## plot.phylo.R (2009-10-27) ## Plot Phylogenies ## Copyright 2002-2009 Emmanuel Paradis ## This file is part of the R-package `ape'. ## See the file ../COPYING for licensing issues. plot.phylo <- function(x, type = "phylogram", use.edge.length = TRUE, node.pos = NULL, show.tip.label = TRUE, show.node.label = FALSE, edge.color = "black", edge.width = 1, edge.lty = 1, font = 3, cex = par("cex"), adj = NULL, srt = 0, no.margin = FALSE, root.edge = FALSE, label.offset = 0, underscore = FALSE, x.lim = NULL, y.lim = NULL, direction = "rightwards", lab4ut = "horizontal", tip.color = "black", ...) { Ntip <- length(x$tip.label) if (Ntip == 1) { warning("found only one tip in the tree") return(NULL) } if (any(tabulate(x$edge[, 1]) == 1)) stop("there are single (non-splitting) nodes in your tree; you may need to use collapse.singles()") .nodeHeight <- function(Ntip, Nnode, edge, Nedge, yy) .C("node_height", as.integer(Ntip), as.integer(Nnode), as.integer(edge[, 1]), as.integer(edge[, 2]), as.integer(Nedge), as.double(yy), DUP = FALSE, PACKAGE = "ape")[[6]] .nodeDepth <- function(Ntip, Nnode, edge, Nedge) .C("node_depth", as.integer(Ntip), as.integer(Nnode), as.integer(edge[, 1]), as.integer(edge[, 2]), as.integer(Nedge), double(Ntip + Nnode), DUP = FALSE, PACKAGE = "ape")[[6]] .nodeDepthEdgelength <- function(Ntip, Nnode, edge, Nedge, edge.length) .C("node_depth_edgelength", as.integer(Ntip), as.integer(Nnode), as.integer(edge[, 1]), as.integer(edge[, 2]), as.integer(Nedge), as.double(edge.length), double(Ntip + Nnode), DUP = FALSE, PACKAGE = "ape")[[7]] Nedge <- dim(x$edge)[1] Nnode <- x$Nnode ROOT <- Ntip + 1 type <- match.arg(type, c("phylogram", "cladogram", "fan", "unrooted", "radial")) direction <- match.arg(direction, c("rightwards", "leftwards", "upwards", "downwards")) if (is.null(x$edge.length)) use.edge.length <- FALSE ## the order of the last two conditions is important: if (type %in% c("unrooted", "radial") || !use.edge.length || is.null(x$root.edge) || !x$root.edge) root.edge <- FALSE if (type == "fan" && root.edge) { warning("drawing root edge with type = 'fan' is not yet supported") root.edge <- FALSE } phyloORclado <- type %in% c("phylogram", "cladogram") horizontal <- direction %in% c("rightwards", "leftwards") if (phyloORclado) { ## we first compute the y-coordinates of the tips. phyOrder <- attr(x, "order") ## make sure the tree is in cladewise order: if (is.null(phyOrder) || phyOrder != "cladewise") { xe <- x$edge x <- reorder(x) # fix from Klaus Schliep (2007-06-16) if (!identical(x$edge, xe)) { ## modified from Li-San Wang's fix (2007-01-23): ereorder <- match(x$edge[, 2], xe[, 2]) if (length(edge.color) > 1) { edge.color <- rep(edge.color, length.out = Nedge) edge.color <- edge.color[ereorder] } if (length(edge.width) > 1) { edge.width <- rep(edge.width, length.out = Nedge) edge.width <- edge.width[ereorder] } if (length(edge.lty) > 1) { edge.lty <- rep(edge.lty, length.out = Nedge) edge.lty <- edge.lty[ereorder] } } } ### By contrats to ape (< 2.4), the arguments edge.color, etc., are ### not elongated before being passed to segments(), except if needed ### to be reordered yy <- numeric(Ntip + Nnode) TIPS <- x$edge[x$edge[, 2] <= Ntip, 2] yy[TIPS] <- 1:Ntip } ## 'z' is the tree in