAVE, ";\n") } fcat(indent,"MATRIX\n") print.matrix(x) fcat(indent, ";") fcat("\nEND;\n\n") } close(zz) }