From d44c385a09b7e60d531d548ac643ab7ea46ace54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Heikki Johannes Junes Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 00:00:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update Finnish translation on glossary. --- Documentation/user/music-glossary.tely | 96 +++++++++++++------------- THANKS | 1 + 2 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-) diff --git a/Documentation/user/music-glossary.tely b/Documentation/user/music-glossary.tely index 49a1f5bd7b..9475f27d76 100644 --- a/Documentation/user/music-glossary.tely +++ b/Documentation/user/music-glossary.tely @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: kahdelle. Abbreviated @notation{a2} or @notation{a 2}. @@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: häviten olemattomiin. [Italian: @q{to nothing}.] Used with @notation{decrescendo} to indicate that the sound should fade away to nothing. @@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ D: Alteration, NL: verhoging of verlaging, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: muunnettu. An alteration is the modification, raising or lowering, of a note's pitch. It is established by an accidental. @@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: aika-arvojen pidentäminen. @c TODO: add definition. @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: sulkumerkki. @seealso @@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ D: Zäsur, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: välimerkki. [Latin: from the supine of @emph{caedere} @q{to cut down}.] @@ -2136,7 +2136,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: C-merkintä. 4/4 time. The symbol, which resembles a capital letter C, comes from mensural notation. @@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: kolmijakoinen tahtilaji. A meter that includes a triplet subdivision within the beat, such as 6/8, 9/8, 12/8. @@ -2212,7 +2212,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: yhdistetty tahtilajiosoitus. @enumerate @@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: konserttikorkeus. The pitch at which the piano and other nontransposing instruments play: such instruments are said to be @q{in C}. The following list includes some (but not @@ -2537,7 +2537,7 @@ D: Notenzeiger, Custos, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: vihje. A custos (plural: custodes) is a staff symbol that appears at the end of a staff line with monophonic musical contents (i.e., with a single voice). It @@ -2624,7 +2624,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: tyhjästä ilmaantuen. [Italian: @q{from nothing}.] Used with @notation{crescendo} to indicate that the sound should gradually increase from nothing. @@ -2969,7 +2969,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: aika-arvojen tihennys. This is a stub for diminution (@emph{wrt} mensural notation). @@ -2988,7 +2988,7 @@ D: Weiser, Zeiger, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: suora. @seealso @@ -3061,7 +3061,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: jäsennysmerkki. [Latin: @q{division}; pl. @emph{divisiones}] In Gregorian chant, a vertical stroke through part or all of the staff that serves to @@ -3097,7 +3097,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: nousu. Indicator for a indeterminately rising pitch bend. Compare with @emph{glissando}, which has determinate starting and ending pitches. @@ -3308,7 +3308,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: kaksois-aika-arvomerkintä. @seealso @@ -3395,7 +3395,7 @@ D: Dynamik, Lautstärke, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: äänen voimakkuusvaihtelu, dynamiikka. The aspect of music relating to degrees of loudness, or changes from one degree to another. The terms, abbreviations, and symbols used to @@ -3486,7 +3486,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: tavujen yhdistäminen yhteen ääneen. More properly @emph{synalepha} [New Lat. > Gr. @emph{συναλοιφη}, from Greek @emph{συναλοιφην} @q{to smear together}]. @@ -3623,7 +3623,7 @@ D: Fülllinie, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: pidennysviiva. The generic term (in LilyPond) for a line (or dash) of arbitrary length that extends text (without indicating the musical @emph{function} of that text). @@ -3748,7 +3748,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: lasku. Indicator for a indeterminately falling pitch bend. Compare with @emph{glissando}, which has determinate starting and ending pitches. @@ -3768,7 +3768,7 @@ D: gespreizter Balken, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: kiilapalkki. A type of beam used to indicate that a small group of notes should be played at an increasing or decreasing tempo -- depending on the @@ -3936,7 +3936,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: flageolet-ääni. An articulation for string players that means the note or passage is to be played in harmonics. @@ -4034,7 +4034,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: partituuri francesan tapaan. A @q{condensed} score, produced by omitting staves for instruments that are not playing at the moment, and