## compar.ou.R (2010-11-04) ## Ornstein--Uhlenbeck Model for Continuous Characters ## Copyright 2005-2010 Emmanuel Paradis ## This file is part of the R-package `ape'. ## See the file ../COPYING for licensing issues. compar.ou <- function(x, phy, node = NULL, alpha = NULL) { if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) stop('object "phy" is not of class "phylo".') if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("'x' must be numeric.") if (!is.null(names(x))) { if (all(names(x) %in% phy$tip.label)) x <- x[phy$tip.label] else warning('the names of argument "x" and the tip labels of the tree did not match: the former were ignored in the analysis.') } n <- length(phy$tip.label) root <- n + 1L if (is.null(node)) node <- numeric(0) if (is.character(node)) { if (is.null(phy$node.label)) stop("argument 'node' is character but 'phy' has no node labels") node <- match(node, phy$node.label) + n phy$node.label <- NULL } if (root %in% node) node <- node[-1] bt <- branching.times(phy) Tmax <- bt[1] Wend <- matrix(0, n, length(node) + 1) colnames(Wend) <- c(names(sort(bt[node - n])), as.character(root)) Wstart <- Wend Wstart[, ncol(Wstart)] <- Tmax root2tip <- .Call("seq_root2tip", phy$edge, n, phy$Nnode, PACKAGE = "ape") for (i in 1:n) { last.change <- names(Tmax) for (j in root2tip[[i]]) { if (j %in% node) { jb <- as.character(j) Wend[i, last.change] <- Wstart[i, jb] <- bt[jb] last.change <- jb } } } W <- cophenetic.phylo(phy) dev <- function(p) { alpha <- p[1] sigma2 <- p[2] if (sigma2 <= 0) return(1e100) theta <- p[-(1:2)] ## fixed a bug below: must be '%*% theta' instead of '* theta' (2010-03-15) M <- rowSums((exp(-alpha * Wend) - exp(-alpha * Wstart)) %*% theta) V <- exp(-alpha * W) * (1 - exp(-2 * alpha * (Tmax - W/2))) R <- chol(V) # correction by Cecile Ane (2010-11-04) n * log(2 * pi * sigma2) + 2 * sum(log(diag(R))) + (t(x - M) %*% chol2inv(R) %*% (x - M)) / sigma2 } out <- if (is.null(alpha)) nlm(function(p) dev(p), p = c(0.1, 1, rep(mean(x), ncol(Wstart))), hessian = TRUE) else nlm(function(p) dev(c(alpha, p)), p = c(1, rep(mean(x), ncol(Wstart))), hessian = TRUE) ## if alpha is estimated it may be that the Hessian matrix has the ## corresponding column and row filled with 0, making solve() fail se <- if (is.null(alpha) && all(out$hessian[1, ] == 0)) c(NA, sqrt(diag(solve(out$hessian[-1, -1])))) else sqrt(diag(solve(out$hessian))) para <- cbind(out$estimate, se) nms <- c("sigma2", paste("theta", 1:ncol(Wstart), sep = "")) if (is.null(alpha)) nms <- c("alpha", nms) dimnames(para) <- list(nms, c("estimate", "stderr")) obj <- list(deviance = out$minimum, para = para, call = match.call()) class(obj) <- "compar.ou" obj }