pruningwise order used in calls to .C z <- reorder(x, order = "pruningwise") ### edge.color <- rep(edge.color, length.out = Nedge) ### edge.width <- rep(edge.width, length.out = Nedge) ### edge.lty <- rep(edge.lty, length.out = Nedge) ### ## fix from Li-San Wang (2007-01-23): ### xe <- x$edge ### x <- reorder(x, order = "pruningwise") ### ereorder <- match(x$edge[, 2], xe[, 2]) ### edge.color <- edge.color[ereorder] ### edge.width <- edge.width[ereorder] ### edge.lty <- edge.lty[ereorder] ### ## end of fix if (phyloORclado) { if (is.null(node.pos)) { node.pos <- 1 if (type == "cladogram" && !use.edge.length) node.pos <- 2 } if (node.pos == 1) yy <- .nodeHeight(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge, yy) else { ## node_height_clado requires the number of descendants ## for each node, so we compute `xx' at the same time ans <- .C("node_height_clado", as.integer(Ntip), as.integer(Nnode), as.integer(z$edge[, 1]), as.integer(z$edge[, 2]), as.integer(Nedge), double(Ntip + Nnode), as.double(yy), DUP = FALSE, PACKAGE = "ape") xx <- ans[[6]] - 1 yy <- ans[[7]] } if (!use.edge.length) { if (node.pos != 2) xx <- .nodeDepth(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge) - 1 xx <- max(xx) - xx } else { xx <- .nodeDepthEdgelength(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge, z$edge.length) } } else switch(type, "fan" = { ## if the tips are not in the same order in tip.label ## and in edge[, 2], we must reorder the angles: we ## use `xx' to store temporarily the angles TIPS <- x$edge[which(x$edge[, 2] <= Ntip), 2] xx <- seq(0, 2*pi*(1 - 1/Ntip), 2*pi/Ntip) theta <- double(Ntip) theta[TIPS] <- xx theta <- c(theta, numeric(Nnode)) theta <- .nodeHeight(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge, theta) if (use.edge.length) { r <- .nodeDepthEdgelength(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge, z$edge.length) } else { r <- .nodeDepth(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge) r <- 1/r } xx <- r*cos(theta) yy <- r*sin(theta) }, "unrooted" = { nb.sp <- .nodeDepth(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge) XY <- if (use.edge.length) unrooted.xy(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, z$edge.length, nb.sp) else unrooted.xy(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, rep(1, Nedge), nb.sp) ## rescale so that we have only positive values xx <- XY$M[, 1] - min(XY$M[, 1]) yy <- XY$M[, 2] - min(XY$M[, 2]) }, "radial" = { X <- .nodeDepth(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge) X[X == 1] <- 0 ## radius: X <- 1 - X/Ntip ## angle (1st compute the angles for the tips): yy <- c((1:Ntip)*2*pi/Ntip, rep(0, Nnode)) Y <- .nodeHeight(Ntip, Nnode, z$edge, Nedge, yy) xx <- X * cos(Y) yy <- X * sin(Y) }) if (phyloORclado) { if (!horizontal) { tmp <- yy yy <- xx xx <- tmp - min(tmp) + 1 } if (root.edge) { if (direction == "rightwards") xx <- xx + x$root.edge if (direction == "upwards") yy <- yy + x$root.edge } } if (no.margin) par(mai = rep(0, 4)) if (is.null(x.lim)) { if (phyloORclado) { if (horizontal) { x.lim <- c(0, NA) pin1 <- par("pin")[1] # width of the device in inches strWi <- strwidth(x$tip.label, "inches") # id. for the tip labels ## 1.04 comes from that we are using a regular axis system ## with 4% on both sides of the range of x: xx.tips <- xx[1:Ntip] * 1.04 ## 'alp' is the conversion coefficient from ## user coordinates to inches: alp <- try(uniroot(function(a) max(a*xx.tips + strWi) - pin1, c(0, 1e6))$root, silent = TRUE) ## if the above fails, give 1/3 of the device for the tip labels: if (is.character(alp)) tmp <- max(xx.tips)*1.5 else { tmp <- if (show.tip.label) max(xx.tips + strWi/alp) else max(xx.tips) } x.lim[2] <- tmp if (direction == "leftwards") xx <- x.lim[2] - xx #max(xx[ROOT] + tmp) # else max(xx[1:Ntip] + tmp) } else x.lim <- c(1, Ntip) } else switch(type, "fan" = { if (show.tip.label) { offset <- max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.018 * max(yy) * cex) x.lim <- c(min(xx) - offset, max(xx) + offset) } else x.lim <- c(min(xx), max(xx)) }, "unrooted" = { if (show.tip.label) { offset <- max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.018 * max(yy) * cex) x.lim <- c(0 - offset, max(xx) + offset) } else x.lim <- c(0, max(xx)) }, "radial" = { if (show.tip.label) { offset <- max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.03 * cex) x.lim <- c(-1 - offset, 1 + offset) } else x.lim <- c(-1, 1) }) } else if (length(x.lim) == 1) { x.lim <- c(0, x.lim) if (phyloORclado && !horizontal) x.lim[1] <- 1 if (type %in% c("fan", "unrooted") && show.tip.label) x.lim[1] <- -max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.018 * max(yy) * cex) if (type == "radial") x.lim[1] <- if (show.tip.label) -1 - max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.03 * cex) else -1 } if (is.null(y.lim)) { if (phyloORclado) { if (horizontal) y.lim <- c(1, Ntip) else { y.lim <- c(0, NA) pin2 <- par("pin")[2] # height of the device in inches strWi <- strwidth(x$tip.label, "inches") ## 1.04 comes from that we are using a regular axis system ## with 4% on both sides of the range of x: yy.tips <- yy[1:Ntip] * 1.04 ## 'alp' is the conversion coefficient from ## user coordinates to inches: alp <- try(uniroot(function(a) max(a*yy.tips + strWi) - pin2, c(0, 1e6))$root, silent = TRUE) ## if the above fails, give 1/3 of the device for the tip labels: if (is.character(alp)) tmp <- max(yy.tips)*1.5 else { tmp <- if (show.tip.label) max(yy.tips + strWi/alp) else max(yy.tips) } y.lim[2] <- tmp if (direction == "downwards") yy <- y.lim[2] - yy } } else switch(type, "fan" = { if (show.tip.label) { offset <- max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.018 * max(yy) * cex) y.lim <- c(min(yy) - offset, max(yy) + offset) } else y.lim <- c(min(yy), max(yy)) }, "unrooted" = { if (show.tip.label) { offset <- max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.018 * max(yy) * cex) y.lim <- c(0 - offset, max(yy) + offset) } else y.lim <- c(0, max(yy)) }, "radial" = { if (show.tip.label) { offset <- max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.03 * cex) y.lim <- c(-1 - offset, 1 + offset) } else y.lim <- c(-1, 1) }) } else if (length(y.lim) == 1) { y.lim <- c(0, y.lim) if (phyloORclado && horizontal) y.lim[1] <- 1 if (type %in% c("fan", "unrooted") && show.tip.label) y.lim[1] <- -max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.018 * max(yy) * cex) if (type == "radial") y.lim[1] <- if (show.tip.label) -1 - max(nchar(x$tip.label) * 0.018 * max(yy) * cex) else -1 } if (phyloORclado && root.edge) { if (direction == "leftwards") x.lim[2] <- x.lim[2] + x$root.edge if (direction == "downwards") y.lim[2] <- y.lim[2] + x$root.edge } asp <- if (type %in% c("fan", "radial")) 1 else NA # fix by Klaus Schliep (2008-03-28) plot(0, type = "n", xlim = x.lim, ylim = y.lim, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, asp = asp, ...) if (is.null(adj)) adj <- if (phyloORclado && direction == "leftwards") 1 else 0 if (phyloORclado && show.tip.label) { MAXSTRING <- max(strwidth(x$tip.label, cex = cex)) loy <- 0 if (direction == "rightwards") { lox <- label.offset + MAXSTRING * 1.05 * adj } if (direction == "leftwards") { lox <- -label.offset - MAXSTRING * 1.05 * (1 - adj) #xx <- xx + MAXSTRING } if (!horizontal) { psr <- par("usr") MAXSTRING <- MAXSTRING * 1.09 * (psr[4] - psr[3])/(psr[2] - psr[1]) loy <- label.offset + MAXSTRING * 1.05 * adj lox <- 0 srt <- 90 + srt if (direction == "downwards") { loy <- -loy ##yy <- yy + MAXSTRING srt <- 180 + srt } } } if (type == "phylogram") { phylogram.plot(x$edge, Ntip, Nnode, xx, yy, horizontal, edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty) } else { if (type == "fan") { ereorder <- match(z$edge[, 2], x$edge[, 2]) if (length(edge.color) > 1) { edge.color <- rep(edge.color, length.out = Nedge) edge.color <- edge.color[ereorder] } if (length(edge.width) > 1) { edge.width <- rep(edge.width, length.out = Nedge) edge.width <- edge.width[ereorder] } if (length(edge.lty) > 1) { edge.lty <- rep(edge.lty, length.out = Nedge) edge.lty <- edge.lty[ereorder] } circular.plot(z$edge, Ntip, Nnode, xx, yy, theta, r, edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty) } else cladogram.plot(x$edge, xx, yy, edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty) } if (root.edge) switch(direction, "rightwards" = segments(0, yy[ROOT], x$root.edge, yy[ROOT]), "leftwards" = segments(xx[ROOT], yy[ROOT], xx[ROOT] + x$root.edge, yy[ROOT]), "upwards" = segments(xx[ROOT], 0, xx[ROOT], x$root.edge), "downwards" = segments(xx[ROOT], yy[ROOT], xx[ROOT], yy[ROOT] + x$root.edge)) if (show.tip.label) { if (!underscore) x$tip.label <- gsub("_", " ", x$tip.label) if (phyloORclado) text(xx[1:Ntip] + lox, yy[1:Ntip] + loy, x$tip.label, adj = adj, font = font, srt = srt, cex = cex, col = tip.color) if (type == "unrooted") { if (lab4ut == "horizontal") { y.adj <- x.adj <- numeric(Ntip) sel <- abs(XY$axe) > 0.75 * pi x.adj[sel] <- -strwidth(x$tip.label)[sel] * 1.05 sel <- abs(XY$axe) > pi/4 & abs(XY$axe) < 0.75 * pi x.adj[sel] <- -strwidth(x$tip.label)[sel] * (2 * abs(XY$axe)[sel] / pi - 0.5) sel <- XY$axe > pi / 4 & XY$axe < 0.75 * pi y.adj[sel] <- strheight(x$tip.label)[sel] / 2 sel <- XY$axe < -pi / 4 & XY$axe > -0.75 * pi y.adj[sel] <- -strheight(x$tip.label)[sel] * 0.75 text(xx[1:Ntip] + x.adj*cex, yy[1:Ntip] + y.adj*cex, x$tip.label, adj = c(adj, 0), font = font, srt = srt, cex = cex, col = tip.color) } else { # if lab4ut == "axial" adj <- as.numeric(abs(XY$axe) > pi/2) srt <- 180*XY$axe/pi srt[as.logical(adj)] <- srt[as.logical(adj)] - 180 ## `srt' takes only a single value, so can't vectorize this: for (i in 1:Ntip) text(xx[i], yy[i], cex = cex, x$tip.label[i], adj = adj[i], font = font, srt = srt[i], col = tip.color[i]) } } if (type %in% c("fan", "radial")) { xx.scaled <- xx[1:Ntip] if (type == "fan") { # no need if type == "radial" maxx <- max(abs(xx.scaled)) if (maxx > 1) xx.scaled <- xx.scaled/maxx } angle <- acos(xx.scaled)*180/pi s1 <- angle > 90 & yy[1:Ntip] > 0 s2 <- angle < 90 & yy[1:Ntip] < 0 s3 <- angle > 90 & yy[1:Ntip] < 0 angle[s1] <- angle[s1] + 180 angle[s2] <- -angle[s2] angle[s3] <- 180 - angle[s3] adj <- numeric(Ntip) adj[xx[1:Ntip] < 0] <- 1 ## `srt' takes only a single value, so can't vectorize this: for (i in 1:Ntip) text(xx[i], yy[i], x$tip.label[i], font = font, cex = cex, srt = angle[i], adj = adj[i], col = tip.color[i]) } } if (show.node.label) text(xx[ROOT:length(xx)] + label.offset, yy[ROOT:length(yy)], x$node.label, adj = adj, font = font, srt = srt, cex = cex) L <- list(type = type, use.edge.length = use.edge.length, node.pos = node.pos, show.tip.label = show.tip.label, show.node.label = show.node.label, font = font, cex = cex, adj = adj, srt = srt, no.margin = no.margin, label.offset = label.offset, x.lim = x.lim, y.lim = y.lim, direction = direction, tip.color = tip.color, Ntip = Ntip, Nnode = Nnode) assign("last_plot.phylo", c(L, list(edge = x$edge, xx = xx, yy = yy)), envir = .PlotPhyloEnv) invisible(L) } phylogram.plot <- function(edge, Ntip, Nnode, xx, yy, horizontal, edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty) { nodes <- (Ntip + 1):(Ntip + Nnode) if (!horizontal) { tmp <- yy yy <- xx xx <- tmp } ## un trait vertical à chaque noeud... x0v <- xx[nodes] y0v <- y1v <- numeric(Nnode) ## store the index of each node in the 1st column of edge: NodeInEdge1 <- vector("list", Nnode) for (i in nodes) { ii <- i - Ntip j <- NodeInEdge1[[ii]] <- which(edge[, 1] == i) tmp <- range(yy[edge[j, 2]]) y0v[ii] <- tmp[1] y1v[ii] <- tmp[2] } ## ... et un trait horizontal partant de chaque tip et chaque noeud ## vers la racine x0h <- xx[edge[, 1]] x1h <- xx[edge[, 2]] y0h <- yy[edge[, 2]] nc <- length(edge.color) nw <- length(edge.width) nl <- length(edge.lty) if (nc + nw + nl == 3) { color.v <- edge.color width.v <- edge.width lty.v <- edge.lty } else { Nedge <- dim(edge)[1] edge.color <- rep(edge.color, length.out = Nedge) edge.width <- rep(edge.width, length.out = Nedge) edge.lty <- rep(edge.lty, length.out = Nedge) DF <- data.frame(edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty) color.v <- rep("black", Nnode) width.v <- rep(1, Nnode) lty.v <- rep(1, Nnode) for (i in 1:Nnode) { br <- NodeInEdge1[[i]] if (length(br) > 2) { x <- unique(DF[br, 1]) if (length(x) == 1) color.v[i] <- x x <- unique(DF[br, 2]) if (length(x) == 1) width.v[i] <- x x <- unique(DF[br, 3]) if (length(x) == 1) lty.v[i] <- x } else { A <- br[1] B <- br[2] if (any(DF[A, ] != DF[B, ])) { color.v[i] <- edge.color[B] width.v[i] <- edge.width[B] lty.v[i] <- edge.lty[B] ## add a new line: y0v <- c(y0v, y0v[i]) y1v <- c(y1v, yy[i + Ntip]) x0v <- c(x0v, x0v[i]) color.v <- c(color.v, edge.color[A]) width.v <- c(width.v, edge.width[A]) lty.v <- c(lty.v, edge.lty[A]) ## shorten the line: y0v[i] <- yy[i + Ntip] } else { color.v[i] <- edge.color[A] width.v[i] <- edge.width[A] lty.v[i] <- edge.lty[A] } } } } if (horizontal) { segments(x0h, y0h, x1h, y0h, col = edge.color, lwd = edge.width, lty = edge.lty) # draws horizontal lines segments(x0v, y0v, x0v, y1v, col = color.v, lwd = width.v, lty = lty.v) # draws vertical lines } else { segments(y0h, x0h, y0h, x1h, col = edge.color, lwd = edge.width, lty = edge.lty) # draws vertical lines segments(y0v, x0v, y1v, x0v, col = color.v, lwd = width.v, lty = lty.v) # draws horizontal lines } } cladogram.plot <- function(edge, xx, yy, edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty) segments(xx[edge[, 1]], yy[edge[, 1]], xx[edge[, 2]], yy[edge[, 2]], col = edge.color, lwd = edge.width, lty = edge.lty) circular.plot <- function(edge, Ntip, Nnode, xx, yy, theta, r, edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty) ### 'edge' must be in pruningwise order { r0 <- r[edge[, 1]] r1 <- r[edge[, 2]] theta0 <- theta[edge[, 2]] costheta0 <- cos(theta0) sintheta0 <- sin(theta0) x0 <- r0 * costheta0 y0 <- r0 * sintheta0 x1 <- r1 * costheta0 y1 <- r1 * sintheta0 segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = edge.color, lwd = edge.width, lty = edge.lty) tmp <- which(diff(edge[, 1]) != 0) start <- c(1, tmp + 1) Nedge <- dim(edge)[1] end <- c(tmp, Nedge) ## function dispatching the features to the arcs foo <- function(edge.feat, default) { if (length(edge.feat) == 1) return(rep(edge.feat, Nnode)) else { edge.feat <- rep(edge.feat, length.out = Nedge) feat.arc <- rep(default, Nnode) for (k in 1:Nnode) { tmp <- edge.feat[start[k]] if (tmp == edge.feat[end[k]]) feat.arc[k] <- tmp } } feat.arc } co <- foo(edge.color, "black") lw <- foo(edge.width, 1) ly <- foo(edge.lty, 1) for (k in 1:Nnode) { i <- start[k] j <- end[k] X <- rep(r[edge[i, 1]], 100) Y <- seq(theta[edge[i, 2]], theta[edge[j, 2]], length.out = 100) lines(X*cos(Y), X*sin(Y), col = co[k], lwd = lw[k], lty = ly[k]) } } unrooted.xy <- function(Ntip, Nnode, edge, edge.length, nb.sp) { foo <- function(node, ANGLE, AXIS) { ind <- which(edge[, 1] == node) sons <- edge[ind, 2] start <- AXIS - ANGLE/2 for (i in 1:length(sons)) { h <- edge.length[ind[i]] angle[sons[i]] <<- alpha <- ANGLE*nb.sp[sons[i]]/nb.sp[node] axis[sons[i]] <<- beta <- start + alpha/2 start <- start + alpha xx[sons[i]] <<- h*cos(beta) + xx[node] yy[sons[i]] <<- h*sin(beta) + yy[node] } for (i in sons) if (i > Ntip) foo(i, angle[i], axis[i]) } Nedge <- dim(edge)[1] yy <- xx <- numeric(Ntip + Nnode) ## `angle': the angle allocated to each node wrt their nb of tips ## `axis': the axis of each branch axis <- angle <- numeric(Ntip + Nnode) ## start with the root... foo(Ntip + 1L, 2*pi, 0) M <- cbind(xx, yy) axe <- axis[1:Ntip] # the axis of the terminal branches (for export) axeGTpi <- axe > pi ## insures that returned angles are in [-PI, +PI]: axe[axeGTpi] <- axe[axeGTpi] - 2*pi list(M = M, axe = axe) } node.depth <- function(phy) { n <- length(phy$tip.label) m <- phy$Nnode N <- dim(phy$edge)[1] phy <- reorder(phy, order = "pruningwise") .C("node_depth", as.integer(n), as.integer(m), as.integer(phy$edge[, 1]), as.integer(phy$edge[, 2]), as.integer(N), double(n + m), DUP = FALSE, PACKAGE = "ape")[[6]] } plot.multiPhylo <- function(x, layout = 1, ...) { if (layout > 1) layout(matrix(1:layout, ceiling(sqrt(layout)), byrow = TRUE)) else layout(matrix(1)) if (!par("ask")) { par(ask = TRUE) on.exit(par(ask = FALSE)) } for (i in 1:length(x)) plot(x[[i]], ...) }