by moving up additional systems from following pages @@ -4060,7 +4060,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: karsittu nuotinnus. [Pl. @emph{Frenched staves}] Analogous to Frenched scores (@emph{q.v}), a Frenched staff has unneeded measures or sections removed. This is useful @@ -4420,7 +4420,7 @@ D: Flageolett-Töne, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: harmoniset äänet, huiluäänet. The general class of pitches produced by sounding the second or higher harmonic of a tone producer: string, column of air, and so on. @@ -4499,7 +4499,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: 3/2 -suhde. [Greek: in Latin, @emph{sesquialtera}] The ratio 3:2. @@ -4563,7 +4563,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: säkeiden tavumäärät. A group or list of numbers that indicate the number of syllables in a line of a hymn's verse. Different hymnals have different ways of noting the hymn @@ -4688,7 +4688,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: käännös. When a chord sounds with a bass note that differs from the root of the chord, it is said to be @emph{inverted}. The number of inversions that a @@ -4820,7 +4820,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: antaa väristä. [French: @q{Let vibrate}.] Most frequently associated with harp parts. Marked @notation{l.v.} in the score. @@ -5021,7 +5021,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: kirjoitetussa äänenkorkeudessa. [Italian: @q{place}.] Instruction to play the following passage at the written pitch. Cancels octave mark (q.v.). @@ -5088,7 +5088,7 @@ D: Textbindung, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: sidonta sanoituksessa. @c TODO: add languages @@ -5260,7 +5260,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: melismaviiva. @seealso @@ -5287,7 +5287,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: mensuraalinuotinnus. A system of duration notation whose principles were first established in the mid-13th century, and that (with various changes) remained in use until about @@ -5544,7 +5544,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: kohtalaisen, melko. [Italian: @q{medium}.] @@ -6457,7 +6457,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: monia tahtiosoituksia sisältävä. @itemize @@ -6483,7 +6483,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: monia tahtiosoituksia yhtäaikaa tai peräkkäin sisältävä. Characterized by @emph{polymeter}: using two or more metric frameworks simultaneously or in alternation. @@ -6503,7 +6503,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: vaihtelevan tahtiosoitusmerkintä. A time signature that indicates regularly alternating polymetric time. @@ -6578,7 +6578,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: suhde. [Latin: @emph{proportio}.] Described in great detail by Gaffurius, in @emph{Practica musicae} (published in Milan in 1496). In mensural notation, @@ -6725,7 +6725,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: laatu. The quality of a triad is determined by the precise arrangement of its intervals. Tertian triads can be described as a series of three notes. The @@ -6815,7 +6815,7 @@ D: Viertelton, NL: kwart toon, DK: ?, S: kvartston, -FI: ?. +FI: neljännessävelaskel. An interval equal to half a semitone. @@ -7075,7 +7075,7 @@ D: Skordatur, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: epätavallinen viritys. [Italian: @emph{scordare}, @q{to mistune}.] Unconventional tuning of stringed instruments, particularly lutes or violins. Used @@ -7253,7 +7253,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: samoin. [Italian: @q{in the same manner}.] Performance direction: the music thus marked is to be played in the same manner (i.e. with the same articulations, dynamics, @@ -7274,7 +7274,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: kaksijakoinen tahtiosoitus. A meter in which the basic beat is subdivided in two: that is, a meter that does not include triplet subdivision of the beat. @@ -7616,7 +7616,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: kiihdyttäen, nopeuttaen. [Italian: @q{pressing}.] Pressing, urging, or hastening the time, as to a climax. @@ -7731,7 +7731,7 @@ D: auf G, auf der G-Saite, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: G-kielellä. Indicates that the indicated passage (or note) should be played on the G string. @@ -8147,7 +8147,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: transponoitava soitin. Instruments whose notated pitch is different from their sounded pitch. Except for those whose notated and sounding pitches differ by one or more octaves (to @@ -8488,7 +8488,7 @@ D: ?, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, -FI: ?. +FI: yksi kertauksen maaleista. [Italian: @q{time} (instance, not duration).] An ending, such as a first or second ending. LilyPond extends this idea to any number, and allows any text diff --git a/THANKS b/THANKS index ca33ef5a3a..8b80411c33 100644 --- a/THANKS +++ b/THANKS @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ TRANSLATORS Clytie Siddall Francisco Vila +Heikki Junes Jean-Charles Malahieude John Mandereau Nicolas Klutchnikoff -- 2.39